Die Herausforderungen von LGBT-Familien besser verstehen
LGBT-Rechte und die Bekämpfung von Diskriminierung aufgrund von Geschlecht oder Zugehörigkeit zu einer sexuellen Minderheit zählen zu den erklärten Prioritäten der Europäischen Union (EU). In den vergangenen Jahrzehnten haben immer mehr EU-Mitgliedstaaten die gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe anerkannt und Adoptionen durch gleichgeschlechtliche Paare erlaubt. In Frankreich besteht zwar seit 2013 die Möglichkeit dazu, jedoch sind nur wenige Kinder zur Adoption freigegeben, und künstliche Befruchtung ist für Alleinstehende und gleichgeschlechtliche Paare bislang noch verboten. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt LGBTQ Parenthood wird den Zugang zu Elternschaft und den Kinderwunsch unter LGBTQ-Erwachsenen in Frankreich und den USA vergleichen, um unser Verständnis von den Herausforderungen, mit denen LGBT-Familien konfrontiert sind, zu verbessern. Die Projektarbeit wird außerdem eine Analyse der Auswirkungen öffentlicher Maßnahmen in verschiedenen Ländern umfassen.
"LGBT rights and non-discrimination policies towards gender and sexual orientation are at the top of the European Union’s priorities. Over the last decades, Western countries greatly improved the legal recognition of LGBTQ families, while an increasingly part of them are allowing same-sex couples to marry and to access adoption process and/or artificial reproductive technologies (ART). In France, same-sex couples can adopt children since their legal possibility to marry in 2013, but as there are very few minor children to adopt through the accredited adoption agencies, most of them try to develop other possibilities by conceiving their own biological children. The dramatic changes in the legal contexts simultaneously imply a generational shift in the routes to parenthood among LGBTQ people. However, the legal restriction preventing single women and women couples to access ART and the prohibition of surrogacy in France compel same-sex couples to engage ""procreative migrations"" in other countries, which carry economic inequalities. People who face strong barriers to achieve their parental desires thus may be lest satisfied with their life, face higher risks of depression and feel less support within their families of origin. Therefore, while most research focused on well-being among children raised by same-sex couples, access to parenthood also raises mental health issues among LGBTQ adults. Cross-national insights between France and US, using mixed methods in the two countries, will then highlight policy effects in the family lives of gender and sexual minorities, and thus challenge policy makers. The analysis of LGBTQ parenthood across generations will also contributing to enlighten social change. Consequently, the research project will lead to better understanding of LGBTQ families and the challenge they face, but also to initiating scientific discussions in France concerning their inclusion in surveys and research works."
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93322 Aubervilliers Cedex