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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Comprehensive data-driven Risk and Threat Assessment Methods for the Early and Reliable Identification, Validation and Analysis of migration-related risks


Grenzüberschreitende, verbesserte Risikobewertungen

An den Außengrenzen der EU herrscht reger Betrieb. Grenzbeamte müssen sich mit zahlreichen Problemen auseinandersetzen – von Dokumentenfälschung und Gefährdung der öffentlichen Gesundheit bis hin zu Schlepperei, ungeregelter Migration und Terrorismus. In diesem Zusammenhang wird das EU-finanzierte Projekt CRiTERIA eine Methode zur Risikobewertung entwickeln, die auf bestehenden Analyse-Technologien und -Instrumenten basiert, die auf die neuen umfassenden Bedrohungsindikatoren der Methode zugeschnitten sind. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der Rolle von Erzählungen, Ereignissen und Einstellungen sowie der Anfälligkeit von Grenzen und Menschen. Die Methodik von CRiTERIA wird von einem interdisziplinären Team aus Fachleuten unter Mitwirkung von Praktikern aus Grenzbehörden entwickelt.


EU borders are constantly faced with a multiplicity of challenges, from increased waves of illegal migration to human trafficking, document fraud, terrorism, smuggling, and public health threats. In the CRiTERIA project we will develop a novel risk analysis methodology, which is, on the one hand, clearly rooted and builds upon existing methodology such as CIRAM and, on the other hand introduces novel more complex and effective indicators, which overcome important limitations of existing models. Such extended risk and vulnerability analysis methodology has to be backed by effective intelligent analysis technology. Building upon existing text, media, data and network analysis technology, in CRiTERIA, we will develop and evaluate advanced analysis technologies and tools that are tailored to the new comprehensive threat indicators of the CRiTERIA methodology. Special focus will be put to the consideration of the role of narratives, events, attitudes, and to the vulnerability of borders and humans as well as on providing semi-automatic tools and methods for risk-related evidence validation and explanation, for identifying risk propagation and interlinking, thus supporting decision processes in risk analysis in an innovative way. When developing this holistic CRiTERIA risk and vulnerability analysis framework for border agencies ethical, legal and societal aspects will be considered from the very beginning.
The methodology will be developed in close collaboration with practitioners from border agencies, which will also validate the developed methods and technologies in piloting activities.

For achieving its goals CRiTERIA brings together an interdisciplinary team of experts including researchers in the fields of security and risk analysis, in the field of data and media analysis and in the field of ethics, law and societal aspects, as well as border agencies, NGOs and companies.


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€ 865 687,50
30167 Hannover

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