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Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .
Comparative analysis of beams manufactured using standard process with those manufactured using hydrosolidification.
D6.2. Final technical, economic and environmental reportfinal report incorporating the achivements in terms of mateials and prototype components through new technologoes including economic and environmental final assesments.
D5.2.- Report of components manufactured by LMD.Comparative analysis of rolls manufactured using the standard process with those manufactured using LMD.
D3.5.- Comparative evolution of LCA from standard process to alternatives materials and alternative manufac-turing technologiesEvolution of environmental impact once data about material samples and component like geometries aer available.
D5.3.- Report of components manufactured using ceramic coatingsComparative analysis of rolls manufactured using the standard process with those manufactured using Ceramic coatings.
D4.1.- Report on characterization of main processed materialsDescription of main processed materials in terms of microstructure and physical properties of solidification and phases precipitation
D3.2.- Report containing material property predictions to be used for validation of a computationally-based ap-proach to extracting input-data for process modelling.An outlined framework for property predictions and identified design strategies for materials optimization
D5.4.- Report on embedded sensor performance. Results of embedded sensor performance in terms of accuracy and degradation with time.
D4.2.- Report on processability window for powder generation of alternative high wear resistance alloysDescription of processing window for the obtention of high quality powder for final LMD use.
D4.3.- Report of material selection and performed validation test.Detailed description of test performed for material selection and final high temperature mechanical, wear and corrosion properties achieved.
will include the data generated by the project and establish which will be made accessible for verification and reuse and how it will be curated and preserved
Florin D. Duminica, Muthu Karuppasamy, Florian Dawance,
Jens Baber, Holger Friedrich & Philippe Guaino
Publié dans:
Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, Numéro Volume 33, 2024, Page(s) pages 1324–1337, (2024), ISSN 1059-9630
ASM International
A. Niklas , M. Rouco , D. Garcia , F. Santos , Á. Sanz
Publié dans:
Engineering failure analysis, Numéro Engineering Failure Analysis Volume 161 (2024) 108283, 2024, ISSN 1350-6307
Pergamon Press Ltd.
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