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Second Language Tutoring using Social Robots

CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.

Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .


Specifications of interactions in storytelling domain

Report on the specifications on the storyboard, interactions, common ground and tablet display as completed in tasks T2.1, T2.3, T2.4 and T2.5 relevant to the storytelling domain.

State-of-the-art for multimodal output generation for educational robots

Report on the present state-of-the art for multimodal output generation for educational robots as based on T6.1 through to T6.3 in relation to other developments in education technologies.

Evaluation report number domain

Report on the L2TOR evaluation in all three countries for the number domain as specified in T7.1.

Interaction management for the storytelling domain

Report on interaction management; report and deployment of implementations completed in T5.6, and T5.7, evaluation results for T5.7 and the storytelling domain in T5.6

Integrated report and recommendations

Report developed as specified in T7.4

Lesson series for three domains

Report on the lesson series for each of the domains of number, space, and storytelling from task T1.1.

Input module for space domain

Report on input modalities; report and deployment of implementation and evaluations completed in T4.1 through to T4.6 relevant to the space domain.

Specifications of interactions in space domain

Report on the specifications on the storyboard, interactions and common ground as completed in tasks T2.1, T2.3 and T2.4 relevant to the space domain.

Minutes of second meeting with External Ethics Advisor

This second meeting the EEA will recommend on actions to approach the societal perception of tutoring robots and broader ethical recommendations, outcome of task T8.5.

Specifications of interactions for number domain

Report on the specifications on the storyboard, interactions and common ground as completed in tasks T2.1, T2.3 and T2.4 relevant to the number domain.

Output module for space domain

Report on output module for the space domain, as completed in tasks T6.2 to T6.3.

Interaction management for the space domain

Report on interaction management; report and deployment of implementations completed in T5.4, and T5.5, evaluation results for T5.4, T5.5, and for for the space domain in T5.6.

Minutes of first meeting with External Ethics Advisor

This meeting serves to establish recommendations by the EEA for the ethical implementation of L2TOR systems and methodologies, and management of societal expectations, outcome of task T8.5.

White paper for industrial stakeholders

Capturing the state of play in L2TOR, identifying market opportunities and low hanging fruit in social robots for language tutoring, as well as a description of design features to develop such robots. When appropriate, a preliminary report will be released at M18.

Evaluation report of L2TOR versus tablet

Report on the evaluation carried out in T7.2.

Open publication

Throughout the project publications, when no IPR conflict arises, will be made available through the website and online repositories according to the Open Access principles.

Input module for number domain

Report on input modalities; report and deployment of implementation and evaluations completed in T4.1, T4.2 and T4.6 relevant to the number domain.

Evaluation report storytelling domain

Report on the L2TOR evaluation in all three countries for the storytelling domain as specified in T7.1.

Semi-naturalistic observations of human tutoring

Report on semi-naturalistic observations from task T1.2.

Instruction manuals for parents and teachers

Manuals developed as specified in T7.3.

Output module for storytelling domain

Report on output module for the storytelling domain, as completed in tasks T6.2 to T6.3.

Input module for storytelling domain

Report on input modalities; report and deployment of implementation and evaluations completed in T4.1 through to T4.6 relevant to the storytelling domain.

Evaluation report space domain

Report on the L2TOR evaluation in all three countries for the space domain as specified in T7.1

State-of-the art in robotic sensing for education technology

Report on the present state-of-the art of the robot sensing sensing technologies as based on T4.1 through to T4.6 in relation to other developments in education technologies.

Interaction management for the number domain

Report on interaction management; report and deployment of implementations completed in T5.1, T5.2, T5.3 and T5.5, evaluation results for the number domain in T5.6.

Output module for number domain

Report on output module for number domain, as completed in tasks T6.1 to T6.3

Deployment of L2TOR in associated schools

Outcome of T7.5, demonstrator system for deployment in associate schools.


L2TOR website and intranet facility. Website will report on publications, results, media, etc throughout the project, with a distinct character for industry, the public and academia.


