This project will focus on the preclinical development of a DNA vaccine for human visceral leishmaniasis. The project is based upon the DNA vaccine technology and immunomodulators developed at Mologen AG (Berlin, Germany), which are in clinical development for cancer and 3-5 known antigens that already have demonstrated profiles of protection in animal models of leishmaniasis. Antigens will be selected on the basis of preset criteria to assure protection in high proportion of target populations and against many different species of Leishmania. In vitro and in vivo models will be used to evaluate the prophylactic and therapeutic efficacy of the DNA vehicle with selected antigens alone and in combination with and without immunomodulator. Full toxicology studies will be performed on selected candidate vaccines. Training in preclinical development and clinical trials (ICH-GCP) are an important part of the proposal. Sites will be selected and ready to initiate clinical trials at the end of this project (3 years).
Ámbito científico
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Convocatoria de propuestas
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CP-SICA - Collaborative project for specific cooperation actions dedicated to international cooperation partner countries (SICA)Coordinador
WC1E 7HT London
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