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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Needs Tailored Interoperable Railway


Confidentiality policy and agreements

Supporting agreements to enable Task 61

Societal and legal effects of transport decision: Stakeholder analysis.

Report on the output of Task 5.1

Development of technology for track and ride quality monitoring

Report on progress in Task 42

Cost/benefit data and application methodology for lean in railway S&C

Reporting output of Task 231

Lubrication systems and data available, with estimates of costs and benefits

Reporting output of Task 251

Preliminary transition zone model and detailed modelling plan

Reporting output of Task 261

Final business case synthesis final report

Reporting output of Task 1.6

Low cost track based monitoring modules for plain line and S&C.

Report on the output of Task 41

Incentives final report

Reporting output of Task 15

Database of economic data on case study lines, with accompanying meta-data description to document structure

Achievement, problems, mitigation action, and any deviations in creation of the database of economic data. Sample data to be appended.

Model to support increasing the resilience of power supply infrastructure to changing climate.

Report on the output of Task 3.2

Interface definition for input of GNSS (or ground-based train odometry) location data to monitoring technology.

Report on output of Task 44

Development status of smartphone technology for track and ride quality monitoring.

Report on progress in Task 4.3

Status report on current design & maintenance criteria relative to needs, static illustration for case study lines

Report on the output of Task 65

Harmonised interface to transmit on-board monitoring data to the traffic control centre.

Report on output of Task 44

Corrugation reduction strategies for NeTIRail-INFRA track types, with estimates of costs and benefits

Reporting output of Task 2.4.1

Practices and track technology tailored to particular lines.

Reporting the output of Task 22

Overview of technical developments and innovation with direct or possible future expected impact on existing guidelines.

Reporting output of Task 75

Low cost smartphone based track and ride quality monitoring technology.

Report on output of Task 43

Project Management Plan.

Generated in work package 8

Project Website (public and private)

Achievement, problems, mitigation action, and any deviations in creation of the project website. Sample of website to be appended.

Report on selection of case studies

Report on selection of case studies generated by T11

Tailoring lubrication to duty and climate: Safe, effective and eco-friendly avoidance of track wear and damage

Reporting output of Task 252

Decision support tools for implementation of technologies

Achievement, problems, mitigation action, and any deviations in creation of the decision support tools in Task 6.3. Sample of tool to be appended.

Cost and User benefit report

Reporting output of Task 13

Data report on network-related technical and operational data

Report on the output of Task 61

Tailoring track to avoid corrugations: Traffic dependant selection of rail cross-section, clips and pads to avoid or delay corrugation

Reporting output of Task 2.4.2

Modular packages of component grades and design specifications for new installations of power infrastructure tailored to traffic and operational needs.

Report on the output of Task 33

Cost effective transition zone design tailored to line type and traffic

Report on output of Task 2.6.2

Wider economic benefits intermediate report

Reporting output of Task 14

Cost-benefit and societal analysis report illustrated by case study line data

Report on the output of Task 6.4

Tailored decision support for track and vehicle maintenance through conversion of data to information.

Report on output of Task 4.5

Project Quality Plan

Generated in work package 8

Cost model development report

Reporting output of Task 13

Data on system damage for different combinations of wire tension, pantograph collector strip material and upload force.

Report on the output of Task 3.5

Validated monitoring equipment produced by testing of instrumentation in the real environment.

Report on output of Task 46

Data collection equipment in the laboratory environment, and plan for field trials

Report on the output of Task 41

Overview of project related recommended future development needs.

Reporting output of Task 76

Tailored combinations of wire tension, pantograph collector strip material and upload force for optimum performance.

Report on the output of Task 34

Wider economic benefits final report.

Reporting output of Task 1.4

Balancing societal effects and cost-benefit of different infrastructure decisions.

Report on the output of Task 5.3

Track and ride quality monitoring technology based on train-borne measurements in standard vehicles.

Report on output of Task 42

Analysis of “big data”: geospatial analysis of costs, drivers of failure and life of track infrastructure.

Reporting output of Task 21

Analysis of “big data”: tailoring overhead line infrastructure specification and needs through geospatial analysis of duty and life of equipment.

