Myxidium leei (Myxozoa) is an important pathogen of Sparus aurata and other fish cultured in the Mediterranean, causing high mortalities both in netpens and in land-based mariculture systems, with subsequent economical impact. In spite of the relevance of this myxidiosis, there are important gaps in the knowledge of the parasite life cycle, transmission, epidemiology, mechanisms of infection and immunology. The present project intends to evaluate the epidemiological status of this disease in sparid cultures and wild fish and invertebrates by validating and using a diagnostic PCR-assay, also useful to control its introduction and spreading. The mechanisms involved in transmission, pathogenesis and immune response are also studied in order to manage adequate prophylactic measures.
Ámbito científico
Not validated
Not validated
Convocatoria de propuestas
Data not availableRégimen de financiación
CSC - Cost-sharing contractsCoordinador