The Effect of a Robot's Gestures and Adaptive Tutoring on Children's Acquisition of Second Language Vocabularies

Auteurs: Jan de Wit, Thorsten Schodde, Bram Willemsen, Kirsten Bergmann, Mirjam de Haas, Stefan Kopp, Emiel Krahmer, Paul Vogt
Publié dans: Proceedings of the 2018 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction - HRI '18, 2018, Page(s) 50-58, ISBN 9781-450349536
Éditeur: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/3171221.3171277

How to manage affective state in child-robot tutoring interactions?

Auteurs: Thorsten Schodde, Laura Hoffmann, Stefan Kopp
Publié dans: 2017 International Conference on Companion Technology (ICCT), 2017, Page(s) 1-6, ISBN 978-1-5386-1160-9
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/COMPANION.2017.8287073

Social Psychology and Human-Robot Interaction - An Uneasy Marriage

Auteurs: Bahar Irfan, James Kennedy, Séverin Lemaignan, Fotios Papadopoulos, Emmanuel Senft, Tony Belpaeme
Publié dans: Companion of the 2018 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction - HRI '18, 2018, Page(s) 13-20, ISBN 9781-450356152
Éditeur: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/3173386.3173389

Observing human tutoring to develop robot-based language lessons.

Auteurs: Junko Kanero, Mirjam de Haas, Ezgi Mamus, Cansu Oranç, Rianne van den Berghe, Josje Verhagen, Ora Oudgenoeg-Paz, Kirsten Bergmann, Thorsten Schodde, Aylin C. Küntay,Tilbe Göksun, Paul Vogt
Publié dans: Symposium on Multimodal Communication 2017, 2017
Éditeur: NA

Investigating the Effects of a Robot Peer on L2 Word Learning

Auteurs: Rianne van den Berghe, Sanne van der Ven, Josje Verhagen, Ora Oudgenoeg-Paz, Fotios Papadopoulos, Paul Leseman
Publié dans: Companion of the 2018 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction - HRI '18, 2018, Page(s) 267-268, ISBN 9781-450356152
Éditeur: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/3173386.3176986

Continuous Multi-Modal Interaction Causes Human-Robot Alignment

Auteurs: Sebastian Wallkötter, Michael Joannou, Samuel Westlake, Tony Belpaeme
Publié dans: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Human Agent Interaction - HAI '17, 2017, Page(s) 375-379, ISBN 9781-450351133
Éditeur: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/3125739.3132599

A Robot Teaching Young Children a Second Language - The Effect of Multiple Interactions on Engagement and Performance

Auteurs: Emmy Rintjema, Rianne van den Berghe, Anne Kessels, Jan de Wit, Paul Vogt
Publié dans: Companion of the 2018 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction - HRI '18, 2018, Page(s) 219-220, ISBN 9781-450356152
Éditeur: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/3173386.3177059

Qualitative Review of Object Recognition Techniques for Tabletop Manipulation

Auteurs: Christopher D. Wallbridge, Séverin Lemaignan, Tony Belpaeme
Publié dans: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Human Agent Interaction - HAI '17, 2017, Page(s) 359-363, ISBN 9781-450351133
Éditeur: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/3125739.3132593

Heart vs hard drive: Children learn more from a human tutor than a social robot

Auteurs: James Kennedy, Paul Baxter, Emmanuel Senft, Tony Belpaeme
Publié dans: 2016 11th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 2016, Page(s) 451-452, ISBN 978-1-4673-8370-7
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/HRI.2016.7451801

How do robot gestures help second language learning?

Auteurs: Junko Kanero, Özlem Ece Demir-Lira, Sümeyye Koşkulu, Cansu Oranç, Idil Franko, Aylin C. Küntay, & Tilbe Göksun
Publié dans: EARLI SIG 5 Conference 2018 – Learning and Development in Early Childhood, 2018
Éditeur: EARLI

Social Robots for Language Learning

Auteurs: Rianne van den Berghe, Paul Vogt, Junko Kanero, Hanneke Leeuwestein, & Ora Oudgenoeg-Paz
Publié dans: EARLI SIG 5 Conference 2018 – Learning and Development in Early Childhood, 2018
Éditeur: EARLI

Personalized and multimodal interactions for second language tutoring using a social robot.

