A major goal of this project was to develop trait-specific multiplexed sets of SNP markers and to transfer the newly developed techniques and resources to breeding companies and public institutions.
A broad range of relevant traits in ryegrass was addressed by recurrently selecting individuals showing diametrical response towards the different selection regimes applied. A set of carefully chosen markers and genes were monitored for allelic differentiation in response to the applied selection regimes. A set of SSR markers evenly distributed throughout the genome was used for genotype profiling. In addition, a range of different SNP detection methods was evaluated by the project partners to identify trait-specific SNPs in genes with putative association to the respective trait.
In total, 9 different SNP detection methods (SNuPE, TaqMan, ecoTILLING, MassArray, SSCR, CSCE, SNaPshot, conventional and pyro-sequencing of alleles) were established and evaluated with respect to reproducibility, multiplexing capacity, costs per SNP and speed. It was concluded that one cannot give a general recommendation, but the choice of a SNP detection method largely depends on the purpose of an experiment.
EcoTILLING for example is a cheap technique rapidly generating many data points. However, with increasing number of SNPs the resulting data is difficult to interpret. Moreover, the presence of INDELs makes location assignment of a SNP very complicated unless all allele sequences are known. Furthermore, EcoTILLING turned out to be very prone to parameter changes. Therefore, the use EcoTILLING would be preferable for cases where the uniformity of a population should be determined including the identification of foreign alleles, or individuals containing the same allele combination should be identified.
On the contrary, techniques such as TaqMan assay or SNuPE appear very robust and reproducible. However, they are relatively costly and -most importantly - the content of information per assay is comparably low. Nonetheless, these techniques could be useful for the identification of particular point mutations in known genes functionally associated with a certain phenotype (as being used in human gene diagnostics). Also the Massarray assay appears a robust solution, especially when multiplexing is intended. However, due to subcontracting the work based on this technique, it cannot be estimated, how many datapoints can routinely produced per day and person. Nonetheless, in cases where a high degree of multiplexing can be achieved, this technique can be run at moderate costs.
In terms of information content, allele sequencing / pyrosequencing for sure is the ultimate technique giving instant information about sequence and haplotype. Unfortunately, allele sequencing is expensive and relatively time consuming and - as EcoTILLING - will be complicated by the presence of INDELs. Techniques detecting conformational changes caused by a SNP (SSCR and CSCE) proved to be a robust yet not the cheapest option. Moreover, the possible level of multiplexing is extremely limited. SNaPshot, though again only a moderately cheap technique, might be useful as a routine method particularly due to its robustness, capacity for automation (in contrast to most gel-based techniques) and a reasonable possibility for multiplexing.
For every trait, a set of putative key genes was isolated by the different partners. Upon SNP detection using one or more of the techniques described above, the allelic distribution among the selected and the control populations was assessed by statistical means. As a result, a collection of association between specific marker alleles and different traits was established, and made available to all partners of the project together with a collection of protocols for their laboratory application. Allele specific marker/trait associations could be found for all traits tested: Rust resistance, verbalisation requirement, water-soluble sugar content, nitrogen use efficiency, seed yield, heat and cold/frost tolerance, shading tolerance and tillering.
The use of this toolkit in breeding programs of public institutions and private companies is ensured through the development of new marker assisted breeding strategies described elsewhere in this report. This will result in the more rapid development of new fodder and amenity varieties of L. pernenne, with both economical and social benefits for a broad community of farmers and customers of the private and professional sector. Not least, the newly developed knowledge and techniques will provide the project partners with unique competition advantages in the international field of grass breeding.