Periodic Reporting for period 1 - MEESST (MHD Enhanced Entry System for Space Transportation)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2020-10-01 al 2022-03-31
WP1- Simulations of argon plasma experiments have been performed with COOLFluiD (KUL/VKI), HANSA (US) and SAMSA (IRS) codes. COOLFluiD has been extended for magnetized plasma, HANSA for argon, while SAMSA has been run "as-is". COOLFluiD showed the best match with stagnation point heat flux data for un-magnetized cases. SAMSA results have showed the best agreement with shock-standoff distance measurements in magnetized cases so far. All codes showed a consistent qualitative response to magnetic fields. BORAT (BlackOut RAy Tracer) has been extended with a novel 2D/3D Eikonal solver for predicting blackout in magnetized entry plasmas in flight conditions (ExoMars, ARD) and plasma wind tunnel experiments with inputs from the consortium CFD codes and HEGEL (from UIUC).
WP2- Heat flux experiments have been performed in the IRS PWK1 facility with the self-field magnetoplasmadynamic generator RD5. A cylindrical 80mm HF/Pitot probe was selected to measure calorimetric heat flux and stagnation pressure. 3 operating conditions were assessed with respect to the target criteria. Profiles of heat flux, stagnation pressure, Mach number, mass-specific enthalpy were obtained. Optical emission spectroscopy experiments have been conducted and their data are being analysed to determine electron temperature and density. A blackout test campaign has been initiated in the VKI Plasmatron using emitter/receiver antennas connected to a Vector Network Analyzer and considering different operating conditions of power and pressure.
WP5- KIT and THEVA have designed the HTS magnet using improved algorithms and numerical tools for optimizing coil topologies. 900m of 4mm-wide tape was selected as the best option for the MEESST probe, keeping the operating current in an admissible range. After studying 3 configurations, KIT selected a solution with 5 pancakes of equal outer diameter of 142mm for its performance, easier winding and stress management. The coil will be operated at 103A for a probe tip field of about 1.5T. Electric joint tests were performed, most magnet parts were manufactured and the winding will take place on a new automated robotic tape winder. AS and KIT have defined the cooling requirements for the HTS magnet. After having estimated the heat losses (50W at 30K), AS has ordered the long lead item cryocooler. The cryostat is annular to house the plasma analytical tools. An outer water-cooled sleeve alleviates the plasma heat load, maintaining a skin temperature of 350K. Cooling is based on a cryogenic gas flow circulation with a cold box located outside the plasma chambers.
WP6- Dissemination has included the website deployment and a plan with KPIs to identify suitable channels for engaging with stakeholders. External communication has focused on promoting MEESST topic, proposed solution, target applications/benefits at conferences, trade-shows, industry events to raise awareness and generate customer traction. Logo, website and a first video have been designed to reflect MEESST disruptive nature. Exploitation has focused on attracting potential end-users, identifying transversal applications (e.g. HTS-based electric propulsion, radiation shielding for crewed missions and in-space cloud computing) and competing projects (in China, Russia, NZ), definition of a techno-economical roadmap and sourcing of follow-on funding opportunities (e.g. EIC Transition).
WP7- An efficient internal communication strategy has relied on e-mails, Doodle scheduling, ZOOM teleconferences, data/documents (e.g. presentations, MoM, reports) exchange through the intranet. The DMP has been defined. The KOM and 8 online progress meetings have been held, including Advisory Board (AB) members' participation. Issues have been discussed in dedicated meetings with selected partners and corrective measures have been identified. Technical reports have been reviewed by the PC, Executive Board, consortium and AB members before their timely submission. Budget and resource consumption have been kept inline with the initial planning. A 6-month amendment till 31/3/2024 has been requested and granted.