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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Dedicated to stimulate demand for sustainable energy skills in the construction sector

CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.

I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .

Risultati finali

Storybook on how to increase the demand for EE skills based on BUSLeague experiences

The BUSLeague stories told during PMT meetings will be collected in a storybook on how to increase the demand for EE skills based on BUSLeague experiences Language EN

Final Executive Publishable Report

A final public report summarizing the results of the project over the whole project duration Languages EN ES NL FR BG DE

Report on BUSLeague activities from an anthropological perspective

In this deliverable BUSLeague activities are evaluated from anthropological perspective Language EN

Initial Best Practice Procurement Policy Guide with energy efficiency clause

An evidence based best practice guide on incorporating the energy efficiencynZEB training clause into procurement policy Language EN

Ethnographic Research Report on the recognition of energy efficiency skills

Ethnographic Research Report on the recognition of energy efficiency skills It includes analysis and interpretation of the results together with lessons learnt Language EN

Evaluation Report of the educational perspective and roadmap

In this deliverable BUSLeague activities are evaluated from educational perspective It also includes an overview of next steps to be taken to further improve interventions to increase the motivation of the workforce to engage in upskilling activities Language EN

Established Energy Skills Quality Repository

This deliverable describes the established Energy Skills Quality Repository Language EN

"Report on incorporating ""Energy efficiency/nZEB"" training clause into Public Procurement"

The results of the consultation of public authorities willing to pilot and test the clause on forthcoming tender will be summarized in a short report on main barriers to Incorporate Energy efficiencynZEB training clause into Public Procurement Language EN

Recommendations and adapted qualification Report

Recommendations on qualification mechanisms and adapted qualificationThe final deliverable will include activities and outputs including design of participation incentives focus groups guidelines focus groups discussions round table presentations functioning design and round table minutes Language EN

Report on defining personal recognition for each country

In order to establish personal recognition in each country based on the outcomes of the inventory a draft process for assigning and storing personal recognitions will be described in this deliverable Language EN

Final report on Dissemination and Communication activities

A report with the final dissemination and communication plans including results of performed activities Language EN

Report on proven approaches on the recognition of energy efficiency skills

In this report results and proven experiences regarding recognition of skills including proving practical skills and the effect of recognition on stimulating market demand in the countries involved will be collected and analysed Including lessons learned Language EN

Initial guide on Financial Mechanisms for Renovations

A guide for public authorities and financial institutions on how to apply financial mechanisms that encourage the use of skilled workersprofessionals in homebuilding renovations Language EN

Final Report on Financial Mechanisms for Renovations

Final version of the guide for public authorities and financial institutions on how to apply financial mechanisms that encourage the use of skilled workersprofessionals in homebuilding renovations Reflecting on BUSLeague experiences Language EN

Awareness Campaign Guide to stimulate skill based demand

Awareness Campaign Guide building upon lessons learned during the carried out awareness campaigns at DIYHardware stores Language EN

Final Best Practice Procurement Policy with energy efficiency clause

A final version of the evidence based best practice guide on incorporating the energy efficiencynZEB training clause into procurement policy This guide will draw from the experience of the authorities pilotingtesting the clause to ensure their experiences are reflected Language EN

Report on strategies to improve the energy skills of blue collar workers

This report bundles methodologies and tools to evaluate the energy skills of the blue collar workers This in order to formulate strategies to prove and improve the energy skills Language EN

Report on training content and resources

Report on the provision of mutual training content and resources Language EN

Guide for Methodologies and Pedagogical Training Tools

This guide presents the in BUSLeague developed methodologies and pedagogical tools to organise training and demonstrationmodels on energy efficiency and sustainable products at the DIYHardware stores A draft version of this deliverable will be available at M16 the final version at M28Language EN

Overview of applied e-learning interactions

This deliverable contains an overview of the applied elearning interactions and experiences with their use in practice A first draft will be available at M16 and a second at M28 Language EN

Project Website

Operative Website for the BUSLeague project Language EN

Social media and channels

The project will create its own account at a minimum on Facebook Twitter LinkedIn and YouTube Language EN

Qualification for the recognition of energy efficiency skills

This report describes the Qualification for the recognition of energy efficiency skillsLanguage ENThe qualification itself will be part of the BUILD UP Skills app database this in applied languages EN ES NL FR BG DE


“New Horizons for Applied Ethnography. Ethnography-Inspired Research at the Core of Energy Efficiency Horizon 2020 R&D Projects”

Autori: Gregor Cerinšek, Dan Podjed, Sara Arko, Domen Bančič, Jure Vetršek
Pubblicato in: Conference Proceedings from the 6th International Conference on New Business Models - New Business Models in a Decade of Action: Sustainable, Evidence-based, Impactfutfull., 2021, Pagina/e 796-812, ISBN 978-91-88749-68-0
Editore: Halmstad University Press

Sustainable Energy Skills in the Construction Sector 2.0

Autori: Maktabifard, M.; McCormack, P.; Jammet, M.; Jakob, U.; Lucas, J.; Stojanovska-Georgievska, L.; O’Reilly, P.; Petri, I.; Wagenhofer, G.; Raetchi, S.; Karasek, J.
Pubblicato in: MDPI, 2021
Editore: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/environsciproc2021011020

Sustainable Energy Skills in the Construction Sector

Autori: Agnieszka Kowalska, Mohaddeseh Maktabifard, Sylvain Kubicki, Dragomir Tzanev, Peter Gyuris, Seamus Hoyne and Jan Cromwijk
Pubblicato in: MDPI, Numero Proceedings 2020, 65, 27, 2021
Editore: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/proceedings2020065027


Autori: Hirose, L., Dennerlein, S. M., de Jong, L., & Endedijk, M. D.
Pubblicato in: 2022
Editore: SocArXiv
DOI: 10.31235/

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