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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

pREservIng fuNdamental rIghTs In the use of digitAl technoLogIes for e-health ServicEs

CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.

Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .


A strategic integrated plan for how to link research excellence to business community needs, incl. a collection of good practices

A strategic integrated plan for how to link research excellence to business community needs, including collection of good practices will be prepared on a base of 2 showcases events organized by the 2 leading scientific institutions, in order to show successful cooperation experiences between academia and stakeholders and other positive initiatives in the sector of digital technologies for the e-health services. In particular, local stakeholders in Leuven and Macerata will show how they were involved and cooperated with the different research departments, how benefits and innovation is being achieved, types of difficulties encountered, problem solving approach, etc. The events will be organised through interviews, storytelling sessions and through interactive panel discussions on “research to market/public sector” practices, in order to: a) promote learning, discussion and feedback on how research can be linked to the business system and public services (new and innovative services and products, impact factors for market oriented exploitation, etc.); b) enhance the capacity to establish relations, make synergies with the territory within the framework of an innovation ecosystem. The 1st showcase event will be held in Leuven (BE) in M17, whereas the 2nd one will take place in Macerata (IT) in M19; both of them will last 1,5 days.The showcase event in Macerata will also foresee a peer review session aimed at elaborating a strategic integrated plan for how to link research excellence to the territory’s needs. This will allow discussion and learning on how to export solutions and best practices in the field of e-health services with specific regard to the situation of UMCS; more specifically, how to link the territorial system with researchers; different strategies and tools to boost cooperation; how to integrate local stakeholders in the research process; features of intersectoral collaboration in the health sector.

Report on the findings of the joint scientific workshops

Report on the findings of 12 joint scientific workshops covering the research lines of the project and lasting 1 day each Each workshop will converge with the mobility period of a senior researcher when hosted by the relevant partner institution see task 12 In order to maximise the impact in terms of knowledge transfer speakers will both be the senior researcher in secondments and researchers of the hosting institutions whereas the target group of the events is the whole community of researchers of the hosting institutions incl ESRs The theme of each workshop will regard the main expertise of the senior researcher in secondment in coherence with the detailed plan for transfer of knowledge elaborated in task 11 and taking into consideration specific expectations of the hosting institution

Midterm report on Dissemination activities

Uni-Lublin, as task responsible, will be in charge of elaborating the Midterm report on Dissemination activities (D4.7). The report will list and describe all the significant events (conferences, seminars, workshops) organised by REINITIALISE.

Report on training activities on transversal skills

Report on training activities on transversal skills will be elaborated based on findings from comprehensive and highquality training on transferable skills delivered through 2 Intensive Training Courses ITC to be organized in Lublin and targeting senior and early stage researchers and the administrative staff supporting research Each ITC will last 1 week each and will be structured in specific modules as followsThe 1st ITC on RRI will be held in M7 and will cover the following themes Gender oriented research and gender equality Research integrity and ethics issues Open Science and data management communication and public engagementThen 2nd ITC to be held in M15 will focus on the skills needed to turn research results into innovation mainly research impact research for policy making exploitation and entrepreneurship protection of IPRs

3rd revision of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

A draft Plan for Communication and Dissemination has been developed and provided in section 2.2. It defines the overall strategy for project communication and dissemination and will support partners in developing strategic, coherent and effective communication and dissemination, as well as in encouraging further transfer and use of project results. To ensure that the plan remains up to date, it will be jointly revised at the very beginning of the project and further twice, including in the month 31 (this deliverable). Eurocentro will be responsible for revision of the Communication and Dissemination Plan in the M31 and all partners will contribute to the revision of the plan and make use thereof when developing any activity requiring communication and dissemination.

