This study recorded the situation that existed prior to the construction of Attica Road motorway and compared it with environmental (air quality and sound pollution), traffic and health conditions following the opening of the motorway.
The case study helped the actors involved to mitigate the impacts caused by the motorway, thereby improving its operation status.
In Attica region, where Athens is one of the major municipalities (114 municipalities in total for the whole region), there are more than 2.000.000 vehicles running on the network and more than 5.500.000 person trips (all purposes) every day.
The total area of Attica was modelled using a GIS platform and was available for the Ishtar applications. In this model there were than 50.000 links (basic roadway network). The total area was divided into a number of traffic zones (700 to 1300 depending on the focus of the application) where data exist in databases for all the traffic zonal system.
The application used for the Ishtar suite case study, dealt with the new roadway construction the so-called 'Attica Road' or 'Attica Periphery Road'. This new toll highway was assessed in terms of traffic, toll strategy and pricing, environmental conditions on the highway and all of its entry points and exits.
In addition, all new projects that impact, one way or another on this new motorway were assessed as part of the total traffic condition in Attica region. The 2004 Athens Olympic Games, resulted in new projects being constructed (stadiums, accesses, roadway links, light rail, etc). All of these projects as well as the additional required infrastructure have been used in the database.
The application envisaged is two fold:
1. The largest domain (45 x 45 km2): to provide regional conditions (traffic, air quality, noise, etc.) where the results will be given by the current TRANSCAD Transport Model (with a resolution of 500m)
2. The smallest domain (5 x 5 km2 or less): to be assessed by the ISHTAR suite modules (at a street level, accesses, etc. district, area, etc).
The data used for implementing the project included:
Traffic data,
average vehicle flow measurements,
average vehicle speed measurements,
occupancy rates,
level of Service (HCM 2000 HCS 2),
numerous measurements of effectiveness.
Meteorological and air quality data
Meteorological data included wind direction, wind speed, standard deviation of wind speed, temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, precipitation. In Attica region there are nine stations for calculating air pollution concentration.
Air Pollution
Air Pollution Analysis was undertaken using TEE 2003 model and LAKES Environmental Software with the Support of the Aria Impact Models
Noise Analysis
Noise Analysis has been undertaken with the SoundPlan Model
Traffic Analysis
Apsis Ltd., as mentioned above, primarily uses TRANSCAD as the basic tool for the implementation of the Transportation Model of Attica Region. This tool offers the possibility to reduce the modelling (study) area and create an OD-matrix for the sub area chosen.
Ishtar provided various benefits to:
- Ministry of Planning, Environment & Public Works, Attica Road JV, and overall
- the citizens of Athens (especially those living in areas adjacent to the highway) with the analytical structure of the models and the results, by explaining in clear manner the highway's operation and its impacts (before & after).
One major issue that has to be noted, is that with the operation of the highway, (after case study analysis), 250.000 vehicles travel in Attica Road at an average of 15 km per trip, meaning (250.000 veh x 15 km) 3.750.000 vehxkm daily. All of these vehicles are now in the highway, providing a major relief to the local network of 3.750.000 vehicles km daily.
In the cases where the noise caused by the traffic was proven to be above the limits for the surrounding settlements, noise barriers have been installed along the motorway, benefiting residential and other sensitive areas (schools, hospitals, etc.).
Analysis of air pollution and noise impacts indicated that the motorway would have a major negative impact on the environment. People previously opposed to such an enormous project were re-assured and since no great health impacts were about to be placed on their lives. The report also noted that accidents have been reduced in the Attica region.