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Water scenarios For Copernicus Exploitation

Descripción del proyecto

Abordar los retos relacionados con el agua a través del programa Copernicus

Dado que el programa Copernicus ofrece productos relacionados con el agua a través de sus seis servicios (atmósfera, tierra, mar, cambio climático, seguridad, emergencias), la convocatoria de Horizonte 2020, «Copernicus evolution: Mission exploitation concept for WATER», tenía por objeto lograr una solución más adecuada. Water-ForCE, financiado con fondos europeos, propone desarrollar una hoja de ruta para el componente hídrico de los servicios de Copernicus. La hoja de ruta definirá la forma en que se prestan los servicios relacionados con el ciclo del agua (precipitaciones; humedad del suelo; extensión, contenido de agua y calidad del agua de lagos, ríos y humedales; calidad de las aguas litorales, etc.), resumirá los requisitos técnicos de las futuras misiones satelitales, desarrollará productos biogeoquímicos de mayor nivel y fomentará una cooperación más estrecha entre las comunidades de teledetección, «in situ» y de modelización a fin de crear un servicio hídrico óptimo que proporcione la información necesaria a los responsables políticos, los gestores, los investigadores y el público en general.


Unprecedented availability of free-to-access satellite data from the Copernicus programme has started to transform approaches to the assessment, monitoring and sustainable management of our aquatic environments. However, whilst the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service delivers the first generation of inland water quantity and quality products, other directly related products are fragmented across other services (e.g. EMS, C3S, CMEMS, CAMS, CIS). R&D capabilities have rapidly expanded through H2020 and ESA projects working on inland water challenges, but lack of coordination has led to a fragmented approach to evolving the service components and some confusion in a potentially broad user community. Thus, this expansion has not been matched by uptake of these products by decision makers, monitoring agencies, industry or the wider public. Water-ForCE will co-create a Roadmap for the development of the next phase of Copernicus Inland Water Services with the space sector, research community, policy, industry and third sector. The Roadmap will be benchmarked against community requirements, recommending services that should be delivered centrally by Copernicus and innovation opportunities that are better suited for business and research development. The Roadmap will also provide the strategy to ensure effective uptake of water-related services by end users, further support the implementation of relevant directives and policies and evidence policy development. This cross-disciplinary approach will align in situ and remote observation as this is essential to furthering the exploitation of operational observation platforms. A strategy to integrate in situ networks will be defined, integrating approaches to product validation and filling observation gaps and thus strengthen user confidence. Technical requirements for the future Copernicus sensors will also be specified for optimal inland water monitoring needs and future service development.

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Régimen de financiación

CSA - Coordination and support action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 286 250,00
51005 Tartu

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Eesti Eesti Lõuna-Eesti
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 286 250,00

Participantes (20)