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Identifying the food cultures of ancient Europe: an interdisciplinary investigation of plant ingredients, culinary transformation and evolution through time


Cooking in Bronze Age northern Greece: an investigation of thermal structures

Author(s): Evanthia Papadopoulou, Sandra Prévost-Dermarkar, Anastasia Dimoula, Niki Chondrou, Soultana-Maria Valamoti
Published in: Cooking with plants in ancient Europe and beyond: interdisciplinary approaches to the archaeology of plant foods, 2022
Publisher: Sidestone Press

Plant ingredients archived with ArboDat - evaluating regional food preferences and changes from crop remains, using the new archaeobotanical database for Greece

Author(s): Soultana Maria Valamoti, Angela Kreuz, Chryssa Petridou, Angeliki Karathanou, Martha Kokkidou, Pavlos Lathiras, Stavroula Michou, Pelagia Paraskevopoulou, Hara Stylianakou
Published in: Cooking with plants in ancient Europe and beyond: interdisciplinary approaches to the archaeology of plant foods, 2022
Publisher: Sidestone Press

Cooking with cereals in the Early Bronze Age kitchens of Archondiko Giannitson (Northern Greece): an archaeobotanical investigation of phase IV (2135-2020 cal BC)

Author(s): Soultana Maria Valamoti, Chryssi Petridou
Published in: Cooking with plants in ancient Europe and beyond: interdisciplinary approaches to the archaeology of plant foods, 2022
Publisher: Sidestone press

Grinding and pounding in Early Neolithic Southeastern Europe: culinary preferences and social dimensions of plantfood processing

Author(s): Ismini Ninou, Nikos Efstratiou, Soultana-Maria Valamoti
Published in: Cooking with plants in ancient Europe and beyond: interdisciplinary approaches to the archaeology of plant foods, 2022
Publisher: Sidestone Press

Early viticulture in Neolithic and Bronze Age Greece: looking for the best traditional morphometric method to distinguish wild and domestic grape pips

Author(s): Vincent Bonhomme, Clémence Pagnoux, Laurent Bouby, Sarah Ivorra, Susan E. Allen, Soultana Maria Valamoti,
Published in: Cooking with plants in ancient Europe and beyond: interdisciplinary approaches to the archaeology of plant foods, 2022
Publisher: Sidestone Press

Grinding practices in prehistoric north and central Greece: evidence from the use-wear analysis

Author(s): Danai Chondrou, Maria Bofill, Haris Procopiou, RobertoVargiolu, Hassan Zahouani, Eleftheria Almasidou, Tasos Bekiaris, Ismini Ninou, Soultana Maria Valamoti
Published in: Cooking with plants in ancient Europe and beyond: interdisciplinary approaches to the archaeology of plant foods, 2022
Publisher: Sidestone Press

The daily grind. Investigating the contexts of food grinding practices and tools in the Neolithic of Southeastern Europe

Author(s): Tasos Bekiaris, Danai Chondrou, Ismini Ninou, Soultana-Maria Valamoti
Published in: Cooking with plants in ancient Europe and beyond: interdisciplinary approaches to the archaeology of plant foods, 2022
Publisher: Sidestone Press

Μαγειρικά αγγεία της Εποχής Χαλκού από το Αρχοντικό Γιαννιτσών και το Αγγελοχώρι Ημαθίας. Τεχνολογικά χαρακτηριστικά και ίχνη χρήσης

Author(s): Δημουλά, Α. Τσιρτσώνη, Ζ., Βούλγαρη, Ε., Στεφανή, Ε. & Σ.Μ. Βαλαμώτη.
Published in: Μυρρίνη: Μελέτες αιγαιακής αρχαιολογίας., 2022, ISBN 978-960-9621-46-5
Publisher: Έκδοση Αρχαιολογικού Μουσείου Θεσσαλονίκης

