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Unknown functions of Osteocyte DEath


Der Tod von Osteozyten

Die Knochenhomöostase ist ein komplexer Vorgang, bei dem das Gewebe ständig durch Osteoklasten und Osteoblasten remodelliert wird. Jüngste Erkenntnisse heben die Rolle der Osteozyten hervor, den am häufigsten vorkommenden Zelltyp im Knochen. Um näher zu entschlüsseln, wie Osteozyten die Knochenanpassung beeinflussen, wird das EU-finanzierte Projekt ODE den Prozess des Zelltodes unter physiologischen Bedingungen und bei bestimmten Knochenkrankheiten untersuchen. Die Projektforschenden werden den Tod von Osteozyten charakterisieren und der Frage nachgehen, welche schadensassoziierten molekularen Muster (damage-associated molecular patterns, DAMPs) in die Mikroumgebung des Knochens freigesetzt werden und so die Differenzierung von Osteoklasten auslösen. Die Ergebnisse werden Erkenntnisse liefern, die wesentlich zur Heilung von Knochenbrüchen sowie Behandlungsmöglichkeiten von Knochenschwund durch Entzündungen und in der Postmenopause beitragen werden.


Osteocytes are long-lived cells within the bone matrix that have a variety of functions in the control of bone remodeling. They are the most frequent cells of the bone by far and mediate the regulation of the mechanical loading-induced bone renewal at the systemic level. Little is known how osteocytes die and how this process affects local bone homeostasis. Nonetheless several local bone diseases such as fracture, osteonecrosis and arthritis are characterized by enhanced osteocyte death and local bone resorption. My preliminary data show that osteocytes, when dying, undergo secondary necrosis, due to their secluded localization within the bone and the absence of phagocyting cells. Hence substantial amounts of damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) are released into the bone micro-environment. I can show that DAMPs effectively osteoclast differentiation via binding to the C-type lectin receptor Mincle.
My proposal ODE aims to characterize osteocyte death, the nature of the released DAMPs and the molecular link between osteocyte death and stimulation of osteoclasts. I specifically aim to delineate, in which way osteocytes die within the bone matrix (apoptosis, necrosis, necroptosis, ferroptosis or pyroptosis) and which specific DAMPs are released into the bone marrow via the canalicular network. In this context, local bone diseases such as fracture, osteonecrosis and arthritis will be investigated. In aim 1, I will molecularly characterize osteocyte cell death and block the corresponding death pathways. In aim 2, I will determine putative molecular mechanisms driving osteoclast maturation through the pathways triggered by myeloid specific C-type lectin receptors. In aim 3, I will test the molecular mechanisms of osteocyte death-induced osteoclastogenesis. Overall, my proposal will gain new insights into local bone homeostasis, i.e. the molecular regulation of osteocyte death and the molecular links to an altered local bone microenvironment.

Wissenschaftliches Gebiet (EuroSciVoc)

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€ 2 008 062,00
91054 Erlangen

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Bayern Mittelfranken Erlangen, Kreisfreie Stadt
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€ 2 008 062,00

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