Q-MAT - Quality Matrix- is a monitoring and strategic planning tool for higher level care managers. Its underlying matrix brings together quality indicators for the three stakeholders clients, professionals and managers, differentiated in input, process and outcome quality, with the outcome quality split again into documented (e.g. in care and managerial documentation) outcome and into subjective outcome (to be gained from interviews with the stakeholders).
In another sub-dimension, for each of the three stakeholders four quality dimensions are considered: quality concepts, procedures, resources and cooperation. Bringing these three sub-dimensions together, a matrix with 3x4x4=48 cells is constituted. This matrix is usable for quality imaging through a comprehensive but concise picture, e.g. with help of traffic lights to show the quality in each cell.
The matrix is also a base for benchmarking, e.g. between care units of a bigger provider and it can be used for a well balanced planning and goal setting by the care manager, as it addresses all managerial quality aspects at a time. The consortioum is looking for continuation project to fully develop the matrix and software that support the use of it.