Auteurs: Paul Vogt, Bram Willemsen, Jan de Wit, Mirjam de Haas, & Emiel Krahmer.
Publié dans: EARLI SIG 5 Conference 2018 – Learning and Development in Early Childhood, 2018
Éditeur: EARLI

Multi-modal Open-Set Person Identification in HRI.

Auteurs: Bahar Irfan, Natalia Lyubova, Michael G. Ortiz, & Tony Belpaeme
Publié dans: Social Robots in the Wild workshop at HRI2018, 2018
Éditeur: ACM/IEEE

The effect of a robot peer on second language vocabulary learning gains.

Auteurs: Rianne van den Berghe, Sanne van der Ven, Josje Verhagen, Ora Oudgenoeg-Paz, Fotios Papadopoulos, & Paul Leseman
Publié dans: EARLI SIG 5 Conference 2018 – Learning and Development in Early Childhood, 2018
Éditeur: EARLI

Bilingual robots teaching L2 vocabulary to immigrant children.

Auteurs: Hanneke Leeuwestein, Marie Barking, Hande Sodaci, Rian Aarts, Jan de Wit, Ora Oudgenoeg-Paz, Josje Verhagen, & Paul Vogt
Publié dans: EARLI SIG 5 Conference 2018 – Learning and Development in Early Childhood, 2018
Éditeur: EARLI

Adaptive Robot Second Language Tutoring for Children

Auteurs: Thorsten Schodde, Stefan Kopp
Publié dans: Companion of the 2018 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction - HRI '18, 2018, Page(s) 317-318, ISBN 9781-450356152
Éditeur: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/3173386.3176906

Iconic gestures improve second language learning from a social robot.

Auteurs: Paul Vogt, Jan de Wit, Thorsten Schodde, Bram Willemsen, Kirsten Bergmann, Mirjam de Haas, Stefan Kopp, and Emiel Krahmer.
Publié dans: ISGS: International Society for Gesture Studies, 2018
Éditeur: NA

Adaptation and gestures in second language tutoring using social robots

Auteurs: Paul Vogt, Jan de Wit, Thorsten Schodde, Bram Willemsen, Kirsten Bergmann, Mirjam de Haas, Stefan Kopp, and Emiel Krahmer
Publié dans: Workshop on early literacy and (digital) media, 2017
Éditeur: NA

Using a Robot Peer to Encourage the Production of Spatial Concepts in a Second Language

Auteurs: Christopher D. Wallbridge, Rianne van den Berghe, Daniel Hernández Garcia, Junko Kanero, Séverin Lemaignan, Charlotte Edmunds, Tony Belpaeme
Publié dans: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction - HAI '18, 2018, Page(s) 54-60, ISBN 9781-450359535
Éditeur: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/3284432.3284433

Measuring Engagement Online in CRI

Auteurs: Pieter Wolfert, Mirjam de Haas, Paul Vogt & Pim Haselager
Publié dans: The Near Future of Children’s Robotics, IDC Workshop 2018, 2018
Éditeur: NA

Playful exploration of a robot’s gesture production and recognition abilities

Auteurs: Jan de Wit, Bram Willemsen, Mirjam de Haas, Pieter Wolfert, Paul Vogt & Emiel Krahmer
Publié dans: Workshop Gesture & Technology 2018, Warwick, 2018
Éditeur: NA

UNDERWORLDS: Cascading Situation Assessment for Robots

Auteurs: Séverin Lemaignan, Yoan Sallami, Christopher Wallbridge, Aurélie Clodic, Tony Belpaeme & Rachid Alami
Publié dans: 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2018
Éditeur: IEEE/RSJ

Robotların Jestler ve Geri Bildirim İle Okul Öncesi Dönemde İngilizce Eğitimine Katkıları

Auteurs: Sümeyye Koşkulu, Cansu Oranç, Junko Kanero, Tilbe Göksun, & Aylin C. Küntay
Publié dans: Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi, 2018
Éditeur: N.V.T.

