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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Innovative approaches towards prevention, removal and reuse of marine plastic litter

Descripción del proyecto

Estrategias innovadoras de recuperación de plástico para ecosistema acuáticos

Los residuos plásticos afectan negativamente a los ecosistemas marinos y locales, por lo que se requieren métodos de limpieza innovadores. El equipo del proyecto financiado con fondos europeos In-No-Plastic desarrollará y demostrará tecnologías de limpieza de nanoplásticos, microplásticos y macroplásticos basadas en una metodología que combina estrategias de eliminación sociales y técnicas. El proyecto se centrará en puntos críticos industriales a través de sistemas de agua de refrigeración, puertos, lagunas, costas y aguas marinas someras. La estrategia técnica consiste en comparar métodos existentes y múltiples tecnologías en desarrollo para la eliminación de plásticos en diferentes zonas de prueba de Europa y el Caribe. La estrategia social se centra en la participación de la población local al incentivar la recuperación de plásticos a cambio de una recompensa monetaria o de otra índole. El proyecto investigará asimismo diferentes métodos de reciclaje con el objetivo de conectar la eliminación de plásticos con la circularidad.


In-No-Plastic’s goal is to develop and demonstrate nano-, micro, and macro-plastic clean-up technologies in the aquatic ecosystems.
The approach taken is a combination of social and technical removal strategies targeting the industrial hotspots through cooling water systems (CWS), harbours, lagoons, shores and the shallow sea water. The technical approach comprises of comparing the existing removal approaches (tendering), with multiple developing technologies at varying testing sites in Europe and in the Caribbean for the removal of nano/micro/macro-plastics. The approach entails a comprehensive monitoring system to gather data at frequencies of every 6 month for 2 years. This is done to understand the effectiveness of the new technologies and current clean-up approaches both in terms of cutting down plastic presence in the environment and its effects on the marine and local ecosystem. The technical approach will be a blueprint in establishing a coherent and synchronized system of cleaning, that is scalable and replicable.
The social strategy comprises of an incentive-based initiative that relies on a remote application. The focus is to get the local population involved by incentivising plastic pick-up in return for monetary gain or other rewards. With the plastic gathered at the demo sites, it is to be treated for reusability by investigating different recycling approaches. This would allow to close the loop and achieve circularity. The approaches include a.o. replacement of fossil fuels for a Steel Mill, where its produced syngas is sent to a chemical plant as raw material to produce chemicals.
The added value of the approach is the inter-connectedness of the processes in acquiring plastic waste and creating circularity in the value chain. The complementary consortium of 17 partners from 10 different countries, including 2 research organizations, 2 Government, 4 Industry End Users, 2 NGO, 7 SME of which 4 technology providers and 3 service providers.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Régimen de financiación

IA - Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 1 240 666,00
7034 Trondheim

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Norge Trøndelag Trøndelag
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 1 315 041,25

Participantes (23)