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One Network for Europe

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - OneNet (One Network for Europe)

Période du rapport: 2022-04-01 au 2024-03-31

OneNet developed an open and flexible architecture to transform the actual European electricity system, which is often managed in a fragmented country- or area-level manner, into a pan-European smarter and more efficient ecosystem, where market and network technical operations are reciprocally coordinated closer to real time and across different countries, while maximizing the consumers’ capability to participate in an open market structure.
The resulting open-source OneNet Framework has been validated in pilots in 13 different EU countries and will live on as a project of the Linux Foundation for Energy. A major result is that Finland is going commercial with OneNet: the Finnish TSO Fingrid is going to establish a local flexibility market for managing network congestions and Volue Oy will facilitate Fingrid in procuring, enabling and running the market.
OneNet designed efficient, integrated and scalable markets for the procurement of system services by DSOs and TSOs with seamless coordination between DSOs and TSOs, TSOs and TSOs, DSOs and DSOs and SOs and suppliers/aggregators/consumers/prosumers and this within and cross-countries.
The results of the OneNet pilots have been analysed to extract conclusions for EU-wide implementation, including the corresponding supportive policies to enable TSOs-DSOs-customers to procure standardized system products in a coordinated manner through interoperable platforms. This analysis is summarised and key recommendations to address barriers related to market design and interoperability are presented in the key deliverable D11.7 on “EU wide implementation of market schemes and interoperable platforms.
OneNet studied market solutions and digital platforms of EU pilot projects, revisited European policy frameworks and used this to sketch the new products and business use cases to be studied further in the project. These were chosen to strongly engage the consumers to maximize the flexibility resources that the grid operators can use to meet the clean energy challenges. The differences among EU markets were reviewed and specific priorities for KPIs, scalability and replicability of OneNet solutions were devised to enable the pan-EU integration of these new services and products digitally procured for system operation.
Efficient, integrated and scalable markets were designed for the procurement of system services by DSOs and TSOs with seamless coordination between SOs and suppliers/aggregators/consumers/prosumers within and cross-countries. A theoretical market framework was defined, market integration aspects and interrelations of new market mechanisms with existing energy and flexibility markets studied, integrated markets designed to procure the standardized products for system services.
The market activities were linked with grid operation to maximize the integration of FSPs, considering both at TSO and DSO levels and the customer perspective. Interfaces between TSO-DSO-customer were defined, including an analysis of cybersecurity measures.
These activities fed into OneNet’s to design for an open conceptual architecture for seamless operation of a smarter pan-European electricity system where market and network technical operations are coordinated closer to real time across countries, with interoperable and standardizable interfaces for an open, scalable, decentralized interconnection of platforms in a technology-agnostic adaptable and flexible way.
Using the resulting IT reference architecture, a decentralized middleware (OneNet Framework) was developed which enables the interconnection of energy actors and the seamless data management and exchange, including cybersecurity tools. The OneNet Framework has been fully deployed and tested in several OneNet pilots.
The OneNet pilots developed, implemented and tested a rich set of use cases and innovative scenarios. The pilots were on a large scale in terms of geographical distribution, number of participating partners and the roles of the partners, which covered all relevant market roles (DSO, TSO, market operator, FSP etc.).
The results of the OneNet pilots have been analysed to extract conclusions for EU-wide implementation, including the corresponding supportive policies to enable TSOs-DSOs-customers to procure standardized system products in a coordinated manner through interoperable platforms.
OneNet has produced many results. One group of results relates to the OneNet Framework, which facilitates data exchange to support market and network operations among TSOs and DSOs, as well as stakeholders like prosumers and aggregators. The OneNet Framework includes a reference architecture, several software components and a catalogue of harmonised services. It has been accepted as a project by Linux Foundation for Energy.
The OneNet pilots developed a set of Grid Management Solutions, which are platforms and software related to grid management and flexibility.
OneNet also disseminated its results by publishing research concepts and development results in well-known international journals, participating to dedicated workshops, continuously publishing news on the project’s website and social media channels and by demonstrating the field trial results with dedicated events.
OneNet partners has taken part in trade fairs and events and have been very active in EU-level activities such as BRIDGE and ETIP-SNET. OneNet’s market interface has been brought to standardisation bodies. An open call was held and cascading funds distributed to nine third parties to increased scope and impact of the OneNet pilots.
The Grid Forum (GRIFOn) was created for this purpose and a series of events held to bring all the relevant stakeholders together to co-determine the project results and consolidate a common vision of the European electricity system by building consensus of OneNet solutions among project- and non-project parties and promote a Europe-wide knowledge exchange on how to shape an integrated European electricity system.
OneNet provides a framework of data management supporting flexibility markets and monitoring and optimization of the overall European electrical infrastructure. It has produced a clear and open architecture that will enable any player to participate at innovative market structures to enable integration of the grid and market operation for TSO and DSO in the innovative market structure.
OneNet’s key result is the OneNet Framework (TRL 8) which is a decentralised ecosystem for interoperability and data exchange, without intermediation by a third party. It is innovative in following a Data Spaces Architecture to be scalable, flexible, provide for trusted data exchanges, and collaborate with other data spaces from the same or other domains.
Another key impact is that a local flexibility market for managing network congestions based on OneNet will be established in Finland.
OneNet’s view of how to address barriers to market design and interoperability is presented in OneNet’s final deliverable D11.7 “EU wide implementation of market schemes and interoperable platforms”, which proposes 24 key recommendations to standardize processes, enhance cybersecurity, enable technological advancements, and foster stakeholder engagement, thereby facilitating a more integrated, secure, and efficient energy landscape.
OneNet Reference Architecture
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