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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
Contenu archivé le 2024-05-18

Acceleration of Innovative ideas to Market


The project goal will be to develop a system to support the collection of all useful knowledge throughout the extended enterprise for new and existing process and product developments, and to develop this knowledge into a means of fostering industrial innovations. Innovation by combining the ideas and feedback from all parts of the product life cycle, including customer interaction with existing products and new product ideas, and including customer service and field engineers, including suppliers, and including pooling of knowledge between multiple sites. Innovation is a critical factor in the success of industrial companies. Europe suffers from a recognised gap compared with its major competitors, because it is less able to translate knowledge into innovation.

The objectives are
To develop a means of stimulating the creation of innovative ideas and collecting them from people involved with the products and processes. Specifically to increase the number of innovative suggestions, concepts and new designs by 50% in all user companies.· To develop a way of processing these ideas and storing them into a structured knowledge repository. To ensure that all useful knowledge (innovative information) is saved;
To develop a means of analysing innovative knowledge to determine which is useful, and which is not. That is, to enable the viability of ideas to be assessed;
To develop the best means of delivering the innovative ideas to the product and process designers for maximum effect.

Work description:
The proposed work and the distribution of tasks within this project have been designed to ensure achievement of the objectives of the project and a minimisation of some of the main risks:
There are two types of activities:
Support activities: The are two support workpackages (Management and Technology Implementation), which will deal with all the activities such as quality plan, progress monitoring, dissemination, exploitation, ownership of the results;
Technical Activities: These activities have three distinctive phases (not sequential):
- Preparation phase: At the outset of the project the project industrial partners (end-users) will identify the specific area of their business which are best suited to the project. The Research and Development partners will investigate the state of the art. The results will be analysed to define the system concept;
- Implementation phase: Using the result of the system concept, solutions will be will be researched and developed to meet the project objectives. In parallel, the prototype AIM system will be developed, and there will be significant interactions between these two activities;
- Validation phase: All the achieved results throughout the project need to be tested and verified. This workpackage will run through a substantial period of the project, In order to be able to validate All the results, even at early stages of the project.

M1) The first milestone will be at month 6 when the user requirements analysis has been completed;
M2) The second milestone will be at month 18, when the first specifications of the AIM components have been completed and early prototypes produced;
M3) The third milestone will be at month 27 when the AIM system components have been developed and integrated;
M4) The final milestone will be achieved when, the users have been fully trained and the AIM system has been validated.

Appel à propositions

Data not available

Régime de financement

CSC - Cost-sharing contracts


Contribution de l’UE
Aucune donnée
48160 DERIA

Voir sur la carte

Coût total
Aucune donnée

Participants (6)