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Content archived on 2024-06-18

A Coordinated and Structured International Post-Doctoral Program to Foster Trans-national Mobility and Independent Career of Scientists in Biomedicine

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Investing in a new generation of biomedicine scientists

To facilitate a postdoctoral fellow's career transition to group leader (independent investigator) requires adequate training and/or educational support. EU-funded research provided support for development of these career development programmes.

The design of the project SIPOD (A coordinated and structured international post-doctoral program to foster trans-national mobility and independent career of scientists in biomedicine) has attracted excellent scientists and helped boost their careers as postdoctoral fellows to become successful and independent group leaders. Aiming to foster incoming transnational mobility as well as the reintegration of fellows, the programme involved the coordinated action of three major biomedicine research centres and a biotech shell in Lombardy. The research centres operate in conjunction with the Scuola Europea di Medicina Molecolare (SEMM), whose aim is to promote the training and research of young scientists within emerging sectors of biomedicine. Two-year postdoctoral fellowships were offered through a total of 6 calls over 66 months. They were open to qualified candidates from Europe and internationally. The programme included leadership and other career development training covering patenting, technology transfer and licensing; grants, scouting, writing and management; team leading and group organisation; translational research and clinical trials; and ethical issues in science. The programme's design also gave postdocs the opportunity to create a network of excellent scientists that will serve them in their future independent careers. It was also characterised by equal opportunities for men and women as well as consideration of career breaks. Project efforts and outcomes advanced career development for future science leaders. This investment in a young generation of biomedical researchers will help to stem the brain drain of European scientific talent.


Biomedicine, scientists, postdoctoral, career transition, transnational mobility, career development