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Content archived on 2024-05-18

DevelOpment of GRID Environment for InteRaCtive ApplicationS

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Good Grid monitoring

Grid networks are becoming a more potent means in which the world communicates and shares vast volumes of information at a very rapid rate. The CROSSGRID project investigated new ways in which to employ new grid components for safer, faster data transfer.

Medical procedures, rescue personnel, risk management teams, scientists and even environmentalists are just some of the people that use grid technology to share information. With the growing requirements of grid technologies, and the need for various sharing between (or across) different grids, comes the need for greater security, more compatibility and greater ease of use. Large data volumes are generated from these sources and as such, the project developed the SANTA-G NetTracer as a support tool. The SANTA-G NetTracer provides this support by allowing users to access log files. This bypasses the need to access files that may not be in a compatible format. The libcap file is standard to the EU Datagrid's Relational Grid Monitoring Architecture (R-GMA) and information system. Both Tcpdump and Snort are tools that generate log files in this format, the latter will be used to assist in the development of a security feature detecting network intrusions. The technology is focused on network administrators to assist them in monitoring traffic across the network and across the Grid. It provides analysis tools that render data related to performance issues assisting in performance analysis. It also provides the means for ad-hoc monitoring of the Grid through the use of the generic grid enabled framework. The project's diversity can be seen in its cross-Grid application development aspect, and its various dimensions. It will investigate grid application development, grid services and tools and grid programming environments to name but a few. Further research and development is planned.

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