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Risultati finali
A first version of the plan will be delivered in month 3 by ESEB and it will be updated in month 18
Project LeafletTwo project leaflets one customized for end users and one for market operators will be prepared to address the right starting messages to the different target groups They will be printed in a sufficient numnber of copies in order to reach the audience but taking into account the will to avoid useless paper use
5 regional videos on results5 regional videos on main achievements will be produced for each involved region
Project branding packageThe visual project identity will include a logo hashtag a motto and a graphical identity
Project brochure and video1 digital version brochure with different sections tailored for specific target groups so that each user can access the information mostly fitting to its own profile An explanatory video of the project concept is also going to be produced
4 feasibility studies for replicationThe studies offered to those who signed D46 will be developed by F3 in order to define the conditions under which the replication of the project in different areas could be effective
5 Business plansFive business plans are developed to explore future exploitation of the project on a long term perspective
The report is based on the outcomes of the workshop organized in T21
Set of criteriaA set of criteria to select folloers institutiins will be defined jointly by the consortium
Business plan for long term replicationThe plan defines the conditions under which project activities can be replicated further with a a self sustained financing mechanism based on knowledge transfer
Evaluation of learning programsThe training activities will be assessed in order to assess the transferability impact
Training packageThe training package will be used with potential replicators
Final project publicationThe final pubblication will summarize all main lessons learnt results and impact achieved It will be the final project publication
Call for selectionOn the basis of the criteria set in T41 the call for the selection of potential replicators
Dissemination activities ReportsThe report will summarize all the dissemination activities implemented It will be drafted in month 18 and updatedin the final version in month 36
Report of meetings with financial inst.The report is based on the outcomes of the workshop organized in T22
Report on replication activitiesThe report provides the outcomes of the replication activities implemented by the consortium
Subscribers list + updatesA first list of market operators adopting the EES will be developed at month 24 and updated at month 34
Communication&Dissemination ReportThe report will be structured as the Communication and Dissemination Plan and will be used to report the activities implemented
Endorsement actsThe endorsement could be an official act or statements as outcomes of meetings or exchange of official letters This will depend on the different practices in place in the different institutions approached
Project events ReportsThe report summarize all the evnts where the project was present A first release of the report is expected at month 27
4 agreements with replication partnersFour agreements with the four most promising trained partnes will be signed with F3 in order to ensure the development of D47
5 EESs adaptedBased on the outcomes of 23 and outcomes of 21 and 22 the deliverables include all the technical specifications and documents tailored at regional level thta will be promoted with the WP3 activities
Energy Efficiency Subscription schemeThe deliverables includes all the specifications and standard contract schemes to be discussed with stakeholders at regional level
The plan developed at month 6 will be updated at least once at month 12
The web platform includes all specifications and documents of D2.4 and make it usuable for end users and market operators.
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