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Enhancing Integration and Interoperability of CCAM eco-system (IN2CCAM)

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - IN2CCAM (Enhancing Integration and Interoperability of CCAM eco-system (IN2CCAM))

Période du rapport: 2022-11-01 au 2024-04-30

IN2CCAM consortium aims to accelerate the implementation of innovative CCAM technologies and systems for passengers and goods.
The goal is providing benefits to all citizens by implementing a full integration of CCAM services in the transport system.
The main expected positive impacts for society are: i) safety (i.e. reducing the number of road accidents caused by human error; ii) environment (i.e. reducing transport emissions and congestion by smoothening traffic flow and avoiding unnecessary trips); iii) inclusiveness (i.e. ensuring inclusive mobility and good access for all).
To this aim the approach is based on the implementation and integration of enhanced Physical, Digital and Operational Infrastructures (PDOIs) to enrich CCAM services and increase safety and traffic efficiency. The proposed actions will help to develop new mobility concepts for passengers and goods - leading to healthier, safer, more accessible, sustainable, cost-effective and demand-responsive transport everywhere. Hence, the IN2CCAM innovation is based on the three pillars affecting safety and resilience: technologies, regulations and human factors.
To foster the advance of the CCAM solutions and prepare them for the deployment in clean, safe, efficient and smart transport, the IN2CCAM consortium has set five general objectives:
1: Determining the concepts of fleet and traffic management in the CCAM eco-system considering PDOI to optimize the mobility of people and goods. To this aim IN2CCAM will consider the needs and requirements of society and individual in to guarantee safety, environment and inclusiveness.
2: Design, implement and test the physical, digital infrastructure intermodal interfaces between the platforms of the CCAM ecosystem and the local platforms for fleet and traffic management also by implementing services for the interoperability in multimodal transport systems in different geographic locations.
3: Design, implement and test advanced simulation and digital twin models to assess new traffic management strategies for CCAM.
4: Design adaptive traffic optimization and flow balancing strategies based on real-time traffic intensity, prediction of traffic situations and green times adjustment in line with real time traffic volume, involving also users in real time.
5: Proposing, developing and testing new effective cooperation, governance and business models for operating CCAM services integrated in the real-life fleet and traffic management systems.
The following investigation activities are performed and completed in WP2:
•Physical, Digital and Operational Infrastructures (PDOI) concepts of authorities, industrial stakeholders and users for fleet and traffic management of CCAM,
•individual user needs for the people and goods mobility,
•societal needs for the people and goods mobility.

The following technological and scientific activities are performed in WP3:
1- Design, implement and test the reference architecture of the platforms of the CCAM ecosystem: the reference platform has been designed, 4 platforms are designed and implemented in the 4 lead LLs.
2- 17 services are designed for the interoperability in multimodal transport systems specific for CCAV
3- 7 advanced traffic simulation models are designed
4- Services based on AI are designed for real-time traffic intensity and prediction of traffic situations.
5- Services for local optimization of traffic flow based on traffic presence are designed
6- Applications for VRU to improve inclusiveness are designed.

The methodology for impact assessment has been started in WP5.

In WP6, the public engagement strategy started for accelerating the adoption of CCAM technologies by fostering a collaborative and inclusive environment for stakeholders. A preliminary analysis categorized stakeholders by influence and interest, supporting tailored engagement strategies.
Harmonisation and Interoperability
IN2CCAM is facilitating a modular integration and information exchange allowing acquisition of data produced by different legacy systems, harmonizing, and integrating them with new developed solutions. The design process includes the definition of the interfaces and communication protocols that will guarantee the interoperability between different involved components.

Integrated Mobility Services
INCCAM is implementing and deploying new CCAM based shared and automated mobility services that will be implemented in the 4 Lead LLs. The services will constitute an opportunity to bridge the gap between individual mobility needs and community interests.

Mobility network load balancing approaches – Route and Delivery optimisation
IN2CCAM is defining and testing algorithms and methods of mobility network load balancing, APIs, data exchange and system integration between the relevant systems. Such applications will also benefit from the followed approach that will include route planning, scheduling and resource allocation in real time.

Pre-validation of proposed solutions
IN2CCAM is developing and implementing digital twins and agent-based simulations for passenger transport application. The simulation allows evaluating operational performance, as well as the impact of the proposed solutions at a city level, e.g. accurate estimation of congestion and air quality.

Governance for CCAM fleet and traffic Management
Shared and automated mobility should be viewed as complementary features of urban passenger mobility traffic and fleet management system of the near future. These three features will be advanced by IN2CCAM through a governance approach that combines policies through a constructive stakeholder process.
IN2CCAM approach for enriching CCAM services and increasing saferty and traffic efficiency