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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Creation Of new value chain Relations through novel Approaches facilitating Long-term Industrial Symbiosis

Descrizione del progetto

Generare esperienze di simbiosi industriale

La simbiosi industriale è un approccio di sistema che collega diversi attori industriali per sfruttare le risorse sottoutilizzate in modo più integrato e sostenibile. È necessario approfondire le conoscenze sulla simbiosi industriale in Europa, in particolare nelle fasi di attuazione e di funzionamento che richiedono il supporto di quadri armonizzati e di strutture di comunicazione dei dati. Il progetto CORALIS, finanziato dall’UE, è un progetto dimostrativo concepito per realizzare vere e proprie iniziative di sinergia industriale e per prevenire gli ostacoli che queste iniziative devono affrontare. Si occuperà dei fattori tecnici, gestionali ed economici che costituiranno la base per la definizione del livello di preparazione della sinergia industriale. CORALIS fornirà un quadro armonizzato per il monitoraggio dei risultati e la valutazione del loro impatto dal punto di vista del ciclo di vita, applicato in una piattaforma di valutazione virtuale.


Industrial symbiosis (IS) has gain great attention in the last years due to its high potential for energy and resources savings. However, there is still a need for enhancing the knowledge base for IS in Europe, especially in what regards to the implementation and operation phases, which must be supported by harmonised frameworks and data reporting structures that ensure data accuracy and comparability in existing and new IS initiatives.
Under this framework, CORALIS has been designed as a demonstration project for the generation of real experiences on the deployment of IS solutions and the overcoming of the barriers faced by these initiatives. In order to properly address this complex issue, CORALIS will address three factors (technical, managerial and economical) that will set the basis for the definition of the IS readiness level, a useful indicator establishing the feasibility of the overall IS initiative. In addition to specific developments on each of these factors, CORALIS will provide a harmonised framework for the monitoring of results and evaluation of their impact from a life cycle perspective. This impact assessment methodology will be implemented into a virtual assessment platform that will support the operation of the involved industrial parks.
The overall approach of CORALIS will be demonstrated in a total of 3 industrial parks, each of them supported by an IS facilitator, a neutral actor in charge of guiding the IS initiative and exploiting its full potential. Moreover, 3 additional industrial parks will follow the project results in order to replicate them by implementing additional IS initiatives after the project’s end. Further replication is expected by gathering the project results in CORALIS Handbook for supporting the implementation of IS, by providing recommendations on regulation and standardization and by establishing a continuous dialogue with main European stakeholders following an ambitious dissemination and exploitation strategy.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

IA - Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 2 052 924,98
50018 Zaragoza

Mostra sulla mappa

Noreste Aragón Zaragoza
Tipo di attività
Research Organisations
Costo totale
€ 2 052 924,98

Partecipanti (33)