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Content archived on 2024-05-27

EUROpean IPv6 Internet eXchanges backbone

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Managing secure IPv6 exchanges

Promoting the use of the Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) in Europe, the Euro6IX project developed a policy-based network management tool for handling security issues in modern networked environments.

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The Euro6IX project envisaged a large, scalable and native IPv6 backbone of traffic exchanges with connectivity across Europe and other IPv4 and IPv6 exchangers. In order to allow participation of new players - other than research users - in the IPv6 trials, key applications and services were developed and ported. The basic infrastructure consists of three levels, namely the IX-, the backbone- and the node- level. The first involves regional native IPv6 exchanges and the second, pan-European core network interconnections of the regional exchanges. On the node-level, Internet and service providers can access the core network to provide IPv6 services and end user access. The key aim was to offer advanced network services along with a repository of IPv6 enabled applications for trials both within Euro6IX and with third parties. In order to achieve the same level of robustness and service quality as the one currently offered by the IPv4 Internet exchange networks, issues like security should be adequately handled. Therefore, the Euro6IX implemented a policy-based network management (PBNM) architecture for providing a security framework for the management of policies in IPv6/IPv4 networks. On the basis of public key cryptography technology the University of Murcia (UMU) developed the so-called UMU-PBNM tool for effective management of security issues in IPv6 networked environments. The advanced tool features easy system access with the aid of a user-friendly Internet browser on the policy console. It also provides administration support in accordance with specified role, interface and template concepts. Additionally, the tool offers security monitoring of virtual private networks, routing and multi-homing. Integrated with Domain Name System Security (DNSSec) extensions it may also be employed for storing device certificates. Moreover, it is extendable to accommodate future needs on advanced network services. For more information on the project click at:

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