Final report on Communication activities

Uni-Lublin, as task responsible, will be in charge of elaborating the Final report on Communication activities (D4.6), which will include activities directed to the general public and relevant stakeholders, like: •at least 10 face-to-face meetings, especially in the territory of Lublin arranged to promote the project and to identify strategic collaboration opportunities;•3 REINITIALISE roadshows to be held in M9, M21, M32, in public spaces of Lublin in order to effectively reach and to interact with citizens; •participation to 3 very popular outreach events (e.g. science festivals) to present the project: 1 event is expected in Leuven, 1 in Italy and 1 in Lublin, in the last year of the project;•general public will be also reached through press and media appearances. To this end strong relationships with journalists will be created and 6 press releases are foreseen in occasion of project events/milestones.

1st revision of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

A draft Plan for Communication and Dissemination has been developed and provided in section 22 It defines the overall strategy for project communication and dissemination and will support partners in developing strategic coherent and effective communication and dissemination as well as in encouraging further transfer and use of project results To ensure that the plan remains up to date it will be jointly revised at the very beginning of the project and further twice Eurocentro will be responsible to update the Communication and Dissemination Plan in M2 and all partners will contribute to the revision of the plan and make use thereof when developing any activity requiring communication and dissemination

2nd revision of the Communication and Dissemination Plan

A draft Plan for Communication and Dissemination has been developed and provided in section 22 It defines the overall strategy for project communication and dissemination and will support partners in developing strategic coherent and effective communication and dissemination as well as in encouraging further transfer and use of project results To ensure that the plan remains up to date it will be jointly revised at the very beginning of the project deliverable 15 and further twice including in the month 15 this deliverable Eurocentro will be responsible for revising the Communication and Dissemination Plan in the middle of the project and all partners will contribute to the revision of the plan and make use thereof when developing any activity requiring communication and dissemination

Final Report on dissemination activities

Uni-Lublin, as task responsible, will be in charge of elaborating the Final report on Dissemination activities (D4.8). The report will list and describe all the significant events (conferences, seminars, workshops) organised by REINITIALISE.

Report on mobility programme of senior researchers

Report from the mobility programme for senior researchers from each partners university at the premises of the other partners The mobility will consist of 2 flows1st flow This flow will involve 6 Polish senior researchers who will go in mobility to Leuven and Macerata and will work alongside their more experienced colleagues hosts at KUL and UNIMC for a period of 4 weeks According to a Job shadowing approach ie through observation and investigation in research work job sharing and onsite visits Polish researchers will be able to gain deep insight into the particular research area and learn how their more experienced counterparts are conducting research incl eg methodologies applied how problems are solved how data are collected and analysed In this way the Polish researchers will strengthen their research capacity in their research fields according to an interdisciplinary approach be able to view the process from different angles and have the opportunity to exchange knowledge and ideas with leading scientists from M8 to M122nd flow This flow will involve 6 researchers 3 from KUL and 3 from UNIMC who will go to UMCS for a period of 4 weeks Objectives of the second flow of mobility are to continue the knowledge exchange and above all to further sustain and continue the transfer process by ensuring that knowledge and experience gained by the Polish senior researchers are fed back into UMCS research community when returning from the leading institutionsThis second flow will be based on a crossfunctional approach in the sense of spreading the support not only to those researcher who previously went to the leading institutions but also towards their colleagues in the same departments as well as across other departments and services

Report on the ESRs fellowships

Report on the ESRs fellowships organized in the project in order to promote a strong involvement of ESRs from UMCS. 8 ESRs from the UMCS will have the opportunity to apply for a fellowship lasting 2 months to be spent at KUL or UNIMC (according to their scientific background). During the fellowship ESRs will conduct studies on specific research topics previously identified by the partners within task 1.2 and 1.3. ESRs will be exposed to excellent research environments and will be expected to prepare 1 paper, whose co-author will be researchers of the leading institutions, to be presented at prestigious conferences or submitted to international journals. During the fellowship ESRs will benefit from joint supervision: by a supervisor of UMCS and by a mentor at the hosting institution. Once returned, they will continue to benefit from mentorship given by KUL or UNIMC through the Knowledge Platform (task 3.1).In order to maximise the impact of this experience, preparatory and orientation activities will be made at the sending institution.

