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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Fodder for healthier animals and improved livestock production

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - HEALTHSTOCK (Fodder for healthier animals and improved livestock production)

Período documentado: 2017-11-01 hasta 2018-10-31

Healthstock project falls within the livestock feed market. The main problem that feedstock industry faces nowadays is that animals are so forced to grow that they have develop disproportionately big digestive systems to be capable to process the fodder. These overdeveloped organs are at the same time under-protected systems, more vulnerable to digestive diseases.
This deficit is counterbalanced by an extensive use of preventive drugs and antibiotics. Consequently, the animals suffer more, the producers spend more, the butchers obtain less and the consumer pays more for lower-quality drug-treated food thanks to this counter-nature situation.
In this framework, a big market opportunity appears for feed improvers. These products are mixed with the traditional feeding, improving animal health and by extension reducing the incidence of diseases.
Currently, there are two types of improvers in the market that complement the common animal feed and improve the digestibility of the feed producing benefits over the organism of the animal:

• Probiotics (based on living bacteria):
They have dominated the European market, with high potential activity but identified as additives by regulation (expensive trials are needed to demonstrate no negative impact) and with highly variable effectiveness due to stability drawbacks in storage.

• Fermented prebiotics(based on dead bacteria):
They have dominated the North American market. They don’t have the living bacteria drawbacks, however, they have less effectiveness than probiotics

PENTABIOL has developed and tested PROBISAN, a postbiotic improver (both probiotic and prebiotic effects) that overtakes the performance of any other animal feed improver in the market.
PROBISAN, is the product resulting from the fermentation process of a joint culture of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts.

Due to its behavior similar to those of a joint probiotic and prebiotic action, it greatly favors animal health, achieving the dual objective of enhancing the productive results of farms and reducing the application of medicines progressively.

The resulting microorganisms are linked to a plant substrate. After the intake of this substrate, it is when the action of the microorganisms in the digestive system begins, which is carried out in the form of metabolites (among others, organic acids such as lactic and acetic acid, and various vitamins of group B). These metabolites are generated during the successive liquid and solid, aerobic and anaerobic fermentations to which the product is subjected, which are able to inactivate by drying the initiating microorganisms in the last solid fermentation.

Its uniqueness, compared to similar products lies in its high efficiency determined by the fermentation process, since the set of microorganisms it contains, in addition to the positive effect on the metabolism, encourage the installation and growth of the microflora in the digestive tract of animals, regulating and stabilizing the conditions of digestion.

Its presentation and registration is in accordance with the current Regulation (EU) No. 68/2013 of the commission of January 16, 2013 on the catalog of raw materials for animal feed, in Glossary of treatments, point 28, where it details that fermented feed is the procedure in which microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi or yeasts are produced or used to act on the materials in order to promote a change in their composition / chemical properties.

As a part of the commercialisation plan to introduce and commercialise PROBISAN worldwide, this project aims to introduce PROBISAN in the global reference markets which will boost the introduction in the rest of the markets in a later stage of commercialisation after this project.

According to the commercialisation plan, the specific objectives and the work performed to achieve each one of them have been the following:

Objetive 1: Product
1.1 Product range development
Objetive 2: Promotion
2.1 Demonstration of effectiveness in the main global reference markets (Spain, Italy, Germany, Peru, United States, Morocco and China)
2.2 Communication and dissemination of the demonstration results among stakeholders
Objetive 3: Distribution
During this first year of the project, Pentabiol has developed a complete range of specialised products to meet the specific needs of different animals and requirements in different health status:
PROBISAN + for animal with deficiencies
1. PROBISAN SWINE DS-DI Sows and piglets
3. PROBISAN RUMINANTS VL Dairy producing/Growth and fattening
PROBISAN U for prevention and health promotion
1. PROBISAN U We keep on the original formule and use for as polyvalent product, for prevention and health promotion
2. PROBISAN UM To facilitate the intake by ruminants at very early ages and not having weaned receive food through mechanical wetting.
Pentatiol has been developing a series of farm trials with different livestocks: pigletes, sows, cattle and sheep in different locations in euroope, USA and China.
Preliminary results are proving the effectiveness in the different references of Probisan in the improvement of health status and the reduction in the need of medications.
All the results of those tests will be published in the Project webpage
Pentabiol has been presented in the MIHAS-HALAL Fair in Malaysia representing the European Commission and is a certified Halal product, which will ease its commercialization in specific market niches.
In the food market there is a great concern among consumers caused by the lack of knowledge of the origin of food and the side effects that certain types of products cause in people’s health.

Research has shown that the continuous intake of certain food products can lead to serious illnesses; even in some societies life expectancy has been reduced because of a poor diet.

Nowadays, in any type of food, whether vegetables, meat or precooked food, the consumer demands to know the origin, and above all, the treatment given to the products they are going to eat. To a large extent, the decision to purchase it or not is given by this factor.

This situation, in the field of animal feed, has caused the review of many aspects such as the conditions of animal shedding or the ban of some growth stimulators of hormone type, antibiotics or bactericides..

Thanks to its positive effect over animals health of Probisan, the need of preventive medications in farms will be smaller, producing healthier meat and dairy products and, therefore improving human health.
Label 4
Pentabiol in MIHAS-HALAL Fair in Malaysia_EU group
Label 2
Label 3
label 1
Pentabiol in MIHAS-HALAL Fair in Malaysia