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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

ETVAX – the first oral vaccine for protection against traveller’s diarrhoea caused by ETEC


Der erste Schluckimpfstoff gegen enterotoxinbildende E. coli

Die enterotoxinbildenden Bakterien Escherichia Coli (ETEC) sind die Ursache der Reisediarrhöe, von der vor allem Menschen in Entwicklungsländern betroffen sind. ETEC werden über kontaminierte Lebensmittel oder Wasser übertragen, und derzeit gibt es keinen zugelassenen Impfstoff zur Prävention. Das schwedische Unternehmen Biopharma entwickelt einen oralen Impfstoff gegen die mit ETEC assoziierte Reisediarrhöe. Das Unternehmen arbeitet mit den weltweit führenden Fachleuten auf dem Gebiet der ETEC-Impfstoffforschung zusammen. Im Rahmen des EU-finanzierten Projekts ETVAX wird eine Phase-II-Impfstoffstudie durchgeführt, die es Biopharma ermöglicht, die notwendigen Schritte zur Vermarktung zu unternehmen. Die erfolgreiche Einführung des Impfstoffs wird die Zahl der Fälle von Reisediarrhöe bei Betroffenen und Menschen mit Reizdarmsyndrom oder anderen chronischen Krankheiten, die mit Reisediarrhöe in Verbindung stehen, verringern.


This project will perform a Phase II study of ETVAX – an oral vaccine against traveller’s diarrhoea (TD) caused by enterotoxigenic E. coli bacteria (ETEC). ETVAX has a strong potential to be the first vaccine with a full ETEC indication. TD caused by enterotoxigenic E. coli bacteria is the most common illness that affects travellers traveling in the developing
regions. Currently, there is no approved method for preventing TD.

Travellers are recommended to use off-label antibiotics such as Rifaximin or the cholera vaccine Dukoral to prevent TD. In business terms, there exists a strong business opportunity in developing and commercializing an effective and safe ETEC vaccine. Scandinavian Biopharma is the first SME positioned to capture this opportunity. The envisaged Phase II study will
allow Scandinavian Biopharma take the key step towards the commercialization of ETVAX.

The targeted users of are travellers visiting tropical and subtropical countries. Their number is forecasted to reach 190 million by 2020. Their key need is to prevent TD which can ruin a significant part of a vacation or a business trip. ETVAX will meet this needs by being safe, efficient and easy to use.

The project delivers an ultimate EU added value by offering the first ETEC vaccine with proven immunogenicity, safety and efficacy. From the scientific perspective, this means that the project fills the gap in the vaccine research on the EU and global level as no other efficient methods for prevention of TD have been proposed on the market to date. The introduction of ETVAX will ultimately decrease number of TD cases among travellers, decrease number of patients with irritable bowel syndrome or other chronic diseases connected to TD, as well as decrease healthcare costs and productivity losses on the EU level.

If successfully validated and accepted by regulatory bodies, ETVAX will take Scandinavian Biopharma to a new level of
competitiveness and growth.

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