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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Technologies for Ocean Sensing


Engagement Strategy

A report on how TechOceanS will carry out engagement including a plan of promotional materials

Repository of developed best practice

Thematic collection of best practices in the Ocean Best Practices System

Synthetic and representative environments testing.

Report on synthetic and representative environments testing

Overview of Scientific Knowledge Exchange Activities

An overview of knowledge exchange activities reported.

Project Website

An overview of project website development functions and services

Plan for exploitation and dissemination of results

Plan for the dissemination and exploitation of Results PEDR which will outline the protocols and processes around dissemination and exploitation as well as knowledge management systems to be implemented in the project

Exploitation and dissemination of results 2

Dissemination, exploitation and communication of TechOceanS results including key messages, target stakeholders and performance indicators

Exploitation and Dissemination of Results 1

Dissemination exploitation and communication of TechOceanS results including key messages target stakeholders and performance indicators

Data acquisition module

Report on the development of a platform independent and interoperable data acquisition module

Data Management Plan

DMP including an open access data policy and data submission process Common data collection protocols and database structures will be agreed at the start of the project ensuring common standards interoperability backup and storage alongside measures for sharing data including security and encryption provenance intercommunication and knowledge sharing

Data Management plan Update M24

DMP including an open access data policy and data submission process. Common data collection protocols and database structures will be agreed at the start of the project ensuring common standards, interoperability, backup and storage alongside measures for sharing data including security and encryption, provenance, inter-communication and knowledge sharing. Update at month 24.


Ocean Gliders: Oxygen SOP

Autoren: Lopez-Garcia, P; Hull, T; Thomsen, S.; Hahn, J. et al.
Veröffentlicht in: Ocean Gliders: Oxygen SOP (Ocean Gliders Community), 2021
Herausgeber: National Oceanography Centre

Ocean Gliders: Nutrient SOP

Autoren: Krahmann, G.; Begler, C.; Birchill, A.; Patey, M.; Beaton, A. et al
Veröffentlicht in: Ocean Gliders: Nutrient SOP (Ocean Gliders Community), 2021
Herausgeber: National Oceanography Centre

Leveraging Metadata in Representation Learning With Georeferenced Seafloor Imagery

Autoren: Yamada T, Massot-Campos M, Prügel-Bennett A, Williams SB, Pizarro O, Thornton B.
Veröffentlicht in: Leveraging Metadata in Representation Learning With Georeferenced Seafloor Imagery, Ausgabe 7815 - 7822, 2021, Seite(n) Vol 6 Iss 4, ISSN 2377-3766
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/lra.2021.3101881

Proposed synergies between Oceanography and Metrology.

Autoren: Susan Elizabeth Hartman, Andrew Russell Gates, Patricia Lopez-Garcia, Roberto Bozzano, Eric Delory, Paolo Favali, Dominique Lefevre, Laure Chirurgien, Sara Pensieri, George Petihakis, Rajesh Nair, Silvana Neves, Juan José Dañobeitia, Florence Salvetat, Marc Le Menn, Jukka Seppälä, Katrin Schroeder, Jaume Piera
Veröffentlicht in: Perspective, Front. Mar. Sci. - Ocean Observation, Ausgabe 10, 2023, ISSN 2296-7745
Herausgeber: FRONTIERS
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1192030

Industry Partnership: Lab on Chip Chemical Sensor Technology for Ocean Observing

Autoren: Matt Mowlem; Matt Mowlem; Alexander Beaton; Alexander Beaton; Robin Pascal; Robin Pascal; Allison Schaap; Socratis Loucaides; Sam Monk; Andrew Morris; Christopher L. Cardwell; Christopher L. Cardwell; Sara E. Fowell; Matthew D. Patey; Patricia López-García
Veröffentlicht in: Industry Partnership: Lab on Chip Chemical Sensor Technology for Ocean Observing, Ausgabe 8, 2021, ISSN 2296-7745
Herausgeber: National Oceanography Centre
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2021.697611

MaCal – Macro Lens Calibration and the Focus Stack Camera Model

Autoren: Weng X, She M, Nakath D, Köser K.
Veröffentlicht in: MaCal – Macro Lens Calibration and the Focus Stack Camera Model (International Conference on 3D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DIMPVT)), 2021
Herausgeber: GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
DOI: 10.1109/3dv53792.2021.00024

LabSTAF and RunSTAF Handbook 2408-014-HB Issue E.

Autoren: Oxborough, K
Veröffentlicht in: LabSTAF and RunSTAF Handbook 2408-014-HB Ausgabe E. (Ocean Best Practices), 2021
Herausgeber: Chelsea Technologies Ltd
DOI: 10.25607/obp-1029.3

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