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Real-time Early Detection and Alert System for Online Terrorist Content based on Natural Language Processing, Social Network Analysis, Artificial Intelligence and Complex Event Processing

Descrizione del progetto

Le tecnologie più recenti impiegate nella lotta al terrorismo

Il terrorismo è una minaccia crescente per la sicurezza globale e i metodi tradizionali per combatterlo si stanno rivelando sempre più inefficaci. La sfida per le forze dell’ordine è quella di raccogliere, elaborare e analizzare in modo rapido ed efficiente grandi quantità di dati online relativi ai gruppi terroristici. Tuttavia, le piattaforme dei social media inondate di dati non strutturati in più lingue rendono questo compito sempre più scoraggiante. In risposta, il progetto RED-Alert, finanziato dall’UE, riunirà strumenti di estrazione di dati e analisi predittiva con tecnologie all’avanguardia come l’elaborazione del linguaggio naturale, l’analisi semantica dei mezzi di comunicazione, l’analisi delle reti sociali, l’elaborazione di eventi complessi e l’intelligenza artificiale. Sostenuto da Europol, il progetto ha l’obiettivo di consentire alle forze dell’ordine di raccogliere, elaborare, visualizzare e archiviare i dati online relativi ai gruppi terroristici.


The RED-Alert project will bring data mining and predictive analytics tools to the next level, developing novel natural language processing (NLP), semantic media analysis (SMA), social network analysis (SNA), Complex Event Processing (CEP) and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. These technologies will be combined for the first time and validated by 6 law enforcement agencies (LEAs) to collect, process, visualize and store online data related to terrorist groups, allowing them to take coordinated action in real-time while preserving the privacy of citizens.
The RED-Alert solution will outperform state-of-the-art solutions in terms of number of languages supported, privacy-preserving capabilities, usability, detection performance, real-time capabilities and integration capabilities. The RED-Alert approach combines for the first time the CEP methodology with NLP/SMA and SNA applications in the context of social media data analytics, transforming (unstructured) social media data into (structured) events enhanced by semantic attributes. For example, a tweet will be an event consisting of content (expressed as NLP features e.g. concepts, sentiment, entities, etc.) and context (time and the author including SNA features e.g. number of followers, number of links, etc.). Turning unstructured social media data into structured events is key, as it allows the system to use (event) rules (event temporal logic, event logic patterns, even counting, absence of events) to infer insights or create alerts in real-time.
The project impact is supported by the participation of Europol and specific dissemination activities around the World Counter-Terrorism Summit, organized by one of the partners. The total requested EC funding is 5M Euros and the project duration 36 months.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 209 173,75
013685 Bucuresti

Mostra sulla mappa

Macroregiunea Trei Bucureşti-Ilfov Bucureşti
Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 209 173,75

Partecipanti (17)