Periodic Reporting for period 1 - METABONE (A new approach of metastatic bone fracture prediction using a patient-specific model including metastatic tissue, daily-life activities and local failure criteria)
Berichtszeitraum: 2020-06-15 bis 2022-06-14
During this fellowship, the mechanical properties of primary tumour and bone metastases have been characterised and implemented into a subject-specific finite element model of metastatic femur. A quantification of several sources of uncertainties in the model and how they influence the predicted failure load have been performed and will allow a standardisation of the whole process for a clinical application.
In parallel, I worked on the development of a subject-specific finite element model of metastatic femurs, using ex vivo data (QCT scans and biomechanical tests). I conducted a sensitivity analysis to evaluate the influence of bone metastasis mechanical properties on the predicted failure load of the model, depending on defect size and location. I showed that tumour mechanical properties do not have a significant influence on the failure load for a small defect, but result in a variation of the predicted failure load when the tumour size increases, demonstrating the necessity to take into account the variability in tumour mechanical properties for failure load prediction. The method that I implemented for changing the mechanical properties of the tumour and the size of the tumour have clinical implications, as it can allow the follow-up of patients and predict for which tumour size there is a risk of fracture. We also evaluated the inter-operator variability of the finite element model and we identified which parameters have the highest influence on the failure load prediction. These findings demonstrate the need to standardize the whole process for a clinical application. They will be used to automate the method and quantify the uncertainty on the predicted failure load.
In parallel, I worked on the development of a subject-specific finite element model of metastatic femur to predict its fracture risk. Several uncertainties exist on the whole method and the aim of this numerical part was to quantify and reduce some of these uncertainties. To identify and quantify the sources of uncertainty in the numerical framework, I (a) assessed the inter-operator variability in the finite element model, and (b) performed a sensitivity study on the mechanical properties of the tumour. The inter-operator study demonstrated that specific guidelines are mandatory for the finite element analysis. More specifically, there is a need to (a) control and estimate the uncertainty on these operator-dependent parameters in the FE analysis, and (b) standardize the whole process for a clinical application. the sensitivity analysis on tumour mechanical properties showed that a modification of tumour mechanical properties result in a variation of the predicted failure load when the tumour size increases. This results demonstrate the necessity to take into account the variability in tumour mechanical properties for failure load prediction. Efforts towards the quantification and reduction of the uncertainities in the model will allow its clinical application, to predict the fracture risk of metastatic femur in patients. The objective is to provide a decision tool for clinicians (cancer treatment or preventive surgery). This tool is expected to significantly improve the quality of life of patients with bone metastases and decrease costs of unnecessary surgery.