Drug delivery via nanotubes
Metal and semiconductor nanotubes are being used as sensors, optoelectronic devices or transistors. The EU-funded SRPNICVD (Stimuli responsive polymer nanotubes by initiated chemical vapor deposition) project aimed to develop polymeric nanotubes as carriers of macromolecules and to study their characteristics. The team worked to optimise the temperature and pH-dependent release of model molecules. Researchers built a custom-made vacuum deposition chamber for the synthesis of the polymeric nanotubes. They chose criteria for the development of stimuli responsive polymers, selection of the monomers and methods for fast deposition. The team synthesised thin films of these polymers on silicon wafers and performed chemical characterisations. They successfully fabricated and characterised nanotubes of temperature-responsive polymers. Loading and release performance of the fabricated nanotubes were studied using a model dye. The results showed high rates of loading and release for the polymers with optimised chemical composition. Researchers further improved the release mechanisms from nanotubes by developing coaxial nanotubes with hydrogel inner layers that absorb and release the molecules at different rates than the outer layers. They also created a library of the parameters for nanocarrier synthesis that can be used in the future for different applications. Project activities helped better understand the mechanisms involved in uptake and release of the molecules by the nanocarriers. Producing nanotubes with defined performance could have significant impact as drug delivery systems or sensors.
Drug delivery, nanotubes, SRPNICVD, polymer, chemical vapor deposition, nanocarrier