The Multimod Display and Interaction framework is a software architecture enabling the easy development of multimodal interfaces and applications integrating speech recognition, haptic feedback, autostereoscopic display and tracking devices.
The framework architecture can be devided into three layers:
- The multimod foundation layer:
A portable SW library providing all classes required accessing with reasonable abstraction and managing efficiently the Multimod storage space, as well as to process the data it contains. This foundation layer contains: a 3D computer graphics and visualisation library, Visualisation Toolkit (VTK) available as public domain software, all the classes necessary to manage the Multimod Storage Format, new high performance visualisation classes, a collision detection library available as public domain software VCollide. All the classes available in the Multimod Foundation Layer (MFL) have been integrated with the VTK library. The library contains also a new data representation called Virtual Medical Entity (VME). It is a collection of MFL objects organised following a pre-defined structure. Such structure provides an effective abstraction of time and space independent from the resolution of the available data. It provides also a general registration framework, in which each base entity pose (position plus orientation) is defined with respect to one global reference system directly or through a hierarchical set of transformations. Such system copes also with the possibility that the shape of one object changes over time.
- The low abstraction layer:
A portable SW library providing all classes to combine multiple MFL classes into objects of higher abstraction functionality. The library provides a variety of services that are necessary to create a complete application starting from the Multimod Foundation Layer (MFL): complete GUI elements, undo, management of the display area etc. These services are called MAF Operations and MAF services. The graphic user interface of the MAF has been abstracted by adopting the WxWindows library, which is non-commercial and ensures portability between operation systems.
- Currently the framework is in place and the multimodal interaction interface has been designed. The multimodal interaction will be implemented in the next months.