Detailed plan for the transfer of knowledge, incl. common interdisciplinary approach

The detailed plan for systematic knowledge transfer according to an interdisciplinary approach from the high performing institutions to the low performing one will be elaborated during 4 academic symposiums This plan will also include the specific responsibilities among the partners in the use of the Knowledge Platform foreseen in task 31 as a support tool to strengthen a continuous transfer process Whenever relevant academic symposiums will also include field studies to laboratories research centres etc of the leading institutions

"Report on the Winter School ""Boosting innovation at UMCS"", incl. practical guidelines on collaboration between academia and non academia"

Report on the Winter School organised in M23 in Lublin. Participants of the Winter School will be UMCS researchers and local stakeholders identified in subtask 2.2.1: its aim is indeed to provide them with the knowledge and soft skills, needed to get ready for the joint collaboration within the Venture Lab. This experience, indeed, represents, for most of the attendants, who would need the right mindset and attitude, a brand new kind of collaboration. The Winter school programme will include the following topics: innovation management, innovation ecosystems, open innovation, how to address commercial exploitation and IPRs issues in collaborative projects, soft skills such as team building and problem solving. At the end of the task, practical guidelines on how to collaborate within an innovation ecosystem will be elaborated.

Report on Learn and Lunch events

Report will be developed from 3 ”Lunch & Learn events” carried out in Lublin targeting local stakeholders interested in the research field of the project. In a very informal context, the Lunch & Learn events will aim: - to present current UMCS research lines related to the project that may be of interest for local stakeholders; - to stimulate local stakeholders to share with researchers their needs in the field of e-health services; - to increase awareness on the role of research as a key driver for innovation and socio-economic growth;- to propose to attendants to undertake a concrete research collaboration with UMCS, through their participation to the Winter school (see subtask 2.2.2) and to the Venture Lab (see task. 2.3). Each event, lasting 2-3 hours each, will target a specific stakeholder category, to better tailor the event according to their expectations and needs, and raise, in a more effective way, their interest in the project. More specifically, the 1st event (M19) will target businesses, business associations and clusters; the 2nd event (M20) will target decision and policy makers; the 3rd one (M21) will target associations of users, foundations or NGOs. After the conclusion of this subtask task, a set of stakeholders willing to start collaborating with UMCS within the framework of the project will be identified.

Report on Interdisciplinary booster sessions

Report from 6 Interdisciplinary booster sessions, lasting half day each, organized in conjunction of the project meetings. The first Interdisciplinary booster session will present principles and best practices on how to conduct an interdisciplinary research. It will be very useful to create and stimulate the pre-requisite for interdisciplinarity and to:•identify common and clear goals, objectives, outcomes, and consensus among team members regarding their collaborative priorities;•define a common scientific language and all the relevant key words from the various disciplines involved.The other Interdisciplinary booster sessions will boost communication and integration among researchers, also by using innovative methodologies (e.g. speed dating, role-playing games). These activities will also benefit from the expertise of Metaforum (think tank of KUL with the aim to stimulate interdisciplinarity) as well as the expertise of UNIMC of SSH disciplines.

Midterm report on Communication activities

UniLublin as task responsible will be in charge of elaborating the Midterm report on Communication activities D45 which will include activities directed to the general public and relevant stakeholders like facetoface meetings especially in the territory of Lublin arranged to promote the project and to identify strategic collaboration opportunities REINITIALISE roadshows to be held in M9 M21 M32 in public spaces of Lublin in order to effectively reach and to interact with citizens participation in very popular outreach events eg science festivals to present the project 1 event is expected in Leuven 1 in Italy and 1 in Lublin in the last year of the project press and media appearances To this end strong relationships with journalists will be created and press releases are foreseen in occasion of project eventsmilestones

Upgraded Research and International Cooperation Centre, incl. report on the skills strengthened /acquired and on the new services offered

