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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Determining multi-level led causes and testing intervention designs to reduce radicalisation, extremism and political violence in north-western Europe through social inclusion

CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.

I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .

Risultati finali

Online dissemination

D93 Online dissemination type Dissemination Activity organiser ULEI delivered M36 dissemination activity will be evident through drives online platforms

Major report

D7.1 Major report (type: Report, editor: ULEI, delivered: M32): a major public report detailing the methodology of the research, the analysis conducted and its findings, findings from testing an intervention design, and strategic recommendations for programmes seeking to counter radicalisation in the EU.

Study Area Report

A short report will outline the identified study areas and their socioeconomic profile in addition to confirming where any comparable areas have been twinned for later analysis

Project website

D91 Project website type Dissemination Activity organiser ULEI delivered M6 DRIVE website will be established by M6 providing a platform for online dissemination activity

Preparatory Research

A public report detailing the state of the art and highlighting gaps in current understanding

Proactive media engagement

D9.4. Proactive media engagement (type: Dissemination Activity, organiser: ULEI, delivered: M36): partners in the consortium will actively engage with print and digital news media to offer blogs, op-eds and interviews in relation to DRIVE on a regular basis. This includes making effective uses of DRIVE’s social media handles on Facebook and Twitter.

Methodological Report

A short public report will outline the methods used to map the online behaviour of users accessing radical content

Social media tools

D92 Social media tools type Dissemination Activity organiser ULEI delivered M6 DRIVE will establish Twitter and Facebook social media handles to be utilised by the consortium members and staff associated with the project

Training materials

D8.4 Training materials (type: End-user product, editor: ULEI, delivered: M34): training manuals will be produced for end-users along with guidance for testing an intervention design. There will be both a generic European toolkit and tailored national versions for each case study country.

Major conference

D7.2 Major conference (Type: Dissemination activity, Organiser: ULEI, Delivered: M32): a conference in Brussels will bring together academics, policy makers and practitioners from a number of EU countries, launching the Major Report and facilitating the dissemination of the research findings.

Practitioner toolkits

D8.3 Practitioner toolkits (type: End-user product, editor: ULEI, delivered: M34): a generic European toolkit will be produced, alongside tailored national versions for each case study country.


D8.1 Workshop (type: Research event, organiser: ULEI, delivered: M28): a workshop will be held to begin operationalizing the research findings and developing the diagnostics matrix.

Training Workshops

D8.5 Training Workshops (type: Dissemination activity, organiser: ULEI, delivered: M35): in each case study country a training workshop will be provided for a range of end-users in order to explain the tools and frameworks developed, to promote their adoption and train actors in their use.

Workshop a

A workshop will be held to inform the development of the datagathering instruments

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