Brot oder nicht Brot — keine einfache Frage. Methodische Überlegungen zu verkohlten archäologischen Speiseresten und die Neubearbeitung von Funden aus dem gallo-römischen Gräberfeld von Wederath-Belginum

Author(s): Heiss, Andreas G.; Gail, Niki
Published in: Was aßen Kelten und Römer? Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Ernährung westlich des Rheins, Issue 2019, 2019, Page(s) 73–88, ISBN 978-3-9820-8080-2
Publisher: Archäologiepark Belginum
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7360536


Author(s): Popovtschak, Michaela; Heiss, Andreas G.; Stika, Hans-Peter
Published in: Brandbestattung und Bronzemetallurgie. Die Urnenfelderkultur in Niederösterreich (1300–800 v. Chr.), 2021, Page(s) 110–138
Publisher: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
DOI: 10.1553/978oeaw82764

Land management and food resources in Bronze Age Central Greece. Insights from archaeobotanical assemblages from the sites of Agia Paraskevi, Kynos and Mitrou (Phthiotida)

Author(s): Maria Ntinou, Angeliki Karathanou, Clemence Pagnoux, Soultana-Maria Valamoti
Published in: Cooking with plants in ancient Europe and beyond: interdisciplinary approaches to the archaeology of plant foods, 2022
Publisher: Sidestone Press

Cooking in progress: Evolution and diversity of cooking pottery in prehistoric Northern Greece and Bulgaria.

Author(s): Anastasia Dimoula, Zoi Tsirtsoni, Paraskevi Yiouni, Alexander Chohadzhiev, Pascal Darcque, Maria Ivanova, Chaido Koukouli-Chryssanthaki, Sofia Koulidou, Krassimir Leshtakov, Petar Leshtakov, Konstantinos Filis, Dimitria Malamidou, Nikos Merousis, Aikaterini Papanthimou, Vanya Petrova, Evangelia Stefani†, Nadezhda Todorova, Katerina Tzanavari, Evangelia Voulgari, Soultana Maria Valamoti
Published in: Cooking with plants in ancient Europe and beyond: interdisciplinary approaches to the archaeology of plant foods, 2022
Publisher: Sidestone Press

Woody Resources, Fuel, and Wood Use in the Late Minoan I Settlements at Mochlos, Papadiokampos, and Chryssi

Author(s): Maria Ntinou
Published in: KENTRO, Issue 24, 2021, Page(s) 17-21
Publisher: INSTAP Academic Press

Hornstaad Hörnle IA | Charred bread-like object [3D model]

Author(s): Heiss, Andreas G.; Kurtze, Christian; Gail, Niki
Published in: 2019
Publisher: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
DOI: 10.13140/rg.2.2.28590.87368

Sipplingen Osthafen | Charred bread-like object [3D model]

Author(s): Heiss, Andreas G.; Kurtze, Christian; Gail, Niki
Published in: 2019
Publisher: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
DOI: 10.13140/rg.2.2.14330.24009

"Mondsee, ""See"" | Charred bread-like object [3D model]"

Author(s): Heiss, Andreas G.; Kurtze, Christian; Gail, Niki
Published in: 2022
Publisher: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
DOI: 10.13140/rg.2.2.19624.03849

Ethnogrinding Database: A tool to collect and connect worldwide information on ethnological and ethnoarchaeological hand-milling systems

Author(s): Alonso Natàlia, Prats Georgina, Roustanis Themis, Tokmakides Panos, Valamoti Soultana-Maria
Published in: Journal of Lithic Studies, Issue 27, 2020, ISSN 2055-0472
Publisher: Lithic Studies Society

Fruitiers connus et cultivés en Grèce du Néolithique à l’époque romaine. Confrontation des données archéobotaniques et des sources écrites.

