The ECOTOOLS project is a multidisciplinary research effort dedicated to developing workable tools and strategies for the sustainable use of natural ecosystem products, using as study sites two multiuse wetland ecosystems near Lake Victoria. The project partners are 7 research institutions with extensive experience in ecosystem research and sustainable management. The overall approach of the project will be to integrate research in ecosystem management, indicator development, remote sensing technologies, ecosystem functional modelling, ecological economics systems analysis and material and energy flux measurements. The tools that will be developed include a best practises/training package, an indicator/criteria package, integrated ecological, economic and resource based models for regional territorial planning, sustainable use models for key wetland parameters (fauna, flora, water), a local GIS, long term monitoring programmes and
Wissenschaftliches Gebiet
Data not availableAufforderung zur Vorschlagseinreichung
Data not availableFinanzierungsplan
CSC - Cost-sharing contractsKoordinator
53100 SIENA