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deCarbonising sHipping by Enabling Key technology symbiosis on real vessel concept designs

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CHEK (deCarbonising sHipping by Enabling Key technology symbiosis on real vessel concept designs)

Période du rapport: 2021-06-01 au 2022-11-30

CHEK: deCarbonising sHipping by Enabling Key technology symbiosis on real vessel concept designs
Whilst the contribution of long-distance shipping to the EU and global economy is undisputed, it is clear the sector must address many challenges. Over 2/3 of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from ships sailing to or from European ports in 2018 came from long-distance ships. If nothing changes, the IMO expects global shipping emissions to increase by 50-250% between 2008 and 2050. No existing or emerging “silver bullet” technology is single-handedly able to decarbonise long-distance shipping. If future shipping is to connect the world reliably, cost-effectively and quickly, it must use a combination of future technologies working in symbiosis.CHEK will develop and demonstrate two bespoke vessel designs – a wind energy optimised bulk carrier and a hydrogen powered cruise ship – equipped with an interdisciplinary combination of innovative technologies working in symbiosis to reduce GHG emissions by 99% and achieve at least 50% energy savings. CHEK proposes to develop a unique Future-Proof Vessel (FPV) Design Platform to ensure maximum symbiosis between the novel technologies proposed, considering the vessels’ real operational profiles, rather than just sea-trial performance. The FPV Platform will also serve as a basis for replicating the CHEK approach towards other vessel types such as tankers, container ships, general cargo ships and ferries. These jointly cover over 93% of the global shipping tonnage and are responsible for 85% of global GHG emissions from shipping. To achieve real-world impact and the decarbonisation of the global shipping fleet, CHEK will analyse framework conditions influencing long-distance shipping today, including infrastructure availability, legislation and business models and propose solutions to ensure the proposed vessel designs can and will be deployed in reality. A Foresight Exercise will simulate the deployment of the CHEK innovations on the global shipping fleet with the aim of reaching the IMO’s goal of halving shipping emissions by 2050 and contributing to turning Europe into the first carbon-neutral continent by 2050, as stipulated by the European Green Deal.
Following the detailed outlook of the various technologies and shipping aspects developed during the first year of CHEK, the installation of these technologies has started taking place. At design level, the digital master of future-proof Kamsarmax and Meraviglia vessels has been built based on real operational data of the Kamsarmax bulker and Meraviglia cruise ship, targeting the optimisation of ship performance with regards to emissions through digital design means. The combination of this digital master with real-life data will lead to the development of a ‘Digital Twin’ which will include the design of experiments to be conducted in real vessel demonstrations. As for the hydrogen engine prototype construction, the engine hardware components have been made available. The final design of the Wind Wing has been completed and the automated software and control system solution for positioning of the WindWing according to the live local weather conditions is nearing completion. The WindWing is currently under manufacturing and assembly, and will be ready for installation on the Kamsarmax bulker in Q1 2023.
The automated routing/sailing innovation has been developed, integrating data from navigation, speed, propulsion and auxiliary systems for the bulk carrier, allowing the ship to support the crew with efficient decision-making in routing and sailing. The digital tools consider factors such as company planned route (including potential re-routing options), weather conditions, speed request, emission reductions, machinery performance and vessel trim. A novel, automated and streamlined cruise itinerary planning and adoption tool has been developed and tested focusing on the automation and streamlining of many itinerary planning tasks currently delivered manually. The preparation of deployment of both operational technologies on real vessels has taken place during these past six months including class approval, and relevant safety studies.
The waste heat recovery system converting low-temperature heat into electricity in order to create a bespoke WHR-system for the future vessel design has been optimized, updated and tested. In-lab testing will now begin in order to test the parameters obtained by the real vessel demonstrations.
Ultrasound antifouling prototypes with different hardware-software-combinations and transducers have been manufactured and transducer protecting covers have been designed and prepared for installation on both vessels during a scheduled dry dock stay. The ultrasound antifouling test patches have been created by first removing the antifouling paint from the hull and replacing them with hard paint (with no antifouling properties). Half of the six test patches have been positioned towards the vessel bow, whilst the remaining three at the stern. Finally, ultrasound transducers have been attached inside the protecting covers. Final design of the air lubrication system (ALS) to be installed on both vessels has taken place, including the full description of the system, the specification of key system components, the Shipyard Installation specification, the Life Cycle Cost analysis associated with the installations that provide certainty to the ship Owner/Operator as to the form, function and cost associated with ALS.
A report on new business models for GHG reductions has been conducted along with a report reviewing the methodology for benchmarking GHG emissions for operating a bulk carrier and a cruise vessel and proposing feasible ways to present actual fuel consumption and GHG emissions to vessels crews in comparison to peer vessels as a way of benchmarking. A student competition on future sustainable shipping technologies was organised in summer leading to a competition report detailing the winners and their proposals.
Dissemination activities aim to fulfil CHEK’s dissemination and exploitation aims and meet the interests of the different target groups. Scientific publications are in preparation as an appropriate channel to transfer knowledge generated through research. The target groups include the research community, students, industry and H2020 marine projects. Project results – including the presentation of technology designs/prototypes and their performance as well as the FPV Design Platform and modelling approaches behind it – are already and will be further presented at numerous industry events and dedicated conferences. The main identified target groups for the dissemination of project results include the industry, SMEs in the value chain, Ship owners, Shipping industry customers, Ship designers, Classification societies and Shipyards. CHEK’s exploitation plan includes different channels. Selected datasets will be available to the research community, students and IMO stakeholders to enable further research on the topic. Opening up the CHEK emission calculator for the scientific GHG modelling community will contribute to the preparation of future GHG emission studies. Different channels will be used to inform IMO MEPC, DG MOVE/DG CLIMA, journalists and environmental NGOs on the projects results and outcome. In the post-project commercialisation, the project outputs will be presented for target groups through various activities.
Future-Proof Vessel Design Platform
CHEK vessels