Author(s): Pagnoux, C.
Published in: ArcheoSciences, Issue 43-1, 2019, Page(s) 27-52, ISSN 2104-3728
Publisher: Open Edition Journal

Food processing ground stone tools in the greek Neolithic and Bronze Age. A synthesis of the published data

Author(s): Bekiaris, T., Chondrou, D, Ninou, I, Valamoti SM
Published in: Journal of Greek Archaeology, Issue Journal of Greek Archaeology 5 (2020), 2020, Page(s) 135–195, ISSN 2059-4682
Publisher: Archaeoress

How do you like your cereal?: A qualitative and quantitative use-wear analysis on archaeological grinding tools from prehistoric Greek sites

Author(s): Chondrou Danai, Bofill Maria, Procopiou Haris, Vargiolu Roberto, Zahouani Hassan, Valamoti Soultana-Maria
Published in: Wear, Issue 476, 2021, Page(s) 203636, ISSN 0043-1648
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.wear.2021.203636

Dig Out, Dig In! Plant-based diet at the Late Bronze Age copper production site of Prigglitz-Gasteil (Lower Austria) and the relevance of processed foodstuffs for the supply of Alpine Bronze Age miners

Author(s): Heiss, Andreas G.; Jakobitsch, Thorsten; Wiesinger, Silvia; Trebsche, Peter
Published in: PLOS ONE, Issue 16, 2021, ISSN 1932-6203
Publisher: Public Library of Science
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0248287

Ceramic Cooking Dishes in the Prehistoric Aegean: Variability and Uses

Author(s): Anastasia Dimoula, Zoe Tsirtsoni, Soultana Maria Valamoti
Published in: Hesperia, Issue 91, 2022, 2022, Page(s) 1-61, ISSN 0018-098X
Publisher: American School of Classical Studies

Processing plants for food: Experimental grinding within the ERC-project PLANTCULT

Author(s): Bofill, M., Chondrou, D., Palomo, A., Procopiou, H., & Valamoti, S.
Published in: Journal of Lithic Studies, Issue 7(3), 2020, ISSN 2055-0472
Publisher: University of Edinburgh
DOI: 10.2218/jls.3079

Experimental investigation of ceramic technology and plant food cooking in Neolithic northern Greece

Author(s): Anastasia Dimoula, Zoi Tsirtsoni, Paraskevi Yiouni, Ioannis Stagkidis, Maria Ntinou, Sandra Prevost-Dermarkar, Evanthia Papadopoulou, Soultana-Maria Valamoti
Published in: STAR: Science & Technology of Archaeological Research, Issue 5/2, 2019, Page(s) 269-286, ISSN 2054-8923
Publisher: Taylor and Francis
DOI: 10.1080/20548923.2020.1762370

Fusion cooking pots in the shadow of Mount Olympus: an integrated Mycenaean cooking pottery study

Author(s): Dimoula, Α., Koulidou, S., Tsirtsoni, Z. Standall, E., Craig, O. and S.M. Valamoti 2022
Published in: Journal of Greek Archaeology, 2022, ISSN 2059-4674
Publisher: Archaeopress

Prehistoric cereal foods of southeastern Europe: An archaeobotanical exploration

Author(s): Soultana Maria Valamoti, Elena Marinova, Andreas G.Heiss, Ivanka Hristova, Chryssa Petridou, Tzvetana Popova, Stavroul Michou, Lambrini Papadopoulou Panagiotis Chrysostomou, Pascal Darcque Dimitrios Grammenos Stanislav Iliev, Stavros Kotsos, Chaido Koukouli-Chrysanthaki, Krassimir Leshtakov, Dimitria Malamidou, Nikos Merousis, Vassil Nikolov, Krassimir Nikov, Κrastina Panayotova, Aikaterini Papan
Published in: Journal of Archaeological Science, Issue 104, 2019, Page(s) 97-113, ISSN 1095-9238
Publisher: Elsevier

Daily practices and special events: exploring grinding technologies at the two neighbouring settlements of Kleitos in Late\Final Neolithic northern Greece

