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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Building Green and Climate Neutral City-Hubs


Unterstützung von Städten im Bemühen um CO2-Neutralität

Im Einklang mit der Mission „Klimaneutrale und intelligente Städte“ des Programms Horizont Europa testet das EU-finanzierte Projekt CLIMABOROUGH die Konzepte ClimHub, Climate Sandbox und Climate Service in der Praxis, um europäische Städte zu unterstützen, bis 2030 CO2-Neutralität zu erreichen. Schwerpunkt ist die Optimierung herkömmlicher Ansätze der Stadt- und Raumplanung durch innovative Beschaffung. Neben der Verbesserung eines offenen Instrumentariums für bessere Anpassung an den Klimawandel in Städten wird das Projekt auch den Austausch experimenteller bewährter Verfahren, Erfahrungen und gewonnener Erkenntnisse fördern. So entwickelt das Projekt etwa eine ehrgeizige Kommunikationsstrategie für CO2-Neutralität, um das Wissen lokaler Interessengruppen zu nutzen, und wird mittels Prototypen die Transformation erleichtern. Acht führende Städte werden vier weitere Städte dabei unterstützen, die von ihnen entwickelten Dienste ebenfalls umzusetzen.


CLIMABOROUGH is an Innovation project designed to field test the ClimHub, Climate Sandbox and Climate Service concepts within 12 European Cities engaged in their ecological and digital transition. The project aims to enhance traditional urban and spatial planning approaches through data and knowledge based decision making (including a possible new role for GIS - Geographic Information Systems), including climate services co-production for transitions, cross-city and cross-country pilot co-creation as well as the tactical use of public procurement of innovative solutions. The goal is not just to enhance an open set of tools leveraging climate transition in cities, but also to boost the exchange of experimental good practices, experiences and lessons learnt in this field, to help cities meet climate neutrality by 2050. This will be achieved by the following expected results: (A) building ClimHubs of Cities and solution providers to work on experimentations in real conditions, (B) harnessing the collective intelligence of local stakeholders for collaborative solution development, (C) defining Climate Services as a model strategy to use data and visualisation tools for climate transition, (D) field testing the Climate Sandbox concept as a way to prioritise and facilitate transformation of successfully deployed prototypes into established solutions for climate adaptation and mitigation in cities, and (E) monitoring and assessing the progress in achieving those goals and in implementing a climate neutrality planning scheme. Based on the lessons learnt and successful concept of the H2020 Designscapes CSA, CLIMABOROUGH has the ambition to bridge the gap between design and implementation of urban innovations, particularly in the domain of climate change adaptation and mitigation.


IA - Innovation action


€ 4 277 500,00
50122 Firenze

Auf der Karte ansehen

Centro (IT) Toscana Firenze
Public bodies (excluding Research Organisations and Secondary or Higher Education Establishments)
€ 4 277 500,00

Beteiligte (25)

Partner (2)