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Content archived on 2024-06-18


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Strategy for eastern Mediterranean archaeology

The eastern Mediterranean region is littered with archaeological sites dating from Greek and Roman times. But the diversity of this cultural hoard poses challenges. Scientific analysis of finds, documentation, preservation, and communication services lack a regional strategy.

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While there are excellent research centres in the region providing material on archaeological finds, coordination and policies are lacking. This has a knock-on effect such as duplication of effort and a general lack of data interoperability. It leads to missed opportunities between research institutions. Additionally, there is a general lack of infrastructure to support archaeological work in the region. Digital libraries, laboratories and multimedia communication centres are fragmented, meaning archaeological post-processing often has to be done in other centres. The 'Science and technology for archaeology and cultural heritage in the eastern Mediterranean' (Stachem) project was launched in 2008 to support The Cyprus Institute's Science and Technology for Archaeology Research Centre (STARC). Stachem - made up of eight project partners - aimed to contribute to a regional strategic plan for research infrastructures in archaeology and digital heritage in the eastern Mediterranean. Stachem grouped together regional players with expertise in archaeological sciences, marine-related techniques, and digital heritage. To build up a regional cluster of experts, the project explored the needs and requirements in the region. It proposed joint trans-national activities between actors in the region through numerous workshops. Apart from the obvious benefits at the European and regional levels, the project had an impact in the long- and medium-term strategies of the various national institutions involved in the project. As a result of the research cluster Stachem produced, cooperation between institutions in the region and other European and international bodies has received a boost thanks to greater outreach. The implementation of Stachem will have an enduring impact in the region, as STARC has been designed to provide a lasting regional strategic plan, which was an essential objective of the project.

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