The aim of this project is to study a newly discovered neural system, the mirror system, and to assess its role in fundamental cognitive functions such as imitation and understanding intentions of others. In the project are involved seven leading European groups of neuroscientists. They will address the problem of the organization of mirror system at various levels: anatomical, electrophysiological (single neuron recordings from STS) and functional (fMRI and 2DG studies). The basic mechanisms of the mirror system will be investigated in both monkeys and humans using similar stimuli. The higher functions related to mirror system will be investigated in humans using fMRI. Particularly innovative is the use of fMRI technique in monkeys. These experiments will allow the researchers to bridge basic knowledge on mirror mechanism, available in monkeys, with human fMRI data.
Ámbito científico
Convocatoria de propuestas
Data not availableRégimen de financiación
CSC - Cost-sharing contractsCoordinador
43100 PARMA