The aim of this deliverable is to strengthen the capacity of UMCS , in both attracting and managing EU grants in a successful way. This will be realized through a comprehensive training programme on this topics and a series of short term visits to the grant offices of both KUL and UNIMC. EUC, as task responsible, will be also in charge of elaborating the Report on the strengthened/acquired skills and on the new services offered. The training programme will comprise 3 workshops, webinars and a Summer camp on EU project and will focus both on EU project management and on EU project design. Target groups of the training on EU project design will be UMCS researchers, including ESRs and staff from the International Cooperation Centre and the Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer. Target groups of the training on EU project management will be only the UMCS staff in charge of supporting researchers in the management of funded proposals and writing proposals.More specifically, 3 workshops, lasting half day each, will be held in occasion of the project meetings. Then, starting from M4 to M36, a series of webinars for a total amount of 40 hours will be organized. Workshops and webinars will cover the following themes (in chronological order):•project management, incl. themes related to the sound management of EU funded projects with regard to financial, administrative, legal, reporting and ethical requirements of the European Commission;•EU funding opportunities, with special focus on the ICT and health sector; how to successfully participate at international networking events such as brokerage events;•project design: how to build the project partnership, the logical framework, tip and tricks, how to elaborate the budget, analysis of an application form.Lastly, an EU Project Summer Camp will be held, lasting 1 week, at UMCS in M30. This intensive training will provide a “hands on approach”. Indeed, participants will work on the preparation of an application form for a specific call for proposal, previously identified by the project partners, as a first instrument through which the Joint Research Roadmap (D1.5) will be actually implemented. 2 staff from the UMCS International Cooperation Centre will participate in 1 short term visit at KUL and UNIMC, lasting 1 week each, in order to learn how their grant offices are structured, how they cooperate with departments and which kind of service they offer. These visits will be implemented in the 2nd year of the project.

UMCS strategy for socio-economic impact in the field of e-health

UMCS strategy for socio-economic impact in the field of e-health will be elaborated taking into consideration the results and findings of WP 2 and leveraging on the expertise of the leading institutions. The document will define, in a 5-years framework, the future project and initiatives to be jointly conducted by UMCS and the local stakeholders interested in the research field of the project. More specifically, the document will: •specify needs and expectations of the territory of Lubelskie (businesses, public authorities, citizens) •identify modalities for fostering UMCS collaboration with the business system and public sector to create impact from research and innovation activities (incl. the Lublin Medicine Cluster)•boost entrepreneurship and transfer research results to the market.Similarly to the Joint Research Roadmap (D1.5), the Strategy will also guarantee sustainable collaboration between UMCS and local stakeholders, beyond the end of project, by indicating relevant national and EU funding opportunities (including the ESIF funds). And it will also include a section giving recommendations to UMCS leadership on how to enhance its overall strategy for creating value within the economy and society. To this end 5 meetings with UMCS leadership will be arranged by the Scientific Coordinator in order to share the document before its finalisation.

Joint Research Roadmap

Joint Research Roadmap on how to preserve fundamental rights in the design and use of digital technologies for e-health services will be elaborated and signed in M25.The roadmap will define, in a 5-year framework, the future research lines and initiatives to be jointly conducted by the project partners within the research area of the project. This document will also illustrate the interdisciplinary and integrated approach used within the project and will highlight how to integrate in the above mentioned research, crucial aspects related to gender, research integrity, stakeholder engagement and ethical issues. The Joint Research Roadmap will guarantee sustainability of joint collaboration among project partners, also beyond the end of project, by indicating the national and EU funding opportunities to be grasped to financially sustain the joint collaboration (including the structural funds).Among others, the document will comprise an action plan aiming to boost international exposure and mobility of senior researchers and ESRs after the end of the project. The action plan will include for example: joint co–supervision of PhD students; mobility flow of senior researchers as visiting professors; mobility flow to be conducted by PhD students during their doctoral programmes. The possibilities given by the Marie Curie Action schemes (mainly CO-FUND and RISE) will be carefully analyzed by the partnership and identified in the Roadmap.Lastly, the Roadmap will include a specific section comprising recommendations and suggestions for the UMCS leadership, regarding how to reshape all the university’s research themes according to a challenge-oriented approach, by valorizing internationalization, intersectoriality, interdisciplinarity, attention to ESRs’ training, also with reference to transversal skills. To this end at least 6 internal meetings with UMCS leadership will be arranged by the Scientific Coordinator in order to share the document before its finalisation.