Using gestures in L2 vocabulary teaching: Human or robot tutors?

Auteurs: Ö. Ece Demir-Lira, Junko Kanero, Cansu Oranç, Sümeyye Koşkulu, Idil Franko, Zeynep Adıgüzel, Orhun Uluşahin, Tilbe Göksun, & Aylin C. Küntay
Publié dans: The 43rd Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD), 2018
Éditeur: NA

Who can benefit from robots? Effects of individual differences in robot-assisted language learning.

Auteurs: Junko Kanero, Idil Franko, Cansu Oranç, Orhun Uluşahin, Sümeyye Koşkulu, Zeynep Adıgüzel, Aylin C. Küntay, & Tilbe Göksun
Publié dans: The 8th Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics, 2018
Éditeur: IEEE

Sosyal robotların jest kullanımının çocuklarda ikinci dil öğrenimine

Auteurs: Ö. Ece Demir-Lira, Cansu Oranç, Junko Kanero, Sümeyye Koşkulu, Idil Franko, Zeynep Adıgüzel, Tilbe Göksun, &, Aylin C. Küntay
Publié dans: Türkiye Robotbilim Konferansı (ToRK), 2018
Éditeur: NA

Spatial Referring Expressions in Child-Robot Interaction: Let’s Be Ambiguous!

Auteurs: Christopher D. Wallbridge, Séverin Lemaignan, Emmanuel Senft, Charlotte Edmunds & Tony Belpaeme
Publié dans: 4th Workshop on Robots for Learning (R4L) – Inclusive Learning @HRI 2018, 2018
Éditeur: NA

How Transparency can Foster Second Language Learning for (Some) Children

Auteurs: Laura Hoffmann, Sonja Stange, Thorsten Schodde & Stefan Kopp
Publié dans: When Robots Think – Interdisciplinary Views on Intelligent Automation Symposium, 2018
Éditeur: NA

Context-sensitive Natural Language Generation for robot-assisted second language tutoring.

Auteurs: Bram Willemsen, Jan de Wit, Emiel Krahmer, Mirjam de Haas, & Paul Vogt.
Publié dans: Proceedings of the Workshop on NLG for Human–Robot Interactio, 2018
Éditeur: Association for Computational Linguistics

Second Language Tutoring using Social Robots. A Large-Scale Study.

Auteurs: Paul Vogt, Rianne van den Berghe, Mirjam de Haas, Laura Hoffmann, Junko Kanero, Ezgi Mamus, Jean-Marc Montanier, Cansu Oranc, Ora Oudgenoeg-Paz, Daniel Hernandez Garcia, Fotios Papadopoulos, Thorsten Schodde, Josje Verhagen, Christopher D. Wallbridge, Bram Willemsen, Jan de Wit, Tony Belpaeme, Tilbe Göksun, Stefan Kopp, Emiel Krahmer, Aylin C. Küntay, Paul Leseman, and Amit Kumar Pandey
Publié dans: Proceedings of the 2019 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2019), 2019
Éditeur: ACM/IEEE

Second Language Tutoring using Social Robots: L2TOR – The Movie.

Auteurs: Paul Vogt, Rianne van den Berghe, Mirjam de Haas, Laura Hoffmann, Junko Kanero, Ezgi Mamus, Jean-Marc Montanier, Cansu Oranc, Ora Oudgenoeg-Paz, Daniel Hernandez Garcia, Fotios Papadopoulos, Thorsten Schodde, Josje Verhagen, Christopher D. Wallbridge, Bram Willemsen, Jan de Wit, Tony Belpaeme, Tilbe Göksun, Stefan Kopp, Emiel Krahmer, Aylin C. Küntay, Paul Leseman, and Amit Kumar Pandey
Publié dans: Companion Proceedings of the 2019 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2019), 2019
Éditeur: ACM/IEEE

Playing Charades with a Robot: Collecting a Large Dataset of Human Gestures Through HRI.

