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PHOtovoltaic waste management – advanced Technologies for recOvery and recycling of secondary RAw MAterials from end-of-life modules

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - PHOTORAMA (PHOtovoltaic waste management – advanced Technologies for recOvery and recycling of secondary RAw MAterials from end-of-life modules)

Período documentado: 2021-05-01 hasta 2022-10-31

Since the last decades, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) have been drastically increasing in Europe, particularly for recent technologies such as Photovoltaic (PV) devices. These products are designed as complex sandwiches, which make the recovery of the critical (Si, In, Ga) and precious (Ag) raw materials encapsulated in the layers extremely challenging.
The overall objective of PHOTORAMA is to draw up a profitable and sustainable circular value chain that will lead to a carbon neutral PV industry. PHOTORAMA will develop and demonstrate the industrial prospective of recycling solutions to recover and recycle all the materials ‘components from End-of-life PV panels. A complementary consortium of 13 European companies and research institutes has built the framework of PHOTORAMA as follow:
(1) the development of innovative processes and technologies from TRL4-5 to TRL7 to establish a sound recycling scheme to increase significantly resource efficiency with decisive cost-cutting solutions. The implementation of automated disassembly and sandwich opening as layer separation (MONDRAGON, DFD, CEA) enabling high-recovery (> 95%) of secondary raw materials: Ag, Si (SINTEF, CEA, IDENER R&D) and In, Ga (LUXCHEMTECH) from EoL PV panels (crystalline silicon, thin films),
(2) the full-circularity approach emphasised from collection (SOREN) to marketable new products from Si, In, Ga, Ag (RHP), glass (MALTHA) mainly for PV manufacturing (EGP),
(3) the demonstration of the business viability and attractiveness of its technological solutions (BIFA, ENEA) as one of the most competitive perspective for PV recycling.
PHOTORAMA will strengthen this ambitious model with environmental impacts assessments and a strategic dissemination and exploitation plan supported by a strong effort for raising societal awareness (ZSI). The implementation of PHOTORAMA recycling scheme would unlock already more than 100,000 tons of valuable secondary raw materials by 2030.
The technological development of the PHOTORAMA project is focused on the implementation of a Pilot Line in industrial environment to recycle photovoltaic (PV) panels. The development of the Pilot Line includes three steps per waste stream (crystalline-Silicon (c-Si) and Copper-Indium-Gallium-Selenium (CIGS)):
- STEP1 : Disassembling of the external components (aluminium frame, junction box),
- STEP2 : Delamination of the multi-layers sandwich frontsheet//cells//backsheet,
- STEP3 : Metal recovery (silver, silicon, indium and gallium).
Six technologies related to the three steps are under development and scale-up.
The disassembling technology has been developed to remove the external components (frame, junction box) with a mechanical process using hydraulic cylinders. Those components are strongly sealed to the PV multi-layers to resist to severe weather conditions. A thorough sequential process including five stages has been set up to meet the challenge for not breaking the glass front sheet, treating all kind of panels (configuration, size etc.) and managing a high throughput at 1200 ton/y. From TRL5, the process has been optimized and the equipment as Pilot Unit is designed and under assembly close to reach TRL6.
The diamond wire cutting as one of the STEP2 technology manage today to cut through the very thin inter-layer of the PV sandwich (c-Si) in between 200 to 400 µm. From TRL5, the development and initial scale-up is demonstrating the process potential with advanced cutting speed (40-60 mm/min), local accurate sectioning (few hundred µm) and clean layer samples. The assembly of the Pilot Unit is almost finalized for the scale-up demonstration (TRL6) bringing close to the final integration target.
The delamination using Super critical CO2 – as an innovative technology for such sized devices can provide clean materials separation for c-Si stream (STEP2). From TRL 4-5, a cubic autoclave has been designed as a very first in the field application and the pre-Pilot Unit manages to process several panels (up to 5 expected for the final Unit). The technology is currently at TRL5-6.
The Flash light optical separation is a technology applicable on one type of PV panels (so-called thin films) for STEP2. The trials and related results showed with the Pilot Unit already assembled a very efficient process that is expected to treat 60 units/h. The prototype Unit is currently running (TRL6).
Two technologies are under development for metal recovery as STEP3 of the Pilot Line. Leaching using Deep Eutectic Solvent and dissolution in Organic Sulfonic Acid , both followed by electrodeposition for recovery under metallic form of silver, silicon, indium and gallium. The technologies are being developed to recover high purity metals by demonstrating extraction using green and organic solvent recyclable in the process loop and/or fully biodegradable. The leaching / dissolution step is well advanced (TRL5-6) as foreground results to develop the further electrodeposition step.
The techno-economic, environmental has developed the preliminary database that will be continuously updated with the technological progress. Most of the tasks regarding social analysis have been completed with a successful survey that have reached more than 16 000 stakeholders and provided more than 200 answers. The co-creation workshops have been held during the period and gathered very insightful results to better understand the barriers and drivers of PV recycling.
The communication and dissemination activities have been developed with the web-site, social medias, flyer, several invited talks in international workshops, presentations in international conferences etc. These is a strong basis for raising awareness of the project that will be developed in the second period to share the main results and success towards the objectives. Key Exploitable Results have been identified and detailed for developing and expending the exploitation activities in the second period. Products and processes associated to the Pilot Line are mainly targeted for the most impactful exploitation of the project results.
Nowadays, there is no sound and robust system to manage PV waste from collection to recycling, recovery and production of secondary raw materials to be re-injected in the economy. Most of the industrial solutions as down-cycling practices do not allow for high value recovery. This will lead to irreversible loss of valuable and critical materials that are embedded in PV panels. The systemic approach of PHOTORAMA is developing ground-breaking technologies to overcome the issue and to recover secondary raw materials with a quality and purity close to the primary resources used to manufacture PV devices. Furthermore, the ambition of PHOTORAMA is being demonstrated by developing new inclusive and circular models gathering all relevant stakeholders in the PV value chain. Connecting PV industry and recycling sectors, PHOTORAMA is building a collective scheme on the field to showcase new business perspectives. As solar energy should be exemplary in leading the energy transition to fight climate change, the PHOTORAMA model is attracting a great attention and interest from the PV community. Such model is considered as crucial to develop a strong and circular value chain to anchor positive social impacts and incentivize other sectors.
PHOTORAMA consortium