A fundamental issue of the research on global change effects on the biosphere is the need of proper design of experiments at the ecosystem level. FACE technology has the merit of not altering the climate of the test area and allows research on impacts of global change to be conducted at ecosystem level, where the gained knowledge will be useful for elaborating mitigation strategies for climate change. EUROFACE will use an existing CO2 enrichment infrastructure (FACE technology) on forest tree stands. At EUROFACE an integrated research will be conducted at the trans-European level on the role of forest plantations to mitigate greenhouse gases in support of the Kyoto protocol and under conditions of climate change, with the aim of improving and making available to a larger scientific community a FACE infrastructure and to quantify-uptake and soil storage of carbon as affected by global climate change and management.
Wissenschaftliches Gebiet
Aufforderung zur Vorschlagseinreichung
Data not availableFinanzierungsplan
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