Auteurs: Jan de Wit, Bram Willemsen, Mirjam de Haas, Emiel Krahmer, Paul Vogt, Marije Merckens, Reinjet Oostdijk, Chani Savelberg, Sabine Verdult & Pieter Wolfert.
Publié dans: Companion Proceedings of the 2019 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2019), Late Breaking Reports, 2019
Éditeur: ACM/IEEE

The Effect of Age on Engagement in Preschoolers' Child-Robot Interactions

Auteurs: Peta Baxter, Chiara De Jong, Rian Aarts, Mirjam de Haas, Paul Vogt
Publié dans: Proceedings of the Companion of the 2017 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction - HRI '17, 2017, Page(s) 81-82, ISBN 9781-450348850
Éditeur: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/3029798.3038391

Workshop on Robots for Learning: R4L

Auteurs: Wafa Johal, Paul Vogt, James Kennedy, Mirjam de Haas, Ana Paiva, Ginevra Castellano, Sandra Okita, Fumihide Tanaka, Tony Belpaeme, and Pierre Dillenbourg
Publié dans: Proceedings of the Companion of the 2017 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI ’17), 2017
Éditeur: ACM

The Cautious Attitude of Teachers Towards Social Robots in Schools

Auteurs: James Kennedy, Séverin Lemaignan and Tony Belpaeme
Publié dans: Proceedings of the Robots 4 Learning Workshop, at RO-MAN 2016, 2016
Éditeur: NA

Exploring the Effect of Gestures and Adaptive Tutoring on Childrens Comprehension of L2 Vocabularies

Auteurs: Jan de Wit, Thorsten Schodde, Bram Willemsen, Kirsten Bergmann, Mirjam de Haas, Stefan Kopp, Emiel Krahmer, and Paul Vogt
Publié dans: Proceedings of the Workshop R4L, at ACM/IEEE HRI 2017, 2017
Éditeur: NA

The Effect of Repeating Tasks on Performance Levels in Mediated Child-Robot Interactions

Auteurs: Paul Baxter, James Kennedy, Emily Ashurst and Tony Belpaeme
Publié dans: Proceedings of the Robots 4 Learning Workshop, at RO-MAN 2016, 2016
Éditeur: NA

Word Learning through a Tablet or Real Objects: What Benefits Learning Most?

Auteurs: Rianne Vlaar, Josje Verhagen, Ora Oudgenoeg-Paz, and Paul Leseman
Publié dans: Proceedings of the Workshop R4L, at ACM/IEEE HRI 2017, 2017
Éditeur: NA

Child Speech Recognition in Human-Robot Interaction - Evaluations and Recommendations

Auteurs: James Kennedy, Séverin Lemaignan, Caroline Montassier, Pauline Lavalade, Bahar Irfan, Fotios Papadopoulos, Emmanuel Senft, Tony Belpaeme
Publié dans: Proceedings of the 2017 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction - HRI '17, 2017, Page(s) 82-90, ISBN 9781-450343367
Éditeur: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/2909824.3020229

Enhancing child-robot tutoring interactions with appropriate feedback

Auteurs: Mirjam de Haas, Paul Vogt and Emiel Krahmer
Publié dans: Proceedings of the Long-Term Child-Robot Interaction Workshop, at RO-MAN 2016, 2016
Éditeur: NA

From characterising three years of HRI to methodology and reporting recommendations

Auteurs: Paul Baxter, James Kennedy, Emmanuel Senft, Severin Lemaignan, Tony Belpaeme
Publié dans: 2016 11th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 2016, Page(s) 391-398, ISBN 978-1-4673-8370-7
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/HRI.2016.7451777