Knowledge Platform

The aim of the Platform is to guarantee a continuous mutual learning process through the setting up of a digital tool allowing an effective transfer of expertise and sharing of practices around the project themes and a mentorship system by the leading institutions The Platform will comprehend the following sections1Repertoire of resources ie shared practices that through a set of stories cases or experiences become a shared repertoire for their practice Examples of such shared repertoire of resources could come from the projects activities Staff Exchanges Academic symposiums etc or from other best practices2Mentorship section allowing UMCS researchers and staff mentees to communicate with representatives of the leading institutions mentors in order to have guidance and support 3Elearning section this will include virtual training content and material collected from project training events joint scientific seminars winter schools webinars etc It will store presentations supporting documents and will be put in open accessAccess to the Platform will be open also to actors outside the partnership who share the communitys domain of interest and who can share and bring knowledge resources and inputs

Initial tools of communication channels, inc. logo, roll up, website, social accounts, brochure

An initial set of communication tools will be set up by M2 consisting of A Project logo to be put on all information promotional and publicity material including documents B Project brochure in paper and electronic format in all partner languages English 500 copies each in NLPLIT 1000 copies in EN and used by each partner for general communication publicity and promotional purposes in meetings conferences and other publicity and dissemination events C a Rollup to be used in public events and conferences D a media kit to be used in media relationships E 3 project social accounts will be set up and constantly updated Facebook Twitter YouTube F a project website in English and PolishA promotional video about the project will be released in M18 in English with subtitles in the national languages Role Eurocentro will develop the logo project brochure rollup media kit website also updating it and social accounts All partners will a translate the brochure and the videos subtitles from English to its own language UniLublin will also translate the website content into Polish b contribute with website content also updated content c update social accounts


Deficyt praw człowieka we współczesnej demokracji liberalnej. Kryzys prawno-instytucjonalny czy doktrynalny? [The deficit of human rights in contemporary liberal democracy. A legal-institutional or doctrinal crisis?].

Auteurs: Agnieszka Demczuk
Publié dans: Naruszenia praw człowieka we współczesnym świecie, 2018, Page(s) 11-26
Éditeur: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego

The Role of International Coalition to Protect Polish Countryside (ICPPC) in the Governance of Poland’s Food Seucrity

Auteurs: Katarzyna Marzęda-Młynarska
Publié dans: Bezpieczeństwo. Teoria i Praktyka, Numéro 4, 2020, Page(s) 303-319
Éditeur: Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM

Koncepcja ‘nietradycyjnych’ zagrożeń bezpieczeństwa [The Concept of Non-Traditional Security Threats]

Auteurs: Katarzyna Marzęda-Młynarska
Publié dans: Zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa w procesach globalizacji. Zagrożenia polityczne [Security Threats in Globalization Processes. Political Threats], 2020, Page(s) 45-62
Éditeur: Wydawnictwo UMCS

How You Say or What You Say? Neural Activity in Message Credibility Evaluation

Auteurs: Łukasz Kwaśniewicz, Grzegorz M. Wójcik, Andrzej Kawiak, Piotr Schneider, Adam Wierzbicki
Publié dans: Computational Science – ICCS 2020 - 20th International Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 3–5, 2020, Proceedings, Part I, Numéro 12137, 2020, Page(s) 312-326, ISBN 978-3-030-50370-3
Éditeur: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-50371-0_23

Utilization of gynaecological care and the role of the gynaecologists in cytological prevention in the light of the national survey in Poland

Auteurs: W. Piątkowski, A. Sadowski-Dudkowska
Publié dans: Critical dialogues in the medical humanities, 2019, Page(s) 22-36
Éditeur: Cambridge Scholars Publ.

