CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.
Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .
Quality management plan M03 LIST This deliverable will present the project quality control strategy and a peer review system that will be followed towards all project deliverables and procedures
Existing mobility needs, road infrastructure and governance modelsExisting mobility needs road infrastructure and governance models M06 ICCS It is the output of T21 T22 and T23 review the existing literature and projects about mobility needs concerns and expectations of European citizens and vulnerable user groups reviews the needs and requirements of relevant and important stakeholders eg policy makers authorities fleet and traffic operators etc towards the integration of CCAM solutions analyses the road infrastructure traffic rules and governance models for traffic management in relation with CCAM technologies and services
Study questions and KPIs of CCAM ecosystemStudy questions impact areas and KPIs of CCAM ecosystem M8 ICCS It is the output of T24 and will present the study questions and the KPIs to be used in the analyses of WP5
CCAM advanced simulation models and digital twin designsCCAM advanced simulation models and digital twin designs. M21 [OKAN] – The document will provide advanced simulation models and digital twins for each related LL (output of T3.5).
Mobility network load balancing solutionsMobility network load balancing solutions. M21 [GLS] – The document defines the architecture, algorithms, methods, APIs necessary for the integration of mobility network load balancing systems with traffic management solutions for each LL (output of T3.3).
Impact assessment methodologyImpact assessment methodology. M21 [OKAN] This deliverable is the output of T5.1 and will report the methodology and framework to evaluate the impact of the CCAM solutions all the LLs.
Use cases definitionUse cases definition M08 GLS It is the output of T25 and will present the use cases to be deployed in the LLs The defined use cases will be compared between LLs in order to find overlaps and propose an interoperability framework based on open standards best suited for the use cases and features defined in WP2
Project management plan - First updateProject management plan M06 POLIBA This deliverable will include a first schedule per task responsible partner related subtasks related deliverables and dependencies on other tasks a Gantt chart and a Work Breakdown Structure
Exploitation plans - First updateExploitation plans. M18 - [TTS]. The document will include the project exploitation strategy and provide concrete Exploitation Plans. It will include, for each result with the highest market potential: stakeholders involved, resources needed, potential risks and barriers and actions required to exploit them beyond the project lifetime.
Liaison planLiaison plan M8 ERTICO Gathers a list of organisations initiatives and projects concluded and ongoing which would represent a benefit in the project successful implementation Specific methodologies and timing on how and when they will be involved will be included in a timeline The timeline will be based on the milestones and progresses of the project It is an output of T71
Data Management Plan - Second updateData Management Plan – M18 [UBI] This deliverable will present the updated procedures and strategy to be followed in IN2CCAM for data handing and to ensure that its research data is findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable. It will include the principles for data processing, the security measures to be implemented and the informed consent procedures in regards to data processing, especially as regards tracking. This deliverable is an update of D1.4.
IN2CCAM public engagement strategyIN2CCAM public engagement strategy M08 TTS It will provide the Public Engagement Strategy of IN2CCAM including objectives key target groups existing concerns knowledge and awareness level of CCAM messages that will be communicated channels and tools for engagement timeline and roles of partners
Project management plan - Second updateProject management plan – M18 [POLIBA] This deliverable will include a second schedule per task, responsible partner related subtasks, related deliverables, and dependencies on other tasks, a Gantt chart and a Work Breakdown Structure. This deliverable is an update of D1.1.
CCAM services architecture descriptionCCAM services architecture description. M21 [AKKA] - The document defines the elements of the CCAM services architecture, providing the basis for the technical innovations and developments of WP3 and the reference for the integrations of the LLs (output of T3.1).
Optimization of multimodal mobility services and goods management and delivery systemsOptimization of multimodal mobility services and goods management and delivery systems. M21 [VTT] – The document will provide descriptions of the individual and integrated mobility service offering and means and results of the service optimization at LLs (output of T3.2 and T3.4).
Data Management Plan - First updateData Management Plan M06 UBI This deliverable will present the procedures and strategy to be followed in IN2CCAM for data handing and to ensure that its research data is findable accessible interoperable and reusable It will include the principles for data processing the security measures to be implemented and the informed consent procedures in regards to data processing especially as regards tracking
Innovation management planInnovation management plan M06 POLIBA It will present the IN2CCAM innovation results and will detail the innovations technical coherence and implementation opportunities with respect to the planned progress It will include an assessment of possible technical risks and means of preventing them It will describe the exploitation activities needed to exploit the project results
Dissemination and Communication plan - First updateDissemination and Communication plan M4 ERTICO A living document which describes the overall dissemination and communication strategy All dissemination and communications efforts will be reported in the periodic reports
Dissemination and Communication plan - Second updateDissemination and Communication plan. M18 - [ERTICO]. A living document, which describes the overall dissemination and communication strategy. All dissemination and communications efforts will be reported in the periodic reports. This deliverable is an update od D7.1
F. Paparella, G. Volpe, A. M. Mangini and M. P. Fanti
Publié dans:
2023, ISBN 979-8-3503-3702-0
Tarkiainen, Mikko; Kauvo, Kimmo; Aittoniemi, Elina
Publié dans:
IEEE 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Bari, Italy., 2024
G. Volpe, A. M. Mangini and M. P. Fanti
Publié dans:
2023, ISBN 979-8-3503-2069-5
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