Report on the output of Task 32

Power supply technologies and practices of low and high-density railways, identifying learning points and future opportunities.

Report on output of Task 31

Perception of different service options: User study and data analysis

Report on the output of Task 52

Case study line data scenarios playable in the web application

Report on output of Task 64

GIS-based web application

Achievement, problems, mitigation action, and any deviations in creation of the GIS-based web application in Task 6.2. Sample of application to be appended.

Application of lean and automotive industry techniques to produce a step change in railway S&C life and costs

Reporting output of Task 2.3.2

Functional, operational and technical specification for simplified interlocking of user autonomous switches in low density lines.

Report on achievement problems mitigation action and any deviations from expectations in demonstration of equipment designed in Task 44

NeTIRail-INFRA Newsletters (3 issues)

Project communications and publicity. Three issues: Month 12, 24, 36.

Project Flyer

Project communications and publicity

NeTIRail-INFRA Final brochure

Project communications and publicity


Robust and Predictive Fuzzy Key Performance Indicators for Condition-Based Treatment of Squats in Railway Infrastructures

Autoren: Ali Jamshidi, Alfredo Núñez, Rolf Dollevoet, Zili Li
Veröffentlicht in: Journal of Infrastructure Systems, Ausgabe 23/3, 2017, Seite(n) 04017006, ISSN 1076-0342
Herausgeber: American Society of Civil Engineers
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)IS.1943-555X.0000357

Pareto-based maintenance decisions for regional railways with uncertain weld conditions using the Hilbert spectrum of axle box acceleration

Autoren: Alfredo Nunez, Ali Jamshidi, Hongrui Wang
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2018, Seite(n) 1-1, ISSN 1551-3203
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/TII.2018.2847736

New Insights into the Short Pitch Corrugation Enigma Based on 3D-FE Coupled Dynamic Vehicle-Track Modeling of Frictional Rolling Contact

Autoren: Shaoguang Li, Zili Li, Alfredo Núñez, Rolf Dollevoet
Veröffentlicht in: Applied Sciences, Ausgabe 7/8, 2017, Seite(n) 807, ISSN 2076-3417
Herausgeber: Applied Sciences
DOI: 10.3390/app7080807

Sensitivity Analysis of Railpad Parameters on Vertical Railway Track Dynamics

Autoren: Maider Oregui, Alfredo Núñez, Rolf Dollevoet, Zili Li
Veröffentlicht in: Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Ausgabe 143/5, 2017, Seite(n) 04017011, ISSN 0733-9399
Herausgeber: American Society of Civil Engineers
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0001207

A condition-based maintenance methodology for rails in regional railway networks using evolutionary multiobjective optimization: Case study line Braşov to Zărneşti in Romania

Autoren: A. Nunez, TU Delft
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE WCCI 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2018
Herausgeber: IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence

Track access charges: reconciling conflicting objectives. Case Study – Great Britain

Autoren: Prof. Andrew Smith, University of Leeds Prof. Chris Nash, CERRE & University of Leed
Veröffentlicht in:, 2018
Herausgeber: Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE) a.s.b.l.

Rail condition monitoring using axle box acceleration measurements: defect detection in the Netherlands and Romania

Autoren: A. Nunez, TU Delft
Veröffentlicht in: World Transport Convention 2018, 2018
Herausgeber: World Transport Convention 2018

Estimating Marginal Wear and Tear Costs: Econometric Methods and Evidence

Autoren: Andrew Smith, University of Leeds
Veröffentlicht in: ResearchGate, 2018
Herausgeber: ResearchGate

Influencing factors for condition-based maintenance in railway tracks using knowledge-based approach

Autoren: Jamshidi, A.; Hajizadeh, S.; Naeimi, M.; Nunez Vicencio, Alfredo; Li, Z.
Veröffentlicht in: 1st International Conference on Rail Transportation: ICRT2017, Ausgabe 1, 2017
Herausgeber: First International Conference on Rail Transportation

A survey of lubrication techniques of railway switches and crossings

Autoren: LIU, Baisi; GHAZEL, Mohamed
Veröffentlicht in: Railway Engineering-2017, Edinburgh, Ausgabe 1, 2017
Herausgeber: Railway Engineering-2017

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