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Links zu Ergebnissen und Veröffentlichungen von RP7-Projekten sowie Links zu einigen Typen spezifischer Ergebnisse wie Datensätzen und Software werden dynamisch von OpenAIRE abgerufen.
HW/SW integration optimization supporting Aeronautical usecases
Summary of pilots co-design requirementsSummary of pilots codesign requirements
Final report of ACROSS co-design, system documentation and lesson learned togetherFinal report of ACROSS co-design, system documentation andlesson learned together
Demonstrate scalability of global scale NWP ensemble at resolution of 5km exploiting EuroHPC pre-exascale computing resources (Final release)Demonstrate scalability of global scale NWP ensemble atresolution of 5km exploiting EuroHPC pre-exascale computingresources (final release)
Data Management Plan (Final release)Report on dissemination, exploitation and communication activities (Final version)
Report on dissemination, exploitation and communicationactivities (Final version)
System requirements analysis for orchestrator designHybrid Computing Architecture for performance
Cross-pilot evaluation and validation campaign report
Generic HPC platform with conventional Accelerators
Validation and Evaluation of the ACROSS platform
Demonstrate the feasibility of high-resolution hydrological model simulations with efficient access to meteorological and climatological data ensemble
Database finalization and AI methods application
Description of key technologies and platform design
Stage 2 requirements for HW/SW integration
Stage 2 requirements for HWSW integration
Cross-pilot evaluation and validation campaign planFinal validation for cross stack convergence
Seismic cube use case validation and report
ACROSS integration products and EuroHPC cross-project collaboration benefits (first release)
ACROSS integration products and EuroHPC crossprojectcollaboration benefits first release
Analysis and definition of scheduling strategies for resource optimizationDemonstrate scalability of global scale NWP ensemble at resolution of 5km exploiting EuroHPC pre-exascale computing resources (First release)
Demonstrate scalability of global scale NWP ensemble atresolution of 5km exploiting EuroHPC preexascale computingresources First release
Extend the domain-specific object store to support Grand Ensemble and storm-resolving climatological simulations (Final release)Extend the domain-specific object store to support GrandEnsemble and storm-resolving climatological simulations (Final release)
ACROSS integration products and EuroHPC cross-project collaboration benefits (final version)ACROSS integration products and EuroHPC cross-projectcollaboration benefits (Final version)
ACROSS societal and industrial impact maximization report (first release)ACROSS societal and industrial impact maximization report first release
ACROSS integration products and EuroHPC cross-project collaboration benefits (Intermediate version)ACROSS integration products and EuroHPC cross-projectcollaboration benefits (Intermediate version)
Data Management Plan (First release)Data Management Plan First release
Intermediate report of ACROSS co-design, system documentation and lesson learned together activitiesIntermediate report of ACROSS codesign systemdocumentation and lesson learned together activities
Extend the domain-specific object store to support Grand Ensemble and storm-resolving climatological simulations (First release)Extend the domainspecific object store to support GrandEnsemble and stormresolving climatological simulations First release
Report on dissemination, exploitation and communication activities (first release)Report on dissemination exploitation and communicationactivities first release
HPC-AI ConvergenceAVIO Aero use cases: review of KPIs and expected impact on Aeronautical market
AVIO Aero use cases: review of KPIs and expected impact onAeronautical market
Carbon sequestration use case validation and reportACROSS societal and industrial impact maximization report (final version)
ACROSS societal and industrial impact maximization report (Final version)
Report on parallel efficiency/scalability performance of improved U-Therm3D approachReport on parallel efficiency/scalability performance ofimproved U-Therm3D approach
Stage 1 new workflows
Stage 2 integrated and scalable version of OPM Flow
Components development for ACROSS second level of orchestration
Components development for ACROSS first level of orchestration (first release)
Components development for ACROSS first level oforchestration (First release)
Stage 1 requirements for HW/SW integrationStage 1 requirements for HWSW integration
Components enhancing for ACROSS third level of orchestration (final release)Components enhancing for ACROSS third level of orchestration (final release).
Stage 2 new workflowsComponents development for ACROSS first level of orchestration (final release)
Final release of the components development for ACROSS first level of orchestration.
Components enhancing for ACROSS third level of orchestration (first release)Components enhancing for ACROSS third level of orchestration (First release)
Dissemination Exploitation and Communication DEC plan
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