A Cautionary Note on Personality (Extroversion) Assessments in Child-Robot Interaction Studies

Auteurs: Paul Baxter and Tony Belpaeme
Publié dans: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Evaluating Child-Robot Interaction, at HRI’16, 2016
Éditeur: NA

Exploring Different Types of Feedback in Preschooler and Robot Interaction

Auteurs: Mirjam de Haas, Peta Baxter, Chiara de Jong, Emiel Krahmer, Paul Vogt
Publié dans: Proceedings of the Companion of the 2017 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction - HRI '17, 2017, Page(s) 127-128, ISBN 9781-450348850
Éditeur: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/3029798.3038433

L2 Teachers’ Verbal and Nonverbal Orchestration in Preschools: Implications for Educational Robots

Auteurs: Vasfiye Geçkin, Ezgi Mamus, Cansu Oranç, Junko Kanero, Aylin C. Küntay, & Tilbe Göksun
Publié dans: 18th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, 2017
Éditeur: European Association for Developmental Psychology

Adaptive Robot Language Tutoring Based on Bayesian Knowledge Tracing and Predictive Decision-Making

Auteurs: Thorsten Schodde, Kirsten Bergmann, Stefan Kopp
Publié dans: Proceedings of the 2017 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction - HRI '17, 2017, Page(s) 128-136, ISBN 9781-450343367
Éditeur: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/2909824.3020222

Development of spatial concepts in a second language: Can feedback defeat complexity?

Auteurs: Vasfiye Geçkin, Ezgi Mamus, Cansu Oranç, Başak Güven, Aylin C. Küntay, & Tilbe Göksun
Publié dans: Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, 2017
Éditeur: Society for Research in Child Development

Towards “Machine-Learnable” Child-Robot Interactions: the PInSoRo Dataset

Auteurs: Séverin Lemaignan, James Kennedy, Paul Baxter and Tony Belpaeme
Publié dans: Proceedings of the Long-Term Child-Robot Interaction Workshop, at RO-MAN 2016, 2016
Éditeur: NA

Social robot tutoring for child second language learning

Auteurs: James Kennedy, Paul Baxter, Emmanuel Senft and Tony Belpaeme
Publié dans: Proceedings of the 11th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI’16), 2016
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/HRI.2016.7451757

L2TOR – Second Language Tutoring using Social Robots

Auteurs: Tony Belpaeme, James Kennedy, Paul Baxter, Paul Vogt, Emiel J. Krahmer, Stefan Kopp, Kirsten Bergmann, Paul Leseman, Aylin C. Küntay, Tilbe Göksun, Amit K. Pandey, Rodolphe Gelin, Petra Koudelkova, and Tommy Deblieck
Publié dans: Proceedings of 1st Int. Workshop on Educational Robots, 2015
Éditeur: NA

Guidelines for Designing Social Robots as Second Language Tutors

Auteurs: Tony Belpaeme, Paul Vogt, Rianne van den Berghe, Kirsten Bergmann, Tilbe Göksun, Mirjam de Haas, Junko Kanero, James Kennedy, Aylin C. Küntay, Ora Oudgenoeg-Paz, Fotios Papadopoulos, Thorsten Schodde, Josje Verhagen, Christopher D. Wallbridge, Bram Willemsen, Jan de Wit, Vasfiye Geçkin, Laura Hoffmann, Stefan Kopp, Emiel Krahmer, Ezgi Mamus, Jean-Marc Montanier, Cansu Oranç, Amit Kumar Pandey
Publié dans: International Journal of Social Robotics, Numéro 10/3, 2018, Page(s) 325-341, ISSN 1875-4791
Éditeur: Springer Verlag
DOI: 10.1007/s12369-018-0467-6

Social Robots for Early Language Learning: Current Evidence and Future Directions

Auteurs: Junko Kanero, Vasfiye Geçkin, Cansu Oranç, Ezgi Mamus, Aylin C. Küntay, Tilbe Göksun
Publié dans: Child Development Perspectives, Numéro 12/3, 2018, Page(s) 146-151, ISSN 1750-8592
Éditeur: Wiley-Blackwell
DOI: 10.1111/cdep.12277

