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Content archived on 2024-06-18

EIRAC 2008-2010

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Transport experts unite

A body of experts is helping Europe's transport sector become leaner and more efficient, advising on policies that involve complementary modes of transport, logistics and freight services.

As fuel prices and environmental concerns increase, the EU has efficient transport high on its agenda. In 2005, the European Intermodal Research Advisory Council (EIRAC) was launched to address the needs of the sector, bringing together over 50 high level industrial players. EIRAC members are terminal handlers, freight villages, transport operators, forwarders, equipment suppliers and relevant authorities. EIRAC extends in-depth advice to transport stakeholders in their planning of research and technology programmes. In 2008, 'EIRAC 2008-2010' (EIRAC II) was launched to support EIRAC members in stimulating research investment and innovation in multimode transport and logistics. In its first year and a half, EIRAC II reorganised internal and external communication procedures with clear communication plans, including the elaboration of new terms of reference for the project. It then reinforced existing links and established new ones with other European Technology Platforms, as well as with the EU's ERA-Net Transport programme within the European Research Area. The initiative is also implementing cooperation activities with other European initiatives such as the European Rail Research Advisory Council (ERRAC) and Waterborne, as well as with the European Green Car Initiative (EGCI). Recently, an EIRAC road-show involving several EU Member States helped strengthen relations between EIRAC and national authorities, stimulating integration of EIRAC recommendations into national programmes for research and policymaking. EIRAC also worked on a plan to become an autonomous entity able to address its purposes independently of EU funding or other public financial support. The project is continuing to identify best practices in intermodal transport research and has already elaborated an impact assessment tool to evaluate the impact of research projects in intermodal transport. The achievements of EIRAC are being highlighted in public events, such as the International exhibition for logistics, telematics and transport in Munich. The project's final results will be the new release of the Intermodal Strategic Research Agenda and implementation plan, as well as the publication of the Intermodal transport handbook. Last but not least, EIRAC will soon be transformed into a new organisation that is able to organise its activities and implement its objectives without time constraints. The benefits for the transport and logistics sector will undoubtedly be significant.