Author(s): Chondrou D.
Published in: Documenta Prehistorica, Issue XLVII, 2020, ISSN 1854-2492
Publisher: Ljubljana University Press
DOI: 10.4312/dp.47.16

Plant foods, stone tools and food preparation in prehistoric Europe: an integrative approach in the context of ERC funded project PLANTCULT

Author(s): Valamoti S., Chondrou D., Bekiaris T., Ninou I., Alonso N., Bofill M., Ivanova M., Laparidou S., McNamee C., Palomo A., Papadopoulou L., Prats G., Procopiou H., Tsartsidou G.
Published in: Journal of Lithic Studies, Issue 7(3), 2020, Page(s) 21 p, ISSN 2055-0472
Publisher: University of Edinburgh
DOI: 10.2218/jls.3095

Mashes to Mashes, Crust to Crust. Presenting a novel microstructural marker for malting in the archaeological record

Author(s): Andreas G. Heiss, Marian Berihuete Azorín, Ferran Antolín, Lucy Kubiak-Martens, Elena Marinova, Elke K. Arendt, Costas G. Biliaderis, Hermann Kretschmer, Athina Lazaridou, Hans-Peter Stika, Martin Zarnkow, Masahiro Baba, Niels Bleicher, Krzysztof M. Ciałowicz, Marek Chłodnicki, Irenäus Matuschik, Helmut Schlichtherle, Soultana Maria Valamoti
Published in: PLOS ONE, Issue 15/5, 2020, Page(s) e0231696, ISSN 1932-6203
Publisher: Public Library of Science
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0231696

The oldest beer in central Europe? Take it with a pinch of… malt!

Author(s): Heiss, Andreas G.
Published in: The Science Breaker, Issue 7, 2021, ISSN 2571-9262
Publisher: The Science Breaker
DOI: 10.25250/thescbr.brk470

Deciphering ancient ‘recipes’ from charred cereal fragments: An integrated methodological approach using experimental, ethnographic and archaeological evidence

Author(s): Valamoti Soultana Maria, Petridou Chryssa, Berihuete-Azorín M, Stika H.-P, Papadopoulou Lamprini, Mimi Ioanna
Published in: Journal of Archaeological Science, Issue 128, 2021, Page(s) 105347, ISSN 0305-4403
Publisher: Academic Press

Local domestication or diffusion? Insights into viticulture in Greece from Neolithic to Archaic times, using geometric morphometric analyses of archaeological grape seeds

Author(s): Clémence Pagnoux, Laurent Bouby, Soultana Maria Valamoti, Vincent Bonhomme, Sarah Ivorra, Eugenia Gkatzogia, Angeliki Karathanou, Dimitra Kotsachristou, Helmut Kroll, Jean-Frédéric Terral
Published in: Journal of Archaeological Science, Issue Volume 125, January 2021, 105263, 2020, ISSN 0305-4403
Publisher: Academic Press
DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2020.105263

Did Greek colonisation bring olive growing to the north? An integrated archaeobotanical investigation of the spread of Olea europaea in Greece from the 7th to the 1st millennium bc

Author(s): Soultana Maria Valamoti, Eugenia Gkatzogia, Maria Ntinou
Published in: Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 2017, ISSN 0939-6314
Publisher: Springer Verlag
DOI: 10.1007/s00334-017-0631-1

Inside sacrificial cakes: plant components and production processes of food offerings at the Demeter and Persephone sanctuary of Monte Papalucio (Oria, southern Italy)

Author(s): Milena Primavera, Andreas G. Heiss, Maria S. Valamoti, Gianni Quarta, Maurizio Masieri, Girolamo Fiorentino
Published in: Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, Issue 11 (4), 2018, Page(s) 1273–1287, ISSN 1866-9557
Publisher: Springer Verlag
DOI: 10.1007/s12520-018-0605-y

Brewing beer in wine country? First archaeobotanical indications for beer making in Early and Middle Bronze Age Greece

