Inhibitors of metalloproteinases have shown a high therapeutic potency in preliminary clinical trials. However, unacceptable side-effects are associated, which are relative to recently discovered ADAMS and "non classical" effects of MMPs. This project aims at defining the best MMP inhibition profiles for cancer therapy by
1) a comprehensive assessment of metalloprateinase activities and functions at both physiological and tumour progression level, i.e. by using first inhibition inhibitors as probe;
2) designing new metalloproteinase inhibitors on the basis of inhibitor-enzyme complex 3-D structures and on the biological activities to be tackled;
3) assessing the benefit of combining MMP inhibitors with serine proteases inhibitors designed on a similar basis.
Ámbito científico
Convocatoria de propuestas
Data not availableRégimen de financiación
CSC - Cost-sharing contractsCoordinador
4000 LIEGE