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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

imPROved Maritime awarENess by means of AI and BD mEthods

Description du projet

Utiliser l’IA et les mégadonnées pour mieux surveiller les mers

La surveillance du domaine maritime se caractérise par la combinaison d’activités, d’événements et de menaces susceptibles d’affecter les activités maritimes et le territoire de l’UE. Le développement de solutions avancées est favorisé par les recoupements entre une source de données privée ou publique, comme le système d’identification automatique (AIS) ou certaines données spatiales, et les informations issues des services de trafic maritime ou des systèmes de gestion, de surveillance et d’information concernant ce même trafic. Le projet PROMENADE, financé par l’UE, appliquera les technologies de l’IA et des mégadonnées pour améliorer les solutions de suivi des navires, d’analyse du comportement et de détection automatique des anomalies et pour promouvoir les échanges collaboratifs d’informations entre les autorités de surveillance. Le projet proposera une boîte à outils axée sur les services en accès ouvert, avec une plateforme informatique performante.


Maritime Domain Awareness is the combination of activities, events and threats in the maritime environment that could have impact on marine activities and EU territory. During the past decades, advances in Information and Communication Technologies have provided better means to monitor and analyse vessel activity. Today private and public source of data such the Automatic Identification System or space related data can be combined with Vessel Traffic Services, Vessel Traffic Management Systems and Vessel Traffic Monitoring & Information Systems data enabling the development of value added information resulted by the combination of such data.
European waters are navigated daily by some 12,000 vessels, which share their positions to avoid collisions, generating a huge number of positional messages every month. It is important that this overabundance of information will not overwhelm the marine operator in charge for decision-making. The challenge is twofold: on one side encourage the exchange of heterogeneous data among administration valorising the CISE network currently in place, on the other exploit at the best these datasets by means of automated processing in a way to minimise false alert that might results by an incorrect processing or interpretation of the results.
PROMENADE will improve solutions for the vessel tracking, behaviour analysis and automatic anomaly detection by means of the application Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data (BD) technologies, and to promote collaborative exchange of information between maritime surveillance authorities, shortening the time to market and assuring the compliance with legal and ethical regulations.
An open, service-based toolkit implementing “state of art” AI / BD techniques also benefiting of HPC (High Performance Computing) platform is the core activity of the project. The project’s developments will be demonstrated and evaluated in 3 operational scenarios and 1 simulated defined by Border Guards Authorities.

Appel à propositions


Voir d’autres projets de cet appel

Sous appel


Régime de financement

IA - Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 401 250,00
185 10 Piraeus

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Αττική Aττική Πειραιάς
Type d’activité
Public bodies (excluding Research Organisations and Secondary or Higher Education Establishments)
Coût total
€ 401 250,00

Participants (15)