Author(s): Soultana Maria Valamoti
Published in: Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, Issue 27/4, 2018, Page(s) 611-625, ISSN 0939-6314
Publisher: Springer Verlag
DOI: 10.1007/s00334-017-0661-8

Grinding cereals and pulses in the Neolithic site of Kleitos: an experimental investigation of microconglomerate grinding equipment, final products and use wear

Author(s): D. Chondrou, S. M. Valamoti, H. Procopiou, L. Papadopoulou
Published in: Journal of Greek Archaeology, Issue 3, 2018, 2018, Page(s) 23-45, ISSN 2059-4682
Publisher: Archaeopress

The Hoard of the Rings. “Odd” annular bread-like objects as a case study for cereal-product diversity at the Late Bronze Age hillfort site of Stillfried (Lower Austria)

Author(s): Andreas G. Heiss, Ferran Antolín, Marian Berihuete Azorín, Benedikt Biederer, Rudolf Erlach, Niki Gail, Monika Griebl, Robert Linke, Michaela Lochner, Elena Marinova, Daniel Oberndorfer, Hans-Peter Stika, Soultana Maria Valamoti
Published in: PLOS ONE, Issue 14/6, 2019, Page(s) e0216907, ISSN 1932-6203
Publisher: Public Library of Science
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0216907

State of the (t)art. Analytical approaches in the investigation of components and production traits of archaeological bread-like objects, applied to two finds from the Neolithic lakeshore settlement Parkhaus Opéra (Zürich, Switzerland)

Author(s): Andreas G. Heiss, Ferran Antolín, Niels Bleicher, Christian Harb, Stefanie Jacomet, Marlu Kühn, Elena Marinova, Hans-Peter Stika, Soultana Maria Valamoti
Published in: PLOS ONE, Issue 12/8, 2017, Page(s) e0182401, ISSN 1932-6203
Publisher: Public Library of Science
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0182401

The PLANTCULT Project: identifying the plant food cultures of ancient Europe

Author(s): Soultana-Maria Valamoti, Stefanie Jacomet, Hans-Peter Stika, Andreas G. Heiss
Published in: Antiquity, Issue 91/358, 2017, Page(s) e9, ISSN 0003-598X
Publisher: Antiquity Publications Ltd.
DOI: 10.15184/aqy.2017.130

Food-processing ground stone tools in the Greek Neolithic and Bronze Age: A synthesis of the published data

Author(s): Anastasios Bekiaris, Danai Chondrou, Ismini Ninou, Soultana Maria Valamoti
Published in: Journal of Greek Archaeology, Issue 20594674, 2020, Page(s) 135-195, ISSN 2059-4674
Publisher: Archaeopress
DOI: 10.32028/9781789697926-4

Distinguishing ripe spelt from processed green spelt (Grünkern) grains: Methodological aspects and the case of early La Tène Hochdorf (Vaihingen a.d. Enz, Germany)

Author(s): Marian Berihuete-Azorín, Hans-Peter Stika, Moritz Hallama, Soultana Maria Valamoti
Published in: Journal of Archaeological Science, Issue 118, 2020, Page(s) 105143, ISSN 0305-4403
Publisher: Academic Press
DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2020.105143

Contribution à l’histoire de la boulangerie romaine : étude de « pains/galettes » archéologiques découverts en Gaule

Author(s): Heiss, Andreas G.; Matterne, Véronique; Monteix, Nicolas; Noûs, Camille
Published in: Gallia, Issue 78, 2022, Page(s) 261–296, ISSN 0016-4119
Publisher: Presses Universitaires de France
DOI: 10.4000/gallia.6298

Ceramic Cooking Dishes in the Prehistoric Aegean: Variability and Uses

Author(s): Dimoula, A., Tsirtsoni, Z., and Valamoti, S.M.
Published in: Hesperia: The Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Issue 91, 2022, Page(s) 1-61, ISSN 0018-098X
Publisher: American School of Classical Studies

