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Content archived on 2024-06-18

Promoting real life Observations for Gaining Understanding of road behaviour in Europe

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Watching the drivers: a new perspective for safer roads

By observing drivers and accidents in real-life situations using naturalistic observation, policymakers may develop new ways to pre-empt collisions and create safer roads.

A novel way of studying road fatalities and introducing safety measures is being developed using a research method known as naturalistic observation. This involves unobtrusively observing drivers in their natural settings to see how they react in normal situations while driving, as well as in collisions. The EU-funded 'Promoting real life observations for gaining understanding of road behaviour in Europe' (Prologue) project is investigating how naturalistic observation can help implement more effective safety measures. It is considering the feasibility of a large-scale European study on the subject. The project is currently documenting past initiatives in this direction, mostly small-scale studies on road safety, in addition to examining the relationship between distractions and collisions, among other issues. Field trials and comparisons in this direction are being conducted in Austria, Greece, Israel, the Netherlands and Spain to examine various aspects: driver training, driver behaviour at intersections, in-vehicle distractions, and driver assistance systems, among others. One large-scale study in the United States has shown how naturalistic observation can shed light on driver behaviour and safety measures, an area that Prologue is probing intensively. The project is learning from the American experience and know-how in the field and attending workshops in the country. From these initiatives and existing resources, such as the European Field Operational Test Support Action (FESTA) Handbook, Prologue is developing a new methodology for naturalistic observation and road safety measures. In addition, Prologue is working on familiarising potential stakeholders with the naturalistic observation method and explaining its advantages, incorporating their feedback and opinions in the matter through a user forum. Over 100 members strong, the forum is active in preparing newsletters, organising workshops and creating a platform for exchange on the subject. The overall advantages of observing drivers in real-life situations will culminate in a novel way to consider road safety and develop effective measures. This is set to save lives, alleviate physical and mental trauma, and save authorities considerable costs.

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