D93 Online dissemination type Dissemination Activity organiser ULEI delivered M36 dissemination activity will be evident through drives online platforms
Study Area ReportA short report will outline the identified study areas and their socioeconomic profile in addition to confirming where any comparable areas have been twinned for later analysis
Project websiteD91 Project website type Dissemination Activity organiser ULEI delivered M6 DRIVE website will be established by M6 providing a platform for online dissemination activity
Preparatory ResearchA public report detailing the state of the art and highlighting gaps in current understanding
Methodological ReportA short public report will outline the methods used to map the online behaviour of users accessing radical content
Social media toolsD92 Social media tools type Dissemination Activity organiser ULEI delivered M6 DRIVE will establish Twitter and Facebook social media handles to be utilised by the consortium members and staff associated with the project
A workshop will be held to inform the development of the datagathering instruments
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