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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Smart Control of the Climate Resilience in European Coastal Cities

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SCORE (Smart Control of the Climate Resilience in European Coastal Cities)

Berichtszeitraum: 2021-07-01 bis 2022-12-31

SCORE is a four-year EU-funded project aiming to increase climate resilience in European coastal cities. The project will tackle specific challenges related to sea levels, coastal erosion and extreme weather events using an integrated solution of smart technologies and nature-based solutions. One of the key activities under SCORE is to design, implement, and evaluate a novel framework of Coastal City Living Labs (CCLL) that will enable citizens and stakeholders to co-create and co-design the solutions with scientists, researchers and engineers to make sure these are sustainable and acceptable by the society. Therefore, SCORE outlines a comprehensive strategy, developed via a network of 10 coastal city ‘living labs’, to rapidly, equitably, and sustainably enhance coastal city climate resilience through an Ecosystem-Based Approach (EBA) supported by sophisticated digital technologies. In this network, CCLLs – who have frontrunner and fellow roles will co-create and co-design climate adaptation strategies through collaborative learning. SCORE will reduce the impacts of sea-level rise and extreme events due to climate change on European coastal cities by co-design, and co-development with citizens and stakeholders, and by deploying, testing, and demonstrating innovative EBAs, smart technologies, and hybrid Nature Based Solutions.
A total of 25 deliverables have been completed after 18 months from the start of the project. Particularly, we achieved important scientific results:
•Development of a report of the past extreme events in the CCLLs, the identification of the hazards and the high-level analysis of baseline exposure and vulnerability to climate impacts
•Development of the overall CCLL framework and methodology, including evaluation strategy
•Completion of 10 physical workshops in the 10 CCLLs to further detail the scope, identify stakeholders, identify needs and barriers on climate resilience and the co-creation of the Pilot Operational Plan for each CCLL
•Development of a co-creation toolkit, an open-source collection of tools that can be used for specific steps of the living lab integrative process
•Development of a communication platform via TEAMS with several channels to facilitate direct communication between CCLLs and also with the WP2 partners
•Development of a set of downscaling methods, procedures and test coastal scale dataset for features relevant to atmosphere, following a statistical approach, and hydrology, sea state and oceanography, following a physical approach
•Design of a draft of the Citizen Science Playbook and catalogue of the low-cost sensors viable for citizen science activities
•Development of the 1st version of SCORE ICT Platform which will host all the project data
•Development of the 1st version of the Application Programming Interface (API) middleware for database interfacing between SCORE database and other databases developed under European projects that contain data of relevance for SCORE objective
•Completion of the risk characterisation for all CCLLs and the exposure and vulnerability assessment methodology
•Development of exposure datasets and vulnerability functions to support quantitative risk assessments for a set of frontrunner CCLLs
•Completion of a synthesis of socio-economic assessment methods and studies addressing EBAs and other adaptation strategies together
•Development of the methodological framework for the socio-economic assessment of adaption measure to climate change;
•Development of the functional requirements, the system architecture and design together with the interface control document for the Geographic Information System (GIS) Digital Twin and Early Warning Support (DT-EWS) System Platform.
•Simulations run employing the climate, hydrological, and hydraulic models that will be exploited in the DT-EWS System prototype simulations
•Implementation of the visualization tools for the GIS-based DT-EWS Platform prototype
•Implementation of the back-end and front-end APIs to connect the DT-EWS with the SIP and the GUI
•Development of an EBA catalogue identifying the most relevant EBAs for building coastal resilience in Europe
•Development of a framework for the Climate action schools
In addition to the scientific results presented above, several communication and disseminations efforts were made by the whole consortium during this first reporting period. This included the launch of the project website and social networks; the creation of communication materials; submission of the Horizon Booster application; the participation in external events for scientific dissemination purposes; the publication of journal articles, conference papers, abstracts, editorials; and media appearances. SCORE made two important contributions to the COP27 Conference.
To enhance the resilience of coastal and low-lying areas against climate and sea level risks, including coastal flooding and erosion, SCORE is studying, designing, developing, monitoring, and validating robust adaptation measures. Through the development of tools, methodologies and validated co-designed EBAs, the project will improve climate resilience among European coastal cities and settlements by reducing hydro-meteorological, sea level rise, and extreme event risks while providing innovation and strategy plans for scaling. In CCLLs, SCORE will prove the technical feasibility and socioeconomic viability of EBA solutions. In addition, financial risk analysis of climate adaptation strategies as well as their co-benefits will improve the CCLL’s sustainability. Leveraging smart digital technologies, the SCORE partners are developing an innovative digital twin platform consisting the coastal cities involved in the project, SCORE is capable of assessing and developing the CCLLs’ climate resilience, by providing policymakers with tools and data that aid local climate adaptation planning. This platform will also have early warning support functionalities, backed by real-time data collected through sensors, deployed by the SCORE consortium experts as well as citizen scientists.
Stakeholders from each CCLL are engaged in the co-creation of EBAs through participatory methodologies such as workshops, site-visits, interviews and more. These interactions will assist with the co-development of climate adaptation plans, and include representatives from the academia, industry, public sector as well civil society.
SCORE partners are developing a database containing information that has been gathered through the first 18 months of the project, through baseline data analysis, installation of coastal sensors, study of EBAs as well as use of smart technologies. This database will be open access and enable the sharing of knowledge as well as replication of climate adaptation strategies implemented in the CCLLs. This database, for instance, will include a digital twin platform that will provide early warnings for extreme events in European coastal areas. This database will be fed by data collected through low-cost sensors that will monitor EBA implementation across the 10 CCLLs.
A set of key performance indicators designed to comply with the quality assessment criteria for each CCLL, have been developed by SCORE partners. These indicators ensure the objectives of the project are being met, and will ultimately assist policymakers at regional, national and European levels in implementation climate adaptation policies.
SCORE Concept and CCLL