„Wojownicy Klawiatury”. Fact-checking i komunikowanie wiedzy o Unii Europejskiej w mediach społecznościowych [The Keyboard Warriors Initiative. Fact-checking and communication of the knowledge about the European Union in social media]

Auteurs: Agnieszka Demczuk
Publié dans: Komunikowanie interdyscyplinarne, 2020, Page(s) 131-162
Éditeur: Wydawnictwo IDMiKS

Zawód lekarza. Ewolucja problematyki w polskiej socjologii medycyny [Role of the physician. Evolution of problems in Polish medical sociology]

Auteurs: Włodzimierz Piątkowski
Publié dans: Zawody Medyczne - ciągłość i zmiana [Medical professions. Continuity and change], 2019, Page(s) 81-100
Éditeur: Towarzystwo Autorów i Wydawców Prac Naukowych Universitas

Look Who’s Talking: Modeling Decision Making Based on Source Credibility

Auteurs: Andrzej Kawiak, Grzegorz M. Wójcik, Lukasz Kwasniewicz, Piotr Schneider, Adam Wierzbicki
Publié dans: Computational Science – ICCS 2020 - 20th International Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 3–5, 2020, Proceedings, Part I, Numéro 12137, 2020, Page(s) 327-341, ISBN 978-3-030-50370-3
Éditeur: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-50371-0_24

Social prestige of internal medicine

Auteurs: Renata Bogusz, Luiza Nowakowska, Anita Majchrowska, Michał Wiechetek, Włodzimierz Piątkowski, Jakub Pawlikowski
Publié dans: Polish Archives of Internal Medicine, 2020, ISSN 1897-9483
Éditeur: Medycyna Praktyczna
DOI: 10.20452/pamw.15129

Whom to Believe? Understanding and Modeling Brain Activity in Source Credibility Evaluation

Auteurs: Andrzej Kawiak, Grzegorz M. Wojcik, Piotr Schneider, Lukasz Kwasniewicz, Adam Wierzbicki
Publié dans: Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, Numéro 14, 2020, ISSN 1662-5196
Éditeur: Frontiers Research Foundation
DOI: 10.3389/fninf.2020.607853

Zagrożenie dla bezpieczeństwa zdrowotnego w sieci [Threat to online health security]

Auteurs: Justyna Kięczkowska
Publié dans: Teka of Political Science and International Relations UMCS, Numéro 13 (2), 2018, Page(s) 97-113, ISSN 1896-8279
Éditeur: Wydawnictwo UMCS

Limbic brain structures and burnout—A systematic review

Auteurs: YeeKong Chow, Jolanta Masiak, Emilia Mikołajewska, Dariusz Mikołajewski, Grzegorz Marcin Wójcik, Brian Wallace, Andy Eugene, Marcin Olajossy
Publié dans: Advances in Medical Sciences, Numéro 63/1, 2018, Page(s) 192-198, ISSN 1896-1126
Éditeur: Medical University of Bialystok
DOI: 10.1016/j.advms.2017.11.004

Public Perception of the Range of Roles Played by Professional Pharmacists

Auteurs: Anita Majchrowska, Renata Bogusz, Luiza Nowakowska, Jakub Pawlikowski, Włodzimierz Piątkowski, Michał Wiechetek
Publié dans: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Numéro 16/15, 2019, Page(s) 2787, ISSN 1660-4601
Éditeur: IJERPH Editorial Office
DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16152787

Fenomen ruchu antyszczepionkowego w cyberprzestrzeni, czyli fake news i postprawda na usługach hipotezy Andrew Wakefielda

Auteurs: Agnieszka Demczuk
Publié dans: Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia de Cultura, Numéro 4 10.24917/20837275.10.4, 2018, Page(s) 92-113, ISSN 2391-4432
Éditeur: Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie
DOI: 10.24917/20837275.10.4.8

