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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Propulsion Of Ships with E-Methanol In favour of the Decarbonisation Of Naval transport

Descrizione del progetto

Dimostrare il metanolo sintetico come carburante per la decarbonizzazione del trasporto marittimo

Il metanolo sintetico è un combustibile promettente per l’industria navale, in quanto dispone del potenziale per ridurre significativamente le emissioni di gas serra generate da questo settore. Tuttavia, è necessario condurre ulteriori ricerche sulle tecnologie innovative per la sua produzione e sull’implementazione efficiente dell’intera catena del valore di questa sostanza. Il progetto POSEIDON, finanziato dall’UE, mira a colmare tale lacuna sviluppando e testando diverse soluzioni volte a creare catene del valore completamente nuove, dalla materia prima ai motori delle navi. Il progetto valuterà due percorsi complementari di valorizzazione della CO2 e svilupperà una tecnologia innovativa di «alimentazione a metanolo sintetico», che sarà dimostrata su una piattaforma di prova. Infine, il carburante prodotto sarà collaudato nei motori delle navi e il progetto getterà le basi per l’implementazione della sua catena del valore presso i principali porti dell’UE.


The POSEIDON project aims to facilitate the use of e-methanol as e-fuel in shipping by demonstrating innovative solutions along the value chain steps: 1. two complementary CO2 valorisation routes – biogenic CO2 from a biogas plant and industrial plant from a lime plant will be investigated, 2. A new hybrid TRL7 power-to-e-methanol technology will be built and demonstrated within a test platform allowing to re-create real case studies conditions, 3. The produced e-fuel will be tested in 2- and 4-stroke engines at testing facilities and in a pilot boat in open sea to confirm its applicability. The project will also pave the way for the future implementation of e-methanol value chains in the port areas of Valencia and Thessaloniki. Communities of practice gathering project partners and external local stakeholders interested in the e-fuel transition will be created. These communities will strengthen collaboration, raise awareness of the potentials and benefits of renewable e-fuels, help members share their vision and discuss requirements and challenges. This will be supported by detailed case study assessment: extensive tests will be performed in a Power-to-X test platform and simulations enabling to evaluate environmental, economic and social mid-term to long-term impacts will be carried out. Market studies and business modelling activities will be done to have a clear view of the deployment potential at EU level. To foster market uptake, an EU deployment roadmap and a replication tool allowing external stakeholders to conduct their own pre-feasibility assessment will be developed. A public project guidebook outlining the main key exploitable results and policy recommendations will be published. To achieve all these results, the project will build upon the wide expertise of its 19 partners. The consortium consists of a well-balanced team of industrial partners (8), research partners (5), business support organisations (2), ports (2), an association and a public agency.

Meccanismo di finanziamento

HORIZON-IA - HORIZON Innovation Actions


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 310 000,00
76131 Karlsruhe

Mostra sulla mappa

Baden-Württemberg Karlsruhe Karlsruhe, Stadtkreis
Tipo di attività
Research Organisations
Costo totale
€ 1 310 000,00

Partecipanti (17)

Partner (1)