Social robots for education: A review

Auteurs: Tony Belpaeme, James Kennedy, Aditi Ramachandran, Brian Scassellati, Fumihide Tanaka
Publié dans: Science Robotics, Numéro 3/21, 2018, Page(s) eaat5954, ISSN 2470-9476
Éditeur: AAAS
DOI: 10.1126/scirobotics.aat5954

The PInSoRo dataset: Supporting the data-driven study of child-child and child-robot social dynamics

Auteurs: Séverin Lemaignan, Charlotte E. R. Edmunds, Emmanuel Senft, Tony Belpaeme
Publié dans: PLOS ONE, Numéro 13/10, 2018, Page(s) e0205999, ISSN 1932-6203
Éditeur: Public Library of Science
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0205999

Children conform, adults resist: A robot group induced peer pressure on normative social conformity

Auteurs: Anna-Lisa Vollmer, Robin Read, Dries Trippas, Tony Belpaeme
Publié dans: Science Robotics, Numéro 3/21, 2018, Page(s) eaat7111, ISSN 2470-9476
Éditeur: AAAS
DOI: 10.1126/scirobotics.aat7111

Social robots for language learning: A review.

Auteurs: Rianne van den Berghe, Josje Verhagen, Ora Oudgenoeg-Paz, Sanne van der Ven, & Paul Leseman
Publié dans: Review of Educational Research, 2018, ISSN 0034-6543
Éditeur: SAGE Publications

Survey of the State of the Art in Natural Language Generation: Core tasks, applications and evaluation

Auteurs: Albert Gatt, Emiel Krahmer
Publié dans: Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Numéro 61, 2018, Page(s) 65-170, ISSN 1076-9757
Éditeur: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc.
DOI: 10.1613/jair.5477

Nonverbal Immediacy as a Characterisation of Social Behaviour for Human–Robot Interaction

Auteurs: James Kennedy, Paul Baxter, Tony Belpaeme
Publié dans: International Journal of Social Robotics, Numéro 9/1, 2017, Page(s) 109-128, ISSN 1875-4791
Éditeur: Springer Verlag
DOI: 10.1007/s12369-016-0378-3

Robot education peers in a situated primary school study: Personalisation promotes child learning

Auteurs: Paul Baxter, Emily Ashurst, Robin Read, James Kennedy, Tony Belpaeme
Publié dans: PLOS ONE, Numéro 12/5, 2017, Page(s) e0178126, ISSN 1932-6203
Éditeur: Public Library of Science
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0178126

The Impact of Robot Tutor Nonverbal Social Behavior on Child Learning

Auteurs: James Kennedy, Paul Baxter, Tony Belpaeme
Publié dans: Frontiers in ICT, Numéro 4, 2017, ISSN 2297-198X
Éditeur: Frontiers
DOI: 10.3389/fict.2017.00006

Child-Robot Interactions for Second Language Tutoring to Preschool Children

Auteurs: Paul Vogt, Mirjam de Haas, Chiara de Jong, Peta Baxter, Emiel Krahmer
Publié dans: Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Numéro 11, 2017, ISSN 1662-5161
Éditeur: Frontiers Research Foundation
DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00073

The Free-play Sandbox: a Methodology for the Evaluation of Social Robotics and a Dataset of Social Interactions.

Auteurs: Severin Lemaignan, Charlotte Edmunds, Emmanuel Senft, & Tony Belpaeme
Publié dans: 2017
Éditeur: arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.02421

Taal leren met behulp van een sociale robot

Auteurs: Mirjam de Haas, Paul Vogt and Emiel Krahmer
Publié dans: DIXIT (Tijdschrift van de Nederlandse Organisatie voor Taal- en Spraaktechnologie), 2016
Éditeur: Nederlandse Organisatie voor Taal- en Spraaktechnologie

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