Election Marketing and Communication Management in Local Public Sphere

Auteurs: Ilona Biernacka-Ligięza
Publié dans: Zarządzanie Mediami, Numéro 8/4, 2020, Page(s) 495-523, ISSN 2354-0214
Éditeur: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
DOI: 10.4467/23540214zm.20.048.12652

La gobernanza de la seguridad alimentaria en América Latina: desde la cooperación Norte-Sur hacia la cooperación Sur-Sur

Auteurs: Katarzyna Marzęda-Młynarska
Publié dans: Anuario Latinoamericano – Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales, Numéro 7, 2019, Page(s) 131, ISSN 2449-8483
Éditeur: Wydawnictwo UMCS
DOI: 10.17951/al.2019.7.131-151

Self-Medication-Related Behaviors and Poland’s COVID-19 Lockdown

Auteurs: Marta Makowska, Rafał Boguszewski, Michał Nowakowski, Monika Podkowińska
Publié dans: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Numéro 17/22, 2020, Page(s) 8344, ISSN 1660-4601
Éditeur: IJERPH Editorial Office
DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17228344

New Protocol for Quantitative Analysis of Brain Cortex Electroencephalographic Activity in Patients With Psychiatric Disorders

Auteurs: Grzegorz M. Wojcik, Jolanta Masiak, Andrzej Kawiak, Piotr Schneider, Lukasz Kwasniewicz, Nikodem Polak, Anna Gajos-Balinska
Publié dans: Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, Numéro 12, 2018, ISSN 1662-5196
Éditeur: Frontiers Research Foundation
DOI: 10.3389/fninf.2018.00027

Azure Machine Learning tools efficiency in the electroencephalographic signal P300 standard and target responses classification

Auteurs: Grzegorz M. Wójcik, Andrzej Kawiak, Lukasz Kwasniewicz, Piotr Schneider, Jolanta Masiak
Publié dans: Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems, Numéro 15/3, 2019, ISSN 1896-530X
Éditeur: Uniwersytet Jagielloński
DOI: 10.1515/bams-2019-0031

Bioterroryzm jako zagrożenie dla bezpieczeństwa zdrowotnego [Bioterrorism as a threat to health security]

Auteurs: Justyna Kięczkowska
Publié dans: Teka of Political Science and International Relations UMCS, Numéro 14 (1), 2019, Page(s) 31-43, ISSN 2657-8581
Éditeur: Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej

Enhancing Autism Spectrum Disorder Classification in Children Through the Integration of Traditional Statistics and Classical Machine Learning Techniques in EEG Analysis

Auteurs: Jacek Rogala, Jarosław Żygierewicz, Urszula Malinowska, Hanna Cygan, Elżbieta Stawicka, Adam Kobus, Bart Vanrumste
Publié dans: Scientific Reports (2023) 13:21748, Numéro Article number: 21748 (2023), 2023, Page(s) article online, ISSN 2045-2322
Éditeur: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-49048-7

Wolność wypowiedzi i prawo do prywatności w społeczeństwie informacyjnym – wybrane aktualne refleksje

Auteurs: Agnieszka Demczuk
Publié dans: Polityka i Społeczeństwo, Numéro 18/1, 2020, Page(s) 20-40, ISSN 1732-9639
Éditeur: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
DOI: 10.15584/polispol.2020.1.2

„Prawo do bycia zapomnianym” jako szczególne prawo jednostki do kontroli informacji o sobie w społeczeństwie informacyjnym w kontekście RODO [„The right to be forgotten” as a special right of the individual to control information about himself in the information socjety in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) context]

Auteurs: Agnieszka Demczuk
Publié dans: Zarządzanie i Finanse Journal of Management and Finance, Numéro 16 (4), 2018, Page(s) 87-102, ISSN 2084-5189
Éditeur: Wydział Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego

Analysis of Decision-Making Process Using Methods of Quantitative Electroencephalography and Machine Learning Tools

