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Long LAsting BATtery

Descripción del proyecto

Nueva generación de baterías de níquel-zinc recargables y potentes

La sostenibilidad, autonomía y seguridad energética se encuentran entre los actuales objetivos prioritarios europeos. Existe una creciente necesidad de dejar de usar fuentes de combustible fósil para usar fuentes de energía renovable y limpias. Los sistemas de almacenamiento de energía en baterías permiten el uso creciente de tecnologías que respaldan la generación intermitente de electricidad renovable. Aunque crean nuevas demandas en la red, se deben realizar nuevos progresos en cuanto a la sostenibilidad y la competitividad. En este sentido, el proyecto LOLABAT, financiado con fondos europeos, tiene como objetivo desarrollar una nueva batería con prometedoras características químicas: una batería de níquel-zinc recargable. Ello se concibió a fin de tener densidades de potencia y energía muy elevadas y costes bajos. Será respetuosa con el medio ambiente, usará elementos no tóxicos y materias primas disponibles y abundantes y con un gran potencial de reciclaje.


Transition to renewable energy sources (RES) is a critical step to slow down the climate changes, to overcome the energy crisis and to ensure energy independence between different regions of the world. Battery energy storage systems (BESS) are currently seen as important technological enablers for increasing the absorption of RES into the electric grid. However, improvements in their performance, cost competitiveness and sustainability should be achieved. For EU, the complete batteries value chain and life cycle has to be considered, from access to raw material, over innovative advanced materials to modelling, production, recycling, second life, life cycle and environmental assessments. LOLABAT’s 17 stakeholders aim to develop a new promising battery chemistry, RNZB (rechargeable NiZn Battery). The RNZB presented and developed during LOLABAT will have energy and power densities both the highest just after Li-ion batteries, cost the lowest just after the Lead-acid battery, while profiting from abundant and available raw materials, non-toxic elements, high safety, low risk of thermal runaway, limited environmental impact and high recycling potential. The ambitions (2024 and after) of LOLABAT are: further increase of the cycle life of NiZn (to at least 4000 cycles at 100% DoD be the end of project), development of NiZn for grid applications and its preparation for a production in Europe, by increasing its TRL via upscaling of capacity, design and integration of BMS and sensors built up in battery packs, testing and demonstration in stationary energy storage applications via six use cases in utility grid and industrial sites, its preparation for a future industrialisation by realisation of life cycle and life cycle cost analyses, recycling studies, assessment of norms, standards and grid compliancy, realisation of business model and market studies and finally an extensive dissemination and communication of the project results and NiZn technology.

Ámbito científico (EuroSciVoc)

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Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 302 426,25
95011 Cergy-Pontoise

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Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Val-d’Oise
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 302 426,25

Participantes (20)