Malz im Pfahlbau

Author(s): Heiss, Andreas G.; Marinova, Elena; Berihuete-Azorín, Marian
Published in: Archäologie in Deutschland, Issue 2021, 2021, Page(s) 30-33, ISSN 0176-8522
Publisher: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7389539

Plant food remains from prehistoric Greece: first insights from Archondiko first insights from Archondiko

Author(s): Petridou, Ch
Published in: Bulgarian e-Journal of Archaeology, Issue 7, 2019, Page(s) 211–220, ISSN 1314-5088
Publisher: Association of Bulgarian Archaeologists

Recognizing archaeological food remains: archaeobotanical case studies from Bulgaria

Author(s): Hristova I., Marinova E., Heiss A. G., Papadopoulou L., Nikolov V., Popov H., Iliev S. & Valamoti S. M.
Published in: Bulgarian e-Journal of Archaeology, Issue 9, 2019, ISSN 1314-5088
Publisher: Association of Bulgarian Archaeologists

More than meets the eye: new archaeobotanical evidence on Bronze Age viticulture and wine making in the Peloponnese, Greece

Author(s): Soultana Maria Valamoti, Clémence Pagnoux, Maria Ntinou, Laurent Bouby, Vincent Bonhomme, Jean-Frederic Terral
Published in: Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, Issue 29/1, 2020, Page(s) 35-50, ISSN 0939-6314
Publisher: Springer Verlag
DOI: 10.1007/s00334-019-00733-6

“Fresh from the Oven”: experiments on Triticum spelta and a protocol for carbonising specimens for archaeobotanical comparison collections

Author(s): Marian Berihuete-Azorín, Hans-Peter Stika, Anna Bourliva, Lambrini Papadopoulou, Soultana-Maria Valamoti
Published in: Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Issue 26, 2019, Page(s) 101865, ISSN 2352-409X
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2019.05.030

Breadmaking Based on Ancient Practices and Plant Ingredients, with Implementation of a Physicochemical Approach

Author(s): Sereti, V.; Lazaridou, A.; Biliaderis, C.G.; Valamoti, S.M.
Published in: Foods, Issue 10, 2021, Page(s) 10(4):789, ISSN 2304-8158
Publisher: MDPI

Bronze Age food diversity: ceci n’est pas un bagel

Author(s): Heiss, Andreas G.
Published in: The Science Breaker, Issue 6, 2020, ISSN 2571-9262
Publisher: The Science Breaker
DOI: 10.25250/thescbr.brk333

Plant Foods of Greece: A Culinary Journey to the Neolithic and Bronze Ages

Author(s): Soultana Maria Valamoti
Published in: 2023, ISBN 9780817321598
Publisher: University of Alabama Press

Cooking with Plants in Ancient Europe and Beyond

Author(s): Soultana Maria Valamoti, Anastasia Dimoula, Maria Ntinou
Published in: 2022, ISBN 9789464270334

Food Crops of Ancient Greek Cuisine: an archaeobotanical and textual study

Author(s): Soultana Maria Valamoti, Vasileios Fyntikoglou, Konstantinos Symponis
Published in: 2022, ISBN 978-960-12-2588-3
Publisher: University Studio Press

Mensch-Umwelt-Verhältnis in historischen Gesellschaften

Author(s): Heiss, Andreas G.; Festi, Daniela; Galik, Alfred; Jakobitsch, Thorsten; Karakaya, Doğa; Mandl, Kirsten; Nikolaidou, Dafni; Srienc-Ściesiek, Magdalena; Weiss-Krejci, Estella; Wiesinger, Silvia
Published in: Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut Jahresbericht, Issue 2021, 2022, Page(s) 113–121, ISSN 2309-1207
Publisher: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
DOI: 10.1553/oeai.report2021