Auteurs: Grzegorz M. Wojcik, Jolanta Masiak, Andrzej Kawiak, Lukasz Kwasniewicz, Piotr Schneider, Filip Postepski, Anna Gajos-Balinska
Publié dans: Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, Numéro 13, 2019, ISSN 1662-5196
Éditeur: Frontiers Research Foundation
DOI: 10.3389/fninf.2019.00073

Socjologia farmaceutyków jako „subpole” socjologii medycyny

Auteurs: Marta Makowska, Michał Nowakowski
Publié dans: Przegląd Socjologiczny, Numéro 67/4, 2018, ISSN 2450-9361
Éditeur: Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
DOI: 10.26485/ps/2018/67.4/5

Beyond bias and discrimination: redefining the AI ethics principle of fairness in healthcare machine‑learning algorithms

Auteurs: Benedetta Giovanola, Simona Tiribelli
Publié dans: AI & SOCIETY, Numéro 38:549–563, 2022, Page(s) online, ISSN 1435-5655
Éditeur: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/s00146-022-01455-6

Mapping the Human Brain in Frequency Band Analysis of Brain Cortex Electroencephalographic Activity for Selected Psychiatric Disorders

Auteurs: Grzegorz M. Wojcik, Jolanta Masiak, Andrzej Kawiak, Lukasz Kwasniewicz, Piotr Schneider, Nikodem Polak, Anna Gajos-Balinska
Publié dans: Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, Numéro 12, 2018, ISSN 1662-5196
Éditeur: Frontiers Research Foundation
DOI: 10.3389/fninf.2018.00073

Zmiany w wymiarach polityki ochrony zdrowia [Changes in the assessment of health policy]

Auteurs: Justyna Kięczkowska
Publié dans: Teka of Political Science and International Relations UMCS, Numéro 13 (1), 2018, Page(s) 109-120, ISSN 1896-8279
Éditeur: Wydawnictwo UMCS

From Medicine to Sociology. Health and Illness in Magdalena Sokołowska’s Research Conceptions

Auteurs: Włodzimierz Piątkowski
Publié dans: 2020, ISBN 9783631820575
Éditeur: Peter Lang Verlag
DOI: 10.3726/b16882

Zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa w procesach globalizacji. Zagrożenia polityczne [Security Threats in Globalization Processes. Political Threats]

Auteurs: H. Chałupczak, K. Marzęda-Młynarska, M. Pietraś, R. Suduł
Publié dans: 2020, ISBN 978-83-227-9423-4
Éditeur: Wydawnictwo UMCS

Digital exclusion among elderly people as the consequences of technological fear and lack of skills - analysis of digital tools usage by the elderly from global perspective

Auteurs: Ilona Biernacka-Ligięza, Joanna Kukier, Mateusz Sobiech
Publié dans: Societies of Anxiety and Fears. Post-Pandemic Reflection, 2024
Éditeur: Brill

Wolność wypowiedzi w społeczeństwie informacyjnym [Freedom of expression in an information society].

Auteurs: Agnieszka Demczuk
Publié dans: 2020, ISBN 978-83-227-9420-3
Éditeur: Wydawnictwo UMCS

Zawody Medyczne - ciągłość i zmiana [Medical professions. Continuity and Change]

Auteurs: A. Majchrowska, J. Pawlikowski, W. Piątkowski
Publié dans: 2019
Éditeur: Towarzystwo Autorów i Wydawców Prac Naukowych Universitas

Informacja – strategia – bezpieczeństwo [Information – Strategy - Safety]

Auteurs: Ilona Biernacka-Ligięza, Piotr Sieńko
Publié dans: 2020
Éditeur: Akademicka Oficyna Wydawnicza EXIT

True Or False: How Does Our Brain Decide About Truth?

Auteurs: Piotr Schneider, Grzegorz M. Wojcik, Andrzej Kawiak, Lukasz Kwasniewicz, Adam Wierzbicki
Publié dans: 2020 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CIBCB), 2020, Page(s) 1-9, ISBN 978-1-7281-9468-4
Éditeur: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/cibcb48159.2020.9277701

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