Analyse prähistorischer Brot-/Breireste aus Mitteleuropa hinsichtlich ihrer Zutaten und Herstellungsweisen

Author(s): Heiss, Andreas G.; Kurtze, Christian; Gail, Niki; Oberndorfer, Daniel
Published in: Wissenschaftlicher Jahresbericht des Österreichischen Archäologischen Instituts, Issue 2019, 2020, ISSN 2309-1207
Publisher: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften


Author(s): Heiss, Andreas G.
Published in: Wissenschaftlicher Jahresbericht des Österreichischen Archäologischen Instituts, Issue 2016, 2017, Page(s) 86–87, ISSN 2309-1207
Publisher: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften

PLANTCULT: Analyse prähistorischer Brot-/Breireste aus Mitteleuropa hinsichtlichihrer Zutaten und Herstellungsweisen

Author(s): Heiss, Andreas G.
Published in: Wissenschaftlicher Jahresbericht des Österreichischen Archäologischen Instituts, Issue 2017, 2017, Page(s) 95-96, ISSN 2309-1207
Publisher: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften

The Department for Bioarchaeology at the Austrian Archaeological Institute (ÖAI), Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)

Author(s): Heiss, Andreas G.; Galik, Alfred; Gamble, Michelle; Srienc, Magdalena; Ladstätter, Sabine
Published in: Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica, Issue 10, 2019, Page(s) 167–175, ISSN 2336-1220
Publisher: Archaeological Centre Olomouc
DOI: 10.24916/iansa.2019.2.6

Analyse und Interpretation archäologischer Speisereste als Beiträge zur kulinarischen Archäologie

Author(s): Heiss, Andreas G.
Published in: Wissenschaftlicher Jahresbericht des Österreichischen Archäologischen Instituts, Issue 2020, 2021, Page(s) 87–88, ISSN 2309-1207
Publisher: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften

Grinding technologies in the Bronze Age of Northern Greece

Author(s): Bekiaris, T. Papadopoulou, L. Stergiou C.L. Valamoti S,M.
Published in: Proceedings of the 3rd Meeting of the Association of Ground Stone Tools Research, 2022, ISBN 9781789694789
Publisher: Archaeopress

Alcoholic drinks of prehistoric Europe. Exploring the archaeobotanical evidence from the Aegean to Central Europe in the context of ERC project PlantCult

Author(s): Valamoti S.M., Stika, H-P
Published in: In: Philipp W. Stockhammer/Janine Fries-Knoblach (Hrsg.), Was tranken die frühen Kelten? Bedeutungen und Funktionen mediterraner Importe im früheisenzeitlichen Mitteleuropa.InternationaleKonferenz, KlosterWeltenburg, 28.04.-01.05.2017. BEFIM 1 (Leiden), 2019, ISBN 978-90-8890-614-5
Publisher: Sidestone Press

Molienda experimental en el marco del proyecto ERC PlantCult

Author(s): Maria Bofill, Antoni Palomo, Danai Chondrou, Harris Procopiou,Soultana Maria Valamoti
Published in: EXPERIMENTAL ARCHAEOLOGY: FROM RESEARCH TO SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Vth International Congress of Experimental Archaeology 25th-27th October, 2017, 2018
Publisher: Butlletí Arqueològic

Mapping life-cycles: exploring grinding technologies and the use of space at Late/Final Neolithic Kleitos, northern Greece

Author(s): Chondrou, Danai, Valamoti, Soultana Maria
Published in: Proceedings of the 3rd Meeting of the Association of Ground Stone Tools Research, 2021
Publisher: Archaeopress

Fifty Shapes of Grain. New archaeobotanical approaches towards charred finds of processed cereal-based foods. I. Rahmenschrift and Original Papers [habilitation thesis]

Author(s): Heiss Andreas G.
Published in: 2019
Publisher: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU)
DOI: 10.